After sorghum downy mildew was recognized as an important corn disease, several maize breeding programmes emphasized special breeding objectives with respective to genetic resistance to the causal agent,
Peronosclerospora sorghi. Maize growing countries are cognizant that a disease with the destructive potential of sorghum downy mildew must be carefully studied, anticipated and controlled.
Mean performance of parents and hybrids for SDM incidence
Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes namely parents and hybrids with respect to SDM disease incidence (Table 1). The percentage of SDM incidence recorded under glass house for parents and hybrids and their reaction to SDM are presented in Table 2. Highly significant differences among parents and hybrids for sorghum downy mildew incidence indicate greater diversity among the genotypes for sorghum downy mildew incidence under study. So selection can be possible to improve this trait in this population. The parents differed significantly from the hybrids indicating the presence of significant heterosis for sorghum downy mildew incidence in maize.
The susceptible check, CM 500 showed 100 per cent incidence. The mean for SDM incidence of parents was 39.80 per cent and the average of hybrids was 52.27 per cent. The SDM disease severity in parents ranged from 2.62 per cent in UMI 936 (W) to 100 per cent in UMI 79. Among the parents UMI 102, UMI 936 (W) and UMI 285 were resistant and the parents UMI 176, UMI 13 and UMI 57 showed moderate response to SDM. The parents UMI 79, UMI 432 and UMI 467 were susceptible to SDM disease infection.
SDM per cent incidence for hybrids ranged from 8.70 per cent in cross UMI 936 (W) x UMI 102 to 96.82 per cent in UMI 79 x UMI 176. Out of seventy two hybrids, thirty one, twenty nine and eight hybrids showed susceptible, moderately susceptible and moderately resistant reaction and only four hybrids showed resistant response to SDM infection (Table 2).
The susceptible x susceptible hybrids, UMI 79 x UMI 432 (94.21 per cent), UMI 79 x UMI 467 (71.62 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 79 (89.77 per cent), UMI 467 x UMI 79 (90.00 per cent) and UMI 467 x UMI 432 (65.00 per cent) showed susceptible reaction, while the hybrid UMI 432 x UMI 467 showed moderately susceptible response which was slightly below the reaction of susceptibility (48.61 per cent) (Table 2). These data indicated a dominance type of gene action in the mode of inheritance, with susceptibility being dominant. The range of dominance is from partial to complete dominance. This was in accordance with the results of
Singburaudom and Renfro (1982) and
Craig (1982b) in maize.
Mochizuki (1975) suggested that when open pollinated varieties are used as parents, resistance was controlled by a polygenic system with no dominance.
In the crosses between susceptible and moderately resistant lines, UMI 79 x UMI 176 (96.82 per cent), UMI 79 x UMI 13 (71.73 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 13 (54.49 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 176 (63.86 per cent) and UMI 467 x UMI 176 (83.90 per cent) showed only susceptible reaction, while the other susceptible x moderately resistant hybrids UMI 79 x UMI 57 (40.08 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 57 (37.84 per cent), UMI 467 x UMI 13 (33.81 per cent) and UMI 467 x UMI 57 (48.90 per cent) showed moderately susceptible reaction. Moderately resistant reaction was also shown by two hybrids, UMI 432 x UMI 936 (W) (25.44 per cent) and UMI 467 x UMI 936 (W) (19.52 per cent) (Table 2).
The crosses between moderately resistant x susceptible parents UMI 176 x UMI 432 (87.56 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 467 (69.09 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 79 (92.34 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 79 (91.53 per cent) and UMI 13 x UMI 467 (72.41 per cent) showed susceptible reaction to SDM infection while other moderately resistant x susceptible hybrids UMI 13 x UMI 432 (40.29 per cent), UMI 57 x UMI 79 (49.43 per cent), UMI 57 x UMI 432 (41.44 per cent) and UMI 57 x UMI 467 (40.12 per cent) showed moderately susceptible reaction (Table 2).
All the six hybrids between moderately resistant x moderately resistant parents namely UMI 176 x UMI 13 (49.01 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 57 (46.27 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 57 (43.36 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 176 (44.41 per cent), UMI 57 x UMI 176 (45.24 per cent) and UMI 57 x UMI 13 (36.67 per cent) showed moderately susceptible reaction to SDM infection (Table 2).
All the crosses between moderately resistant x moderately resistant exhibited incidence greater than the intermediate values. All the crosses between resistant x moderately resistant and moderately resistant x resistant parents were susceptible than their respective parents except UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W) and UMI 57 x UMI 102. This indicated epistatic effects involved in the inheritance of sorghum downy mildew incidence.
Out of nine hybrids between moderately resistant x resistant parents, only one hybrid namely UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W) (9.69 per cent) recorded resistant response to SDM infection. Three (UMI 57 x UMI 102, UMI 57 x UMI 936 (W) and UMI 57 x UMI 285) of them showed moderately resistant reaction (15.24 per cent, 26.43 per cent and 19.17 per cent respectively), while other two hybrids UMI 176 x UMI 285 (32.34 per cent) and UMI 13 x UMI 102 (40.71 per cent) recorded moderately susceptible reaction. The hybrids UMI 176 x UMI 102 (81.74 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 936 (W) (55.41 per cent) and UMI 13 x UMI 285 (68.20 per cent) showed susceptible reaction.
The crosses between resistant x susceptible parents UMI 102 x UMI 79 (89.77 per cent), UMI 102 x UMI 432 (79.89 per cent), UMI 102 x UMI 467 (62.20 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 79 (95.26 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 432 (94.59 per cent) UMI 285 x UMI 79 (88.00 per cent) and UMI 285 x UMI 432 (78.82 per cent) showed only susceptible reaction, while other two hybrids UMI 936 (W) x UMI 467 (39.03 per cent) and UMI 285 x UMI 467 (35.00 per cent) showed moderately susceptible reaction to SDM infection.
The resistant x moderately resistant hybrids UMI 102 x UMI 13 (40.54 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 176 (40.22 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 13 (30.81 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 57 (37.36 per cent), UMI 285 x UMI 176 (32.94 per cent) and UMI 285 x UMI 13 (33.83 per cent) showed moderately susceptible reaction to SDM infection, while other two hybrids namely UMI 102 x UMI 57 (23.84 per cent) and UMI 285 x UMI 57 (18.36 per cent) recorded moderately resistant reaction. The hybrid UMI 102 x UMI 176 (53.66 per cent) showed susceptible reaction to SDM infection (Table 2).
All the crosses between moderately resistant x moderately resistance exhibited incidence greater than the intermediate values. All the crosses between resistant x moderately resistant and moderately resistant x resistant parents were susceptible than their respective parents except UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W) and UMI 57 x UMI 102. This indicated epistatic effects involved in the inheritance of sorghum downy mildew incidence.
Both susceptible x moderately resistant and moderately resistant x susceptible crosses showed moderately susceptibility reaction. Analysis of various categories of crosses indicated the complex and polygenic nature of inheritance of sorghum downy mildew incidence in maize. This result was in conformity with the earlier findings of
Yen et al., (2001).
Heterosis for SDM infection in maize
The estimates of relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for SDM incidence are presented in Table 2. Negative values in the expression of heterosis indicate a contribution towards resistance, while positive values represent for susceptibility. Negative values require in the expression of heterosis in order to have reduced incidence of sorghum downy mildew. The parents differed significantly from the hybrids indicating the presence of significant heterosis for sorghum downy mildew incidence in maize.
Relative heterosis for SDM incidence ranged from -35.08 per cent (UMI 79 x UMI 57) to 214.53 per cent (UMI 102 x UMI 936 (W)). Out of seventy two hybrids, thirty eight hybrids exhibited significant positive relative heterosis and only twelve hybrids exhibited significant negative relative heterosis. Highly significant positive relative heterosis was recorded in the cross UMI 102 x UMI 936 (W) (214.53 per cent) followed by UMI 176 x UMI 102 (172.55 per cent), UMI 102 x UMI 285 (138.84 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 285 (128.75 per cent) and UMI 176 x UMI 936 (W) (123.36 per cent). Highly significant negative relative heterosis was recorded in the cross UMI 79 x UMI 57 (-35.08 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W) (-30.90 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 467 (-30.14 per cent), UMI 57 x UMI 79 (-26.15 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 936 (W) (-25.85 per cent) and UMI 432 x UMI 57 (-25.30 per cent) (Table 2).
The heterobeltiosis ranged from -56.76 per cent (UMI 432 x UMI 936 (W)) to 170.66 per cent (UMI 102 x UMI 936 (W)). A total count of significant positive and negative heterobeltiosis was recorded in sixteen and thirty five hybrids respectively. A highly significant positive heterobeltiosis was exhibited in the cross, UMI 102 x UMI 936 (W) (170.66 per cent) followed by UMI 102 x UMI 285 (124.32 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 102 (106.14 per cent), UMI 13 x UMI 285 (83.63 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 936 (W) (52.97 per cent), UMI 102 x UMI 176 (49.68 per cent) and UMI 176 x UMI 13 (41.21 per cent). A highly significant negative heterobeltiosis was recorded by the cross UMI 432 x UMI 936 (W) (-56.76 per cent) followed by UMI 79 x UMI 57 (-56/08), UMI 467 x UMI 57 (-45.81 per cent).
The standard heterosis ranged from -62.18 per cent (UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W)) to 112.39 per cent (UMI 79 x UMI 176). Thirty one hybrids exhibited significant positive standard heterosis and twelve hybrids exhibited significant negative standard heterosis for SDM incidence. A highly significant positive standard heterosis was recorded in the crosses UMI 79 x UMI 176 (112.39 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 79 (107.49 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 432 (105.57 per cent), UMI 79 x UMI 432 (104.82 per cent), UMI 176 x UMI 79 (100.03 per cent), UMI 467 x UMI 79 (94.70 per cent), UMI 432 x UMI 79 (94.30 per cent) etc. A highly significant negative standard heterosis was recorded by the cross UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W) (-62.18 per cent) followed by UMI 936 (W) x UMI 102 (-56.09 per cent), UMI 285 x UMI 102 (-55.32 per cent), UMI 285 x UMI 936 (W) (-54.55 per cent), UMI 57 x UMI 102 (-40.32 per cent), UMI 936 (W) x UMI 285 (-35.29 per cent) and UMI 285 x UMI 57 (-34.16 per cent).
Among seventy two hybrids, only three hybrids namely UMI 13 x UMI 936 (W), UMI 467 x UMI 936 (W) and UMI 432 x UMI 936 (W) recorded three types of heterosis in negative direction. These results are in conformity with the earlier reports of
Krishnappa et al., (1995) and
Ruswandi et al., (2015).