Helicoverpa armigera population
Adult population of
H. armigera during three seasons in chickpea (
rabi) when plotted against the SMW (Fig 1), evinced that the population initiation took place from 6
th SMW and reached the peak during 12
th and 15
th SMW with 37.3 and 62 male moths/trap/week during 2015-16 and 2017-18 respectively, while in 2016-17 the population reached the peak twice with 134.5 and 120 male moths/trap/week during 10
th and 14
th SMW, respectively.
At different phenological stages of chickpea
viz., from emergence to maturity stage, the
H. armigera population varied from 0 to 66.3, 0 to 256 and 0 to 124 with respective cumulative population of 148, 555 and 167 male moth catches during
rabi 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18, respectively (Table 1). Among different phenological stages, highest population was recorded during both pod formation and crop maturity stage during 2015-16 and 2017-18, while it was maximum during 50 per cent flowering and maturity stage in 2016-17. It can be inferred from the results that maximum trap catches coincided with reproductive stage of the crop. Earlier also
Kahrarian (2012) in Iran observed the peak activity of chickpea pod borer (
Heliothis viriplaca) having coincided with 50% flowering stage of the crop.
Among three years, GDD (905.26°Cd) and cumulative rainfall (79.2 mm) were highest during 2016-17, which also had highest cumulative male moth trap catches during 51-15 SMW (Table 2). It thus revealed that GDD and cumulative rainfall during 51-10 SMW had a direct relationship with the pest population buildup in chickpea.
Growing degree days and heliothermal units
The GDD of chickpea ranged between 84.3 to 1897.8°Cd that corresponded with germination to maturity stages of chickpea across the three years. From emergence to maturity stage, the GDD varied significantly with 104.9 to 1861.9, 111.12 to 1897.8 and 84.3 to 1811.6°Cd during
rabi 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively (Table 1). Among the three seasons the GDD was found to be highest during 2016-17, during which cumulative male moth trap catches were also found to be highest (555 trap catches). The heliothermal units of chickpea ranged from 514 to 13778.1, 644.96 to 16700.6 and 531.09 to 14855.1 during
rabi 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively with maximum heliothermal units during 2016-17. Earlier, The relationship between GDD and pest population and opined that the GDD of 1-10 SMW had direct relationship with population build-up of
H. armigera during chickpea season (
Anonymous, 2007).
Relationship between growing degree days and heliothermal units of chickpea with male moth catches of H. armigera
The linear regression of the weather based indices with
H. armigera population depicted that the GDD (
H. armigera population = 0.0062x-0.648, R
2=0.637) and HTU (
H. armigera population = 0.0007x+0.271, R
2=0.714) explained 64 and 71 per cent variation, respectively in the pest population across the three seasons (Fig 3 and 4).
Ahmed and Khalique (2002) developed the prediction models for
H. armigera using degree-day accumulation method and predicted the start, peak and end of
H. armigera trap catches in chickpea based on them.
Mussey and Potter (1997) opined that plant phenological sequences could be used as reliable indicators for predicting insect activity from year to year with greater consistency compared to weather which exhibits tremendous variation.