Quantitative determination of total phenols and flavonoids
It was found that the yields of the root extracts in methanol and ethyl acetate were 76.5 g and 48.5 g/kg of the dried mass, respectively. Alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics and terpenoids were among the many elements found in groundnut roots and leaves sequential soxhlet extracts, according to phytochemical analysis (Table 1). The results of the quantitative screening of root extracts indicated that REE contained a high concentration of total phenols (173.08 µg/mg). On the other hand, RME had a higher total flavonoid concentration (159.71µg/mg).
Gundaraniya et al., (2020) have examined the metabolomic profiling of genotypes of susceptible and drought-tolerant peanuts (
hypogaea L.) in response to drought stress.
HRLCMS profiling of groundnut root sequential extracts
The antioxidant metabolites RPE, REE and RME are profiled by HRLCMS in both positive and negative ionization modes of spectra (Fig 1). Table 2 displays the compounds that show the best match with the stored Metlin library in both cation and anion mode in terms of retention time, mass, abundance area and m/z cloud. In human liver cancer cells, sedimentanolide induces autophagy through the PI3K, p53 and NF-κB signaling pathways
(Hsieh et al., 2015). Sedanolide expressed with best match m/z cloud findings in cation mode spectra of RPE reported for antioxidant property
(Momin and Nair, 2002). In Challakere, Chitraduga District, Karnataka, we also observed that the traditional healer was using groundnut root extract to treat the early stages of liver cancer.
L-phenylalanine,N-(1-Deoxy-1-fructosyl) phenylalanine and soyasaponin III were expressed with the highest m/zcloud values in the cation mode spectra of REE. According to
Ramzan, (2023) phenylalanine is an important and useful amino acid that can mitigate the negative effects of drought stress by modifying plant development, photosynthesis and the antioxidant defense system. According to
Diverekar et al., (2022) it functions as the precursor to several compounds that are important for plant development, reproduction, defense against abiotic and biotic stressors, including anthocyanins, salicylate, lignin and phenyl propanoids. The phenolic molecules gallic acid, quinic acid, azelaic acid and ferulic acid, as well as the flavonoid antioxidants formononetin and quercetin, were shown to have highly abundant m/z values in the anion mode spectra of REE antioxidants.
The cation mode spectra of RME revealed the presence of drought tolerance, eliciting metabolite L-2-amino-3-methylenehexanoic acid and a polyphenol compound resveratrol in repeated folds indicating its synthesis in the groundnut genotype GKVK-5, during drought stress conditions. L-2-Amino-3-methylenehexanoic acid is an endogenous (2S, 3S)-α-amino acid that occurs naturally in several plant species and has potent physiological activity in addition to enhancing resistance against extreme temperature stresses
(Yang et al., 2023). Groundnut roots are the source of the polyphenol molecule resveratrol, which has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that guard against conditions including diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties that make it a useful treatment for skin inflammation and arthritis
(Tuyen et al., 2013). The methanol extract contained the phenolic acids isoferulic acid and quinic acid, as well as the well-known antioxidant flavonoids quercitin, kaempferol, kaempferol 7-o-glucoside and naringenin 7-o-glucoside. The drought-tolerant eliciting metabolites of RME and REE, as well as their structure and MS spectra, are displayed in Fig 2 ABCD and EFGH, respectively and were captured from the HRLCMS Metlin library.
Determination of total antioxidant and reducing potentialities
One of the main processes that produces free radicals in food, medications and even living systems is oxidation. Numerous studies
(Ru et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2018) have found a linear relationship and strong association between the antioxidant activity of plant extracts and their phenolic acid concentration. Fig 3A and 3B demonstrate the groundnut root extracts’ total antioxidant and reducing potential. The total oxidant potentiality was higher in REE (194 µg/mg ascorbic acid), according to the data and this could be because phenolic acids were present in higher concentration (173.08 µg/mg). Conversely, RME had a higher overall reducing power (464 µg/mg ascorbic acid), which could be attributed to the higher flavonoid concentration (159.71 µg/mg).
Free radical scavenging activities
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are byproducts of regular cell metabolism that function as both useful and harmful organisms
(Valko et al., 2006). The physiological functions of ROS in cellular responses to hypoxia, such as defense against pathogenic agents and the development of a mitogenic response to biotic and abiotic stressors, are among the beneficial effects of ROS that occur at low to moderate concentrations. The RPE, REE and RME in vitro free radical scavenging experiment was conducted in a dose-dependent fashion. Table 3 displays the percentage of free radical inhibition as well as the IC
50 values. The results of our tests indicate that among the three consecutive extracts of groundnut root tested, REE demonstrated significant quenching of free radicals in DPPH radical scavenging (63.69±2.85%), ABTS radical scavenging (71.31%±2.09%) and Metal ion chelating (66.31±5.56) activities. This was followed by RME, which showed significant inhibition of free radicals in the above assays, with percentages of 54.55±1.19%, 54.09%±4.50% and 52.53±4.06%, respectively. The percentage of inhibition of free radical was significant in the RPE tested assays. Our findings indicate that REE exhibited antioxidant scavenging activity. According to
Kessler et al., (2003), flavonoid compounds play a role in free radical chelating or scavenging, while phenolic compounds serve as free radical terminators. A number of processes have been linked to antioxidant activity, including reductive capacity, chain initiation prevention, binding of transition metal ion catalysts, peroxide breakdown, inhibition of ongoing hydrogen abstraction and radical scavenging
(Pisoschi et al., 2021). Reactive nitrogen and oxygen species (ROS) and their formation are enhanced by drought-induced metabolic dysregulation, which in turn impacts the cell’s redox regulatory state.