Calotropis gigantea is a non-cultivable weed frequently referred to as “Madar” in Hindi in India. It’s so poisonous that snakes can’t take the stench, therefore snake charmers use it to keep snakes away (
Meenatchisundaram et al., 2009). Our present investigation explores
Calotropis gigantea plant extract neutralizes the effect of Saw-scaled viper venom. The soxhlet extraction of the aqueous root of
Calotropis gigantea was prepared. The plant extract (root) was subjected to phytochemical analysis and the presence of flavonoid, phenol alkaloids and glycoside compounds were quantitatively detected (Table 1). The phytoconstituents of
Calotropis gigantea that are derived from various parts of the plant include numerous glycosides, alkaloids, flavones, tannins and so forth, such as calotoxin, uscharin, uschridin and proceroside
(Zhu-Nian Wang, 2008). Based on the literature review
Calotropis gigantea possess a highly toxic effect even though it has many medicinal properties. The cardenolides might result in contributing toxicity to the snakebite-affected person that might result in cardiac arrest or other complications. In such a case either the extract devoid of this steroid component or its very low dose should be administered. On Phytochemical screening, dried root extract showed the presence of glycosides. Based on the observations made under the UV - chamber at a wavelength of 254 nm the spots were observed in the definite distance (Fig 1). The HPTLC of the extract was also performed where it showed the presence of antioxidant compounds when compared with Rf value of the standard and well-known free radical scavengers rutin, quercetin and gallic acid, Stigmosterol, Beta-sitosterol and lupeol in
Calotropis gigantea various extract (Fig 2, Table 2). For identifying these free radical scavengers’ rutin, quercetin and gallic acid, Stigmosterol, Beta-sitosterol and lupeol we used UV light at 254 nm. HPTLC is a fast, accurate and quantitative analytical method used in immunotechnology
(Dey, Abhijit and Devendra Kumar Pandey, 2014).
The protein concentration of the lyophilized snake venoms was analyzed. Saw-scaled viper was found to be 0.692 mg/ml. The protein profile of Saw-scaled viper venom was analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Fig 3). A Group of protein bands was detected in Saw-scaled viper venom.
The red cell lysis which may develop following snakebite does not play a predominant role in the overall venom lethality, but should rather be considered as one of the manifestations of the digestive action of the venom
(Condrea, 1978). The hemolytic study on
Echis carinatus venoms showed 89% hemolysis. The root extract was able to neutralize the venom-induced hemolysis and the hemolysis was reduced (Fig 4). The various parts of various plants were practiced in venom neutralization.
superba and
javanica plant extracts possess potent snake venom neutralizing capacity and could potentially be used as an adjuvants for antivenin therapy in case of snakebite envenomation, especially against the local effects of cobra venoms were proved
(Kumarapppan et al., 2011).
In phospholipase activity (PLA2) 10 μg of
Echis carinatus venom were able to produce 11mm diameter hemolytic halo, which is considered to be 1 Unit (Fig 5). The extract was capable of inhibiting PLA2 dependent hemolysis of sheep RBC’s induced by snake venoms in a dose-dependent manner. In another study, they proved the inhibition of PLA2-dependent hemolysis of sheep RBC’s induced by Daboia russelli venom by
Rauvolfia serpentina extract in a dose-dependent manner
(Thushara James, 2013). The medicinal plants
Thea sinensis Linn and
Cordia verbenacea effectively neutralized the phospholipase A2 activity induced by snake venoms
(Laing et al., 1992).
Echis carinatus venom produced a zone of hydrolysis of 11 mm in diameter in skim milk agar when the proteolytic study was carried out (Fig 6). Neutralization assays were carried out by pre-incubating extract with a known concentration of venom and found to produce reduced zone size of 2.5 mm. After one hour the proteolytic activity was carried out and the neutralization expressed as the ratio, mg plant extract/mg venom indicated that the plant extracts were able to reduce the diameter of the zone of hydrolysis by maximum when compared to the effect induced by venom alone. Plant extract can be able to reduce the zone of hydrolysis produced by venoms.
Venom-induced clotting was neutralized by increasing the anti-venom concentration sufficiently. The minimum coagulant dose (MCD) of venom was mixed with various concentrations of extracts and dissolved in 0.1 ml of human citrated plasma. The absence of clot formation shows the neutralizing ability of plant extracts. Saw-scaled viper venom requires a high concentration (50 µl) for clotting. Venom-induced clotting was neutralized by increasing the anti-venom concentration sufficiently (Fig 7). In the gelatin liquefaction study, the minimum coagulant dose (MCD) of venom was mixed with various concentrations of extracts and dissolved in 50 µl of gelatin. The absence of clot formation shows the neutralizing ability of plant extract (Fig 8).
Calotropis gigantea is effective in the neutralization of coagulant activity induced by snake venoms. Snake envenomations cause different pathophysiological changes such as inflammation, haemorrhage, necrosis, edema, alterations in blood coagulation system and ultimately leading to death
(Pillay, 2008).
Hence, the presence of these anti-snake venom compounds in the aqueous extract from
Calotropis gigantea root could have contributed to its efficient antivenom activity. The glycoside is reported to be toxic if present at appreciable levels. The secondary metabolites of the plant are responsible for conferring its biological activities. Though
Calotropis gigantea has various medicinal applications, still the phytochemicals of this plant need to be standardized to explore its medicinal values with the help of various methods. Further research is necessary to elucidate the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of this plant and further investigations could be done.