Fertility gradient experiment
The green fodder yield of maize obtained was 20700, 33475 and 42375 kg ha
-1 in low, medium and high fertility strips. High fertility strip recorded an increase in maize fodder yield of 26 % and 104 % over medium and low fertility strips, which was attributed to gradual increase in fertilizer doses from low to high fertility strip (Table 2). The difference in yield between the strips was due to improved nutrient availability in synchrony with crop nutrient needs in high fertility strip, resulting in improved nutrient uptake by fodder maize.
Roopa (2019) and
Saranya et al., (2012) also reported the purposeful production of fertility gradients by the application of graded quantities of N, P
5and K
2O fertilizers in
vertisols and
inceptisols at Dharwad and Coimbatore, respectively.
Higher nutrient uptake and available soil nutrients were recorded on High fertility strip followed by medium and low (Table 2). The higher post-harvest available N levels in high fertility strip was due to the better adsorption of NH
4+ ions by organic and inorganic colloids of the soil
(Havlin et al., 2009). The increased availability of P
5 was attributed to the application of phosphatic fertilizer at graded levels either on par with or over and above the P fixing capacity of the experimental field, more of P would have remained in the soil solution
(Dibb et al., 1990). Higher soil K
2O in high fertility strip was due to the application of graded levels of potassic fertilizers either on par with or over and above the K fixing capacity of the soil and the probable retention of the added K by the soil colloids in the exchangeable form (
Subba Rao and Brar, 2002).
Test crop experiment
Nutrient requirement
The data emanated from the present investigation revealed that the nutrient requirement to produce one quintal of maize was 2.89 kg of N, 0.77 kg of P
5 and 1.92 kg K
2O (Table 3). The Nutrient requirement of N was higher, followed by K
2O and P
5. The requirement of N was 3.75 times higher than P
5 and 1.50 times higher than K
2O. Similar results of higher N requirement followed by higher K
2O and P
5 requirement were reported by
Madhavi et al., (2020) and
Udayakumar and Santhi (2017) for sesamum and pearl millet, respectively.
Per cent contribution of nutrients from soil (Cs) and fertilizers (Cf) to total uptake of maize
The contribution of nutrients from soil to maize was higher for P (50.10%) followed by N (22.08%) and K (14.27%) (Table 3). With regard to N and K, comparatively lower Cs was recorded which might be due to preferential nature of maize towards applied N and K
2O than the native N and K. This was in accordance with the findings of
Muralidharudu et al., (2007) on hybrid maize.
The contribution from fertilizer nutrients (Cf) towards the total uptake by maize was 65.03, 42.58 and 92.91 per cent, respectively for N, P
5 and K
2O (Table 3). The estimated per cent contribution of nutrients from fertilizers (Cf) to total uptake clearly revealed the fact that the magnitude of contribution by fertilizer K
2O was 2.18 times higher than P
5 and 1.43 times as that of N. The contribution of nutrients towards the total uptake by maize was higher from fertilizers than that from soil for all the three nutrients
viz., N, P
5 and K
Anonymous (2012) also reported similar trend for hybrid maize on black soil.
Muralidharudu et al., (2007) and
Kashyap et al., (2018) observed similar trend of results for jute in West Bengal and rice on Alluvial soils in Assam.
Contribution of nutrients from FYM to the total uptake of maize
The estimated per cent contribution of N, P
5 and K
2O from FYM (Cfym) were 50.54, 26.43 and 47.71, respectively for maize which indicates that relatively higher contribution was observed for N followed by K
2O and P
5 (Table 3). Higher contribution of N from FYM than any other nutrient in wheat crop was concordant with the findings of
Santhi et al., (2002) and
Saranya et al., (2012).
Fertilizer prescription equations for maize
Soil test based fertilizer prescription equations for desired yield target of maize were formulated using the basic parameters and are furnished below:
Fertilizer prescription equations under STCR-NPK alone and STCR-IPNS approach
STCR-NPK alone target yield equations
FN = (4.44×T)-(0.34×SN)
FP2O5 = (1.81×T)-(1.18×SP2O5)
FK2O = (2.07×T)-(0.15×SK2O)
STCR-IPNS target yield equations
FN = (4.44×T)-(0.34×SN)-(0.78×FYM N)
FP2O5 = (1.81×T)-(1.18 x SP2O5)-(0.62×FYM P2O5)
FK2O = (2.07×T)-(0.15 x SK2O)-(0.51×FYM K2O)
FN, FP and FK= Fertilizer N, P
5 and K
2O in kg ha
Here T= Target yield in q ha
SN, SP and SK= Soil available N, P and K in kg ha
FYMN, FYMP and FYMK= N, P and K through FYM in kg ha
Economy of fertilizer use
Fertilizer doses for achieved desired target yield of maize were calculated (Table 4). The extent of saving of inorganic fertilizers for maize under STCR-IPNS approach was 40.1, 13.7 and 22.9 kg fertilizer N, P
5 and K
2O respectively. The per cent of fertilizer saved was higher for 60 q ha
-1 target yield as compared to 80 and 100 q ha
-1 target yield. This is mainly due to the increase in fertilizers with increasing target yield at fixed supply of FYM and soil available nutrients. Increase in soil fertility levels, lead to decrease in fertilizer doses to be applied resulting in higher percentage saving of fertilizers. On the other hand, increase in target yields lead to increase in fertilizer doses to be applied. Similar trend of results were reported by
Santhi et al., (2011) in beetroot on
Anon (2012) in maize on
vertisols and
Coumaravel (2012) in maize on
Results of validation trail
The perusal data on grain yield revealed that STCR-IPNS equation with 100 q ha
-1 target yield recorded superior grain yield than other treatments and was on par with Jabalpur STCR equation with 100 q ha
-1 target yield and the STCR-NPK alone equation with 100 q ha
-1 target yield (Table 5). The STCR-IPNS equation with a target yield of 100 q ha
-1 increased grain yield by 67% above the recommended package of practises.