As indicated in Table 1, the antioxidant enzymatic markers were found to be varied depending on the content of metal trades in the site. The average concentrations of the major important heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb) measured in the soil samples of each site were decreased in the order; of Mn>Zn>Cr>Pb>Cu. Additionally, the concentrations of each heavy metal were found to be varied between the sites, in particular, site 1 showing an increased concentration of manganese (448.3 ppm), site 2 near the bridge characterized by an urban wastewater discharge showing the highest level of the Zn (171 ppm) and site 3 showing the highest threshold (91.3 ppm) of the chrome. Whilst, a very low selenium concentration (1.1 ppm) was observed in site 2. The obtained results showed also a non-significant difference in the contents of metal trace elements in the three study sites (U=9, p>0.001).
As shown in Fig 2, the heavy metal content in the underground part of the sampled plants from sites 1 and 2 revealed the presence of three metals whose contents are distributed in increasing order: [Zn]>[Cu]>[Cr] and thus, plants (
Phaseolus vulgaris L.) concentrate zinc twice as much higher as copper and chromium.
The plant roots of the different study sites present only Zinc, Copper and Chromium, which are absent in the site3. In addition, Zn reaches the tissues of the stems and leaves, as well as the fruits where the highest content was noted in site 2 with a threshold of 49.4ppm followed by that of site 1 (36.4 ppm) then site 3 (34.6 ppm). Meanwhile, Copper was detected in the stems of the plants of sites 1 and 2 and the leaves of site 2 with concentrations lower than those of Zinc which hence, is absent in the fruits of the three study sites (1, 2 and 3). No significant difference was found between the concentrations of heavy metals accumulated in the different parts of the plants at the study sites (U=9, P>0.1).
The transfer of polluting elements, in particular, heavy metals causing mainly serious public health concerns has received great interest from several environmental researchers. Heavy metals contaminated soil and environment can be impacted by the long gone or operative industries and overall, the levels of heavy metals in the environment are closely linked to natural and anthropogenic factors. The anthropogenic processes are the principal sources of soil contamination by heavy metals, as well as the use of chemicals including fertilizers and pesticides, in addition to road traffic and surface runoff produced by atmospheric pollutants
(Guessasma et al., 2020). Our results are similar to those obtained by
Cuypers (2000) reporting high copper concentration in the plant roots known as the primary and the first copper target plant organ
(Paschke and Redente, 2002). Further, the transfer of heavy metals from roots to shoots is of great concern to those interested in the phytoremediation process. Most of the absorbed Cu can be retained in the roots
(Arduini et al., 1996) and thus the translocation from roots to aerial parts was suggested to be decreased
(BES, 2008). Previous studies conducted on
Triticum durum Desf., showed an accumulation of Cu and Cd in the plant biomass
(Azizi, 2017). In addition, the differences in quantities exported by the plant organs could be explained by the quantities of dry biomass harvested from each organ. The Zn content in the leaves was found to be above the level of toxic concentration in the plant
(Dudka et al., 1995).
The antioxidant enzymatic activities (CAT and APX) differed significantly in the three studied sites (Fig 3). The highest enzymatic activity of CAT and APX respectively, 0.386 µmol/min/mg of protein and 7.23×10-4 µmol/min/mg of protein was noticed in the plant of site 3, followed by those from site 1 (0.3 and 0.36 µmol/min/mg protein), but the lowest values were observed in site 2 (0.114×10-4 µmol/min/mg of CAT proteins and 2.54×10-4 µmol/min/mg of APX proteins).
As displayed in Table 2, the studied antioxidant markers (CAT and APX) statistically differed non-significantly between the plants sampled from the three study sites (P>0.001).
Table 3 illustrates that there is a reasonable correlation between the levels of CAT and APX.
Table 3 was explained by the stress that results in marked changes in the levels of the antioxidant enzymatic activities (CAT, APX,)
(Khaldi et al., 2019). In this study, the obtained results are in agreement with those of
Melo (2011), reportingan increased activity of CAT in barium (Ba) exposed
Glycine max. L plants, those of
Azizi (2017) who reported inhibition of CAT activity in plant roots exposed to cadmium and
Anca et al., (2006) reporting a stimulation of the synthesis of catalase to nitrates and nitrites in wheat. This could be explained by the strong involvement of this enzyme in the detoxification systems against chemicals-induced oxidative stress, as well as saline stress. Similarly, the catalase activity was decreased in
Brassica juncea treated with 200, 300 and 500 µM of Ba
(Bouslimi et al., 2021), while catalytic activity was increased in plants treated with cadmium
(Bouchelaghem, 2012), a mixture of sodium chloride and silicone
(Zhu et al., 2004) and uranium
(Vandenhove et al., 2006). No antioxidant catalase activity was observed in cells exposed to against high concentration of metallic trace elements-induced ROS production
(Rastgoo and Alemzadeh, 2011). Indeed, CAT and APX have complementary roles in the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide
(Barata et al., 2005). APX was reported to reduce H
2 to water using ascorbate as an electron donor from dehydroascorbate
(Gill and Tuteja, 2010), resulting in the production of monodehy droascorbate MDHA radicals
(Alayat et al., 2014) have found a significant increase in APX in
Lemna minor L. exposed to an herbicide and this was explained by the fact that the expression of APX can protect the biological membranes by forming complexes with iron (II) and the polar head of the phospholipid molecule changing thus, the sensitivity of iron to auto-oxidation. Accordingly, the obtained results showed that the significant presence of metal trace elements MTE in
Phaseolus vulgaris L. of the study sites caused a strong peroxidation activity resulting in an increase in the activities of APX and CAT.