The data presented in Table 2 indicated that the pheromone trap catches of
S. exigua were negligible during 42
nd and 43
rd standard week and gradually increased and reached peak level at 45
th standard week (14.6 adult moths/trap/week) and further started to decrease. Whereas pheromone trap catches of
H. armigera were negligible from 42
nd to 50
th standard week. From 51
th standard week started to increase and reached peak level at 05
th standard week (14.68 adult moth trap catches/trap/week) during 2020-21.
During 2020-21 pheromone trap catches of
S. exigua adult moth were positive correlated with weather parameter like minimum temperature (0.50), rainfall (0.30) and negatively correlated with morning relative humidity (-0.61). Regression analysis of the
S. exigua incidence during 2020-21 indicates that all the parameters
i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and rainfall together influenced
S.exigua incidence to the extent of 59 per cent (R
2 = 0.59).
The full model regression equations developed is as follows.
Y= 113.4+ (0.28) Max Temp + (-2.18) Min Temp + (-1.04) Morning RH + (0.43) Evening RH + (-0.23) RF
During 2020-21 pheromone trap catches of
H. armigera adult moth were positive correlated with weather parameter like morning relative humidity (0.49), maximum temperature (0.23) and negatively correlated with minimum temperature (-0.57), evening relative humidity (-0.41).
Regression analysis of the
H. armigera incidence during 2020-21 indicates that all the parameters
i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and rainfall together influenced
H. armigera incidence to the extent of 74 per cent (R
2 = 0.74).
The full model regression equations developed is as follows.
Y= -76.8 + (0.54) Max Temp + (0.66) Min Temp + (0.77) Morning RH + (-0.38) Evening RH + (0.30) RF
The data presented in Table 3 indicated that the pheromone trap catches of
S. exigua were negligible during 42
nd and 43
rd standard week and gradually increased with 15.2 adult moth trap catches/trap/week) and further started to decrease. Whereas pheromone trap catches of
H. armigera were negligible from 42
nd to 49
th standard week. From 50
th standard week started to increase and reached peak level at 05
th standard week (19.36 adult moth trap catches/trap/week) during 2021-22.
Sagar et al., (2022) reported that the
H. armigera population initiation took place from 6
th SMW and reached the peak during 12
th and 15
th SMW with 37.3 and 62 male moths/trap/week during 2015-16 and 2017-18 respectively.
During 2021-22 pheromone trap catches of
H. armigera adult moth were positive correlated with weather parameter like evening relative humidity (0.09) and negatively correlated with minimum temperature (-0.66), relative humidity morning (-0.38).
Regression analysis of the
H. armigera incidence during 2021-22 indicates that all the parameters
i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and rainfall together influenced
H. armigera incidence to the extent of 50 per cent (R
2 = 0.50).
Mehra Keshav et al., (2023) reported that all weather parameters collectively accounted for 81.30 and 52.20 per cent variability in
H. armigera larval population of pod borer during 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively.
The full model regression equations developed is as follows.
Y= 87.5+ (-1.02) Max Temp + (-1.17) Min Temp + (-0.23) Morning RH + (0.01) Evening RH + (-0.07) RF
During 2021-22 pheromone trap catches of
S. exigua adult moth were positive correlated with weather parameter like rainfall (0.61), minimum temperature (0.44) and negatively correlated with maximum temperature (-0.26).
Regression analysis of the
S. exigua incidence during 2021-22 indicates that all the parameters
i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and rainfall together influenced
S. exigua incidence to the extent of 61 per cent (R
2 = 0.61).
The full model regression equations developed is as follows.
Y= 23.4+ (-1.41) Max Temp + (0.94) Min Temp + (0.04) Morning RH + (-0.08) Evening RH + (0.11) RF
Kamakshi et al., (2018) reported that pheromone trap catches of
S. exigua adult moth in chickpea has positive correlation with minimum temperature (r=0.78), maximum temperature (r=0.73) and soil temperature (r=0.887) and negatively correlated with morning relative humidity (r=0.544). Similarly,
Spoorthi et al., (2017) revealed that pheromone trap catches of
H. armigera adult moth in chickpea has positive correlation with relative humidity (r=0.27) and rainfall (r= 0.09) during
Rabi season, 2016-17.
Maximum larval population was recorded in farmers practice compared to IPDM technology. The mean larval population of
H. armigera/10 plants of two years were 1.4 in IPDM module over 8.23 larval population/10 plants in farmers practice. Whereas, mean larval population of
S. exigua/10 plants of two years were 1.87 in IPDM module over 4.12 larval population/10 plants in farmers practice (Table 4).
Shankar et al., (2014) reported that the larval density of
H. armigera (0.3/10 plants and 1.1/10 plants) and
S. exigua (0.2/10 plants and 42.7/10 plants) on chickpea in Andhra Pradesh during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 post rainy season respectively.
Vipin kumar et al., (2022) reported that one
H. armigera larvae density/plant, 29.05, 24.78 per cent pods were damaged during 2015-16 and 2016-17, respectively and with the increase in larvae density/ plant there was increase in damage pods. At 2, 3, 4 and 5 larval density per plant, the percentage of damaged pods on number basis were 39.16, 48.78, 52.50 and 64.55 during 2015-16. While 36.45, 47.78, 56.32 and 67.76 per cent respectively during 2016-17.
Weather and climatic factors influence the wilt incidence
During the demonstration period
i.e from October II fortnight to February I fortnight, 231.3 mm and 248.95 mm of rainfall was received during 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively. Maximum mean temperature was 31.50°C and 29.89°C; minimum mean temperature was 22.23°C and 21.66°C; mean morning relative humidity was 94.15 per cent and 92.86 per cent; mean evening relative humidity was 58.31 per cent and 54.61 per cent during 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively (Table 5). The spread of wilt pathogens is more in heavy soil types compared to light soils and also wilt incidence was higher under rainfed conditions due to favourable conditions of high temperature and low moisture prevailed during crop growth period
Thaware et al., (2015). Wilt incidence increases when chickpea is grown in warmer and drier climates (>25°C)
(Nene et al., 2012).
Higher per cent of wilt disease incidence was recorded in farmers practice compared to IPDM practice. The mean wilt disease incidence of two years was 7.5 per cent in IPDM module over 18 per cent in farmers practice (Table 6). Heavy incidence of wilt disease was encountered in farmers practice due to not sowing of resistant variety, no seed treatment and lack of application of
Trichoderma viride in the fields while it got checked in IPDM fields.
Parmar et al., (2021) revealed that seed biopriming of
T. viride or
T. asperellum followed by soil application of
T. viride or
T. asperellum enriched FYM found significant for the disease management as well as higher yields.
Venakataramanamma et al., (2018) reported that the NBeG 49 genotype showed resistant reaction to wilt disease incidence in the field and green house screening with an average wilt disease incidence of 5.50 per cent during 2014-15 and 2015-16. Similarly,
Badariprasad et al., (2019) reported that NBeG 47 chickpea variety found tolerant to
Fusarium wilt disease incidence with an average of 9.09 per cent compared to check variety JG 11 where per cent of wilt disease incidence is 13.52. The pathogen
oxysporum f. sp.
ciceris is a highly variable nature of growth, colonization and infection also. So, it regularly overcomes the host (chickpea) resistance and causes highly yield loss with their pathogenic nature. The individual management strategy was not applicable to control the pathogen and yield loss. Despite a combined application strategy was given better management in the wilt of chickpea especially on
Rabi season. (
Mural sankar et al., 2022).
Regular monitoring of the insect pests and diseases in the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 revealed that defoliating insect pests
Spodoptera exigua, Helicoverpa armigera are the major insect pests followed by low infestation of aphids. Among diseases,
Fusarium wilt and dry root rot was the major problem followed by rust and blight. Rust disease which became serious problem during 2021-22.
Yield impact
The mean yield of farmers practice was 11.25 q/ha. Whereas it was 13.78 q/ha in IPDM module. In IPDM module, which gave 22.48 per cent increase in yield over farmers practice. Economic performances of chickpea under front line demonstration were depicted in (Table 7).
Jat, B.L (2020) reported that average chickpea yield production was 19.2 and 19.8 q/ha was observed in demonstrated technology as compared to farmer’s practices (15.6 and 15.4 q/ha during 2018-19 and 2019-20 years, respectively.
Economic impact
In this study, the economic impact of technology was worked out by calculating total cost of cultivation, gross return, net return and C:B ratio of IPDM module followed plot and farmer practice plot. Total cost was calculated by total sum of expenditure of land preparation, seed, irrigation, labour component, cost incurred for fertilizers, pesticides and harvesting.
The economic analysis results revealed that the chickpea recorded highest mean gross returns of IPDM module were 62015 Rs ha
-1 as compared to 50625 Rs. ha
-1 farmers practice. Net returns of IPDM module were 34314 Rs ha
-1 as compared to 23275 Rs ha
-1 in farmers practice. The C:B ratio in IPDM module was 1:2.23 while, in farmer practice was 1:1.87. IPDM module proved beneficial in respect of yield and economics of chickpea (Table7).
It was evident from the results that C:B ratio of chickpea crop in IPDM module was higher than the farmer practice. The factor responsible for lower C:B ratio in farmer practice because of non adoption of IPDM module for defoliating insect pests and wilt disease management in chickpea crop. However, increase in C:B ratio in treatment plot was due to the adoption of IPDM module.
The present findings are in conformity with the findings of
Yadav et al., (2022) reported an average yield of 19.85 q/ha with net returns of Rs. 74690 (C:B 1:3.1) in IPM plot compared to farmers practices which obtained an yield of 14.5 q/ha with net returns of Rs. 46935 (C:B 1:1.8) in chickpea crop. Similarly,
Jayalakshmi et al., (2022) reported an average yield of 14.36 q/ha with improved desi variety Nandyal gram 49 by following improved technology (IPM and IDM) in demonstration field whereas in farmers practice field which obtained an yield of 12.05 q/ha in chickpea crop.