Variation in agronomic traits
Nine qualitative traits were evaluated among the 300 bean landraces and diverse phenotypes were observed (Fig 1).
Approximately 50% of the germplasm showed an indeterminate upright growth habit, while the remaining 50% showed determinate and indeterminate bush growth habits. The banner and wings of flowers showed both solid and patterned colors; however, only a few accessions displayed patterned colors in the wings. Pods showed more diverse colors at maturity than at harvest stage. Most bean accessions produced slightly curved or straight pods containing weak- or medium-brilliance seeds and the seeds showed eight different colors and five different shapes. All 11 quantitative traits examined in this study showed wide variation between the bean landraces (Table 1).
DTF (days to flowering, 53.74±5.22 days) and DTM (days to maturity, 87.42±11.47 days) were approximately 1 month apart. The average PL and PW were 11.51±2.44 cm and 12.09±2.88 mm, respectively. Among the seed-related traits, SA (79.00±21.81 mm
2) and 100SW (100-seed weight, 38.04±12.86 g) showed the greatest variation. The K-means clustering results revealed three clusters (Fig S1).
The clusters 1, 2 and 3 consisted of 132, 75 and 93 accessions, respectively. Average values of SA, SP, SL, SW, 100SW and PW increased in the order of 1, 2 and 3, whereas average values of SNPP decreased, indicating that these traits were the primary clustering determinants. Also, cluster 3 had higher DTF and DTM values than clusters 1 and 2. The average values of PL and L/W increased in the order of cluster 2, 3 and 1.
Variation in seed amylose and starch contents
The starch, amylose and percent amylose contents of bean seeds varied considerably between the landraces. The average values and ranges of starch, amylose and percent amylose contents were 32.21±3.32 mg/100 mg flour (range, 22.20-43.36 mg/100 mg flour), 15.51±1.67 mg/100 mg flour (range, 10.03-19.70 mg/100 mg flour) and 48.24%±3.19% (range, 39.95-63.57%), respectively (Table 2).
Previous studies on common bean cultivars revealed variation in seed starch and amylose contents, ranging from 15.4 to 60 mg/100 mg flour and 10.2% to 51.1% amylose content
(Keskin et al., 2022; Tayade et al., 2019). Whereas the range of starch content of 300 common bean landraces investigated in the current study (22.20-43.36 mg/100 mg flour) was within that reported previously, the range of amylose content of these landraces (39.95-63.57%) was not completely consistent with previous data. Among the 300 landraces examined, the amylose content of 22 landraces was more than 52%. This extreme variation in seed amylose content observed between the 300 landraces could be explained by the diverse geographical origins of the landraces
(Kanwar and Mehta, 2018;
Murube et al., 2021). Moreover, common bean starch contains the highest amylose content compared with other legume starches
(Punia et al., 2020); therefore, finding bean accessions with high amylose content is not difficult.
GBSS1a haplotype analysis
Relative to the
GBSS1a reference gene sequence of ‘G19833’, the common bean germplasm investigated in this study showed two non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 10 of the
GBSS1a gene at 2,748 and 2,878 bp positions (Fig 2).
The SNPs at 2,748 and 2,878 bp were predicted to cause tyrosine (Y, TAT) to asparagine (N, AAT) and proline (P, CCA) to glutamine (Q, CAA) substitutions, respectively. Three different SNP haplotypes were identified in the germplasm, which were named according to the combination of amino acids: YP haplotype, which was identical to the reference sequence and YQ and NP haplotypes, which carried one amino acid substitution relative to the reference sequence (Fig 2). Notably, the NQ haplotype, carrying two amino acid substitutions relative to the reference, was not found among the 300 common bean landraces investigated in this study.
Correlation analysis between amylose content and agronomic traits
We examined the correlation between seed amylose content and 11 quantitative agronomic traits by determining the Pearson correlation coefficient at
p<0.05 (Fig 3).
The results showed that amylose content was positively correlated with PW, SW, SA, 100SW, SP and SL.
Purwanti et al., (2019) reported a significant positive correlation between amylose content and seed size in lablab bean (
Dolichos lablab L.) seeds, consistent with the current study on common bean seeds. On the other hand, we also found that SNPP showed a negative correlation with amylose content and seed size, implying that an increase in SNPP is accompanied by a decrease in seed size, resulting in lower amylose content. Furthermore, analysis of the correlation between amylose content and seed weight in previous studies produced different results, depending on the plant species or germplasm under investigation. For example,
Rivera et al., (2018) reported no correlation between amylose content and 100-seed weight in a Spanish core collection of common bean accessions, whereas
Tahir et al., (2011) reported a negative correlation between amylose content and 1,000-seed weight in lentil (
Lens culinaris Medik.). In contrast to these studies, we identified a positive correlation between amylose content and 100SW in a collection of 300 common bean landraces.
Correlation analysis between amylose content and GBSS1a Haplotype
Common bean landraces with the YP, YQ and NP haplotypes of the
GBSS1a gene contained 48.31%±3.52%, 47.57%±2.76% and 49.37%±3.08% amylose, respectively. Landraces with the NP haplotype showed higher amylose content than those with YQ haplotype (
p<0.05) (Table 3).
However, this correlation could not fully explain the tremendous amount of variation in seed amylose content in bean germplasm, demonstrating amylose content is a quantitative trait influenced by numerous genes.