Effect of colchicine on germination and abnormality of rice variety RD.43:
Germination of rice variety RD.43
Germinated rice seed variants RD.43 were induced in colchicine concentrations of 0.0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 and 0.25 percent for 2, 4 and 6 hours. Rice grains with higher colchicine concentrations and times had lower rice germination. However, high colchicine concentrations inhibited rice germination, resulting in fewer aberrant rice plants (Table 1).
After analyzing colchicine concentration and duration, T3 (colchicine 0.0%, 6 h) had the highest rice germination (95.84%). Increasing colchicine doses and durations diminish seed germination in several trials
(Surson et al., 2024 a, b).
Abnormality of rice variety RD.43
After evaluating colchicine concentration and duration, T13 (0.25%, 2h) had the most anomalies (33.75%). In numerous experiments by
Surson et al., (2024 a, b), increasing doses and durations of colchicine treatment in several plant species caused more aberrant plants.
Morphology of rice variety RD. 43
Morphology of rice at the age of 1 month
The effects of colchicine concentrations and exposure duration were examined. Rice leaf number and height were affected by colchicine content and exposure period. When colchicine concentration rose, plant height and leaves dropped. Germination, abnormalities, plant heightand leaf number were statistically significantly affected by colchicine concentration and treatment period (Table 1).
Morphology of rice at the age of 2 months
Rice at 2 months old demonstrated a statistically significant effect of colchicine concentration and exposure period on height, number of leaves, number of shoots per plant and shoot circumference. (p≤0.01). Different exposure times do not statistically affect height, leaves, shoots, or shoot circumference. The treatment with the highest rice plant height was T1 (colchicine 0.0%, duration 2 h.) (74.05 cm). The lowest height is T15 (colchicine 0.25%, 6 h). The greatest shoot circumference was T12 (3.47 cm, colchicine 0.2%, 6 h) and the smallest was T11 (2.76 cm, 4 h). No significant difference was observed in leaf and shoot numbers per treatment. Different levels of colchicine caused statistically significant variations in leaf width, lengthand SPAD in RD.43 rice leaves. Colchicine at various times did not statistically affect leaf width, length, or SPAD. When concentration and duration of colchicine exposure were considered, leaf width, lengthand SPAD values did not change across treatments (Table 2).
Morphology of rice at the age of 3 months
Different colchicine concentrations and exposure time had significant effects on rice variety RD.43, including leaf and shoot numbers, but not on height or shoot circumference (Table 3).
Number of shoots/plant varied statistically and dramatically with exposure duration. Shoot circumference, leaf number and height were not significantly different. However, longer colchicine exposure increases plant height, shoot number and shoot circumference (Table 3). Rice had statistically significant differences in plant height, number of leaves/plant, number of shoots/plantand plant circumference when exposed to different colchicine concentrations and times. In rice varieties RD.43, varying concentrations of colchicine showed statistically significant changes in leaf width, length nand SPAD. There was no significant difference in leaf width, length, or SPAD between colchicine exposure times. There was not a significant difference in leaf width, length, or SPAD values when colchicine concentration and exposure duration were considered (Table 3). Colchicine affected rice plant morphology at 3 months old by influencing leaf number, shoots/plant, leaf width, leaf length and leaf SPAD values.
Surson et al., (2021) found that colchicine concentration affected black sesame plant height and leaf number/plant. In watermelons, colchicine concentration and exposure duration impact leaf width, length, petiole length, stem diameterand plant height
(Khan et al., 2023). Plant genetics and polyploid induction mechanisms also have an effect on plant morphology, germination and the percentage of polyploid plants (
Ewald, 2009;
Jokari, 2022;
Khan, 2023;
Zeinullina, 2023). This study investigated how colchicine concentration and exposure duration affected germination, awn seed plant percentage and morphology.
Effects of colchicine on yield component characteristics of RD.43 rice variety
The effects of colchicine concentration and exposure time on the yield component characteristics of the rice variety RD. 43 showed that there were no significant differences in the number of ears per plant, but there were significant differences in the number of seeds and full seeds per plant (P≤0.05). Studying varied concentrations of colchicine exposure duration revealed significant changes in ear, seedand full seed numbers (p≤0.01). The number of ears, total seedsand the full seeds/plant increase with colchicine duration time (Table 4).
Colchicine concentration and exposure time had a significant effect on the number of ears/plant and total seeds/plant (p≤0.01 and p≤0.05, respectively), but not on the number of full seeds/plant. The effects of colchicine on the number of atrophied seeds/plant, full seed weight, seed lengthand seed width showed that different concentrations did not affect atrophied seeds/plant, full seed weight, or seed width, but did affect seed length (p≤0.01). Different exposure times statistically affected atrophied seed/plant, full seed weight/plant and seed length. Colchicine concentration and exposure duration caused statistically significant differences in whole seed weight/plant, seed width and seed length. Table 4 shows no statistical difference in the quantity of atrophied seeds/plant (p≤0.05, p≤0.01 and p≤0.05). Colchicine concentration affected total seed number/plant, full seed number/plant, seed widthand seed length in RD.43 rice. Exposure duration influenced the number of ears, total seeds, full seeds, atrophied seeds, full seed weightand seed length. Administering colchicine for 2, 4, or 6 hours improved the yield. Extending the colchicine treatment from 6 to 12 hours led to an increase in millet (
Panicum miliaceum L.) grain production. However, colchicine lowered grain production in practically all millet types after 24 hours
(Zeinullina et al., 2023). The exposure duration increasing from 2, 4 and 6 hours did not impact rice production in this experiment.
Identification of polyploid plants from flow cytometry analysis and awn seed characteristic
Randomization of 10 aberrant rice seedlings under various treatment showed 0% polyploid rice plants (Fig 1).
Rice plants with awn seeds, which suggest polyploidy
(Song et al., 2014), were identified in all treatments (colchicine of all concentrations and exposure durations). T15 (colchicine 0.25%, time 6 h.) had the most awn seed plants, T4 (colchicine 0.1%, time 2 h.) had the fewestand treatments without colchicine did not find any (Table 5; Fig 2).
Screening aberrant rice plants before polyploid seed categorization minimizes the number of rice plants that need flow cytometer (FCM) and awn seed characteristics monitoring, reducing polyploid monitoring budget and manpower. A study of aberrant rice plants from awn-characteristic seed indicated 8.33-58.33 percent polyploid. It depends on colchicine concentration.Many plant studies have revealed that vivo polyploid induction concentrations and exposure times vary. This study found that treatments T9, T11 and T15 (colchicine 0.15 %, 6 h.) induced polyploidy in seeds with awns. The results were different when polyploidy was analyzed by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry showed that colchicine-treated rice did not have polyploidy, even if the plants presented seed with awn, according to
Song et al., (2014). Rice plants may be chimera, with diploid and polyploid stems. Plant leaf diploid sections showed no polyploidy by flow cytometry. However, rice plants that produced specific awn seeds generated diploid and tetraploid progeny during M2 polyploidy research. Thus, rice plants treated with colchicine, which produced awn seeds, may generate tetraploid progeny despite no ploidy change in the M1 generation. Colchicine treatment has also been shown to induce genetic variation in plants (
Zeinullina et al., 2023;
Fathurrahman et al., 2023;
Valenzuela et al., 2022;
Yan et al., 2022;
Kasmiyati et al., 2021;
Cabahug, 2021). Colchicine treatment does not produce polyploid plants, but it can generate plant variety, which may create novel characteristics that are better than the parent plants, comparable to mutations. Plant breeding programs benefit from it. Rice polyploid induction can occur
in vivo or
in vitro (Chen et al., 2021). Many research have used polyploid induction in vivo, including
Chen et al., (2021) and
Bao and Yan (1956). Colchicine is the most common polyploid inducer. Colchicine modifies tubules. Colchicine inhibits microtubule activity for cell division in metaphase
(Jokari et al., 2022). Colchicine promotes aberrant cell division and increases chromosome number generating polyploids.
Cai et al., (2007) found that tissue culture induces rice polyploids better than
in vivo.
Vivo technique is a simple approach that induces polyploid rice types without tissue culture knowledge, funds, laboratory, or supplies. Thus, this work intended to improve polyploid rice induction
in vivo and screen out aberrant rice before sorting polyploid rice with costly instruments.