Climate change is one of the most conversed topics of the present day due to its huge potential to impact the environment, the agriculture sector and the society. The impact is considered to be severe in developing countries like India where most of the people depend on agriculture
(Mendelsohn et al., 2006). The consequences of climate change are expected to go beyond the food production and likely to affect the food system including availability of food, access to food, utilisation of food and stability of food
etc. (
Joshi, 2015). The variation in rainfall and diverse temperature situation and lack of adaptive potentials add more to the burden of climate change. Over the years, the global temperature has been increasing by 0.74% (
IPCC, 2007). The global summary report of the National Centers of Environmental Information confirms that 2014 was the most hottest year since the record kept from the year 1880 (
NOAA, 2015). The India Meteorological Department (IMD), Pune reported rise of annual mean temperature by 0.56°C in between 1901 and 2009. The annual mean temperature has been above normal since 1990 (
IMD, 2009). In another study,
Goswami et al., (2006) estimated that India’s surface temperature increased by 0.08°C during 1969-2005.
Increasing temperature enhances evapo-transpiration and other physiological processes. This coupled with late monsoon or deviation in rainfall adversely affects the soil moisture content and induces drought like situation. Drought is defined as a prolonged absence or marked deficiency of precipitation (
IPCC, 2001). The IMD, Pune has classified drought into meteorological drought, hydrological drought, agricultural drought and socio-economic drought. Globally the occurrence of drought has been increasing (
IPCC 2007a).
Zarch et al., (2011) reported that 28% of the Iranian territories were under extreme drought, 31 per cent under severe drought and 26 per cent were affected by moderate drought during the hydrological year of 1999-2000. Studies also reported occurrence of drought in Bhavnagar of Gujarat
(Shah et al., 2013); Palamau in Jharkhand (
Sah and Singh, 2011) and Bellary region of Karnataka
(Adhikari et al., 2012). Severe drought stress during reproductive stage can lead to complete crop failure (
Nguyen, 2011).
Drought in North Eastern Himalayan region of India
The Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) has identified 17 districts from the North Eastern (NE) states which are vulnerable to climate change
(Venkateswarlu et al., 2012). Seven districts among them
viz., Senapati and Imphal East in Manipur; Ri-Bhoi and West Garo Hills in Meghalaya; Phek, Dimapur and Mokokchung in Nagaland are vulnerable to drought. Tirap and West Siang in Arunachal Pradesh; and Lunglei in Mizoram are identified as the water stressed districts. In 2015 monsoon rainfall was deficit by 58%, 33% and 30% in Nagaland, Meghalaya and Manipur, respectively, as on 12th August
(GoI, 2015). Majority of the population in NE India depends on agriculture and over 60% of the crop area is under rainfed (
GoI, 2011). The deviation in rainfall and unfavourable shifts in climate can potentially endanger the food security of the people
(Kumar et al., 2011). Hence, this paper is an attempt to analyze the drought situation and estimate its impact on rice yield in Phek and Dimapur districts of Nagaland.
Description of the study area
The study was conducted in the state of Nagaland (25.6°N and 27.4°N latitude and 93.20°E and 95.15°E longitude), one of the seven NE states of India. Topographically, the state is mountainous and the altitude varies from 194 m to 3048 m above mean sea level (AMSL) (
GoN, 2013). Nagaland has a population of 19.80 lakh, out of which 71.14% of the population are lives in rural areas (
Census, 2011). The population density in the state is 119 per The sex ratio is at 931: 1000 (female: male) and the literacy rate is at 79.55 % (
GoN, 2013).
Dikhu and
Milak rivers flow westward into the Brahmaputra whereas,
Tizu river flows towards east and joins the Chindwin river in Burma (
GoN, 2013). Nagaland experiences wide variations in climate at different altitudes. The state receives an average annual rainfall of 1,800 mm to 2,500 mm, primarily concentrated in the months of May to September. The average temperature ranges from 21°C to 40°C. In winter, temperatures generally drop to 3°C to 4°C, but frost is common at high elevations
(GoN, 2013).
Agriculture is the largest source of livelihood for majority of the people of Nagaland. Agriculture contributes 28.71% to the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) (
GoN, 2012) and employs 70% of the population. The main agricultural produce in the state includes rice, maize, soybeans
etc. About 80% of the cropped area is under rice crop
(GoN, 2013). It is also a hub to many horticultural crops like orange, pineapple
etc. Cash crops like potato are also grown in some parts of the state. The people mainly depend on rain for cultivating crops. The total irrigated area in the state is only 0.09 mha, which is only 18.92% of the total cultivated area of 0.48 m ha (
GoN, 2013).
Dimapur district is located at 25.5°N latitude and 93.5°E longitude at an altitude of 260 m AMSL. Rice is the main crop in the district and covers an area of 9470 ha under
jhum and 36720 ha under wet land transplanted rice cultivation (WTRC) (
GoN, 2013). Phek district lies between 25.75°N latitude and 94.50°E longitude at an altitude of 1524 m AMSL. The economy of Phek district is predominantly agrarian, where about 80.84% of the people practice terrace cultivation.
The daily rainfall (0.25° X 0.25°) and temperature (1° X 1°) data were retrieved from gridded India Meteorological Department (IMD) data set for the period of 1975-2013 to estimate the drought intensity in Nagaland. Rice yield data was accessed from Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agricultural Cooperation and Farmers Welfare. The available rice yield data for Phek and Dimapur district pertains to 1990-2013 and 2000-2013, respectively.
Analytical techniques
Drought analysis
There are various indices like Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), Palmer’s Drought Index
etc. which are used to measure drought but a number of researchers preffered Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) (
Zarch et al., 2011;
Kusre and Lalringliana, 2014) as it is more sensitive and suitable in case of changing environment (
Tsakiris et al., 2006). RDI was first presented in the co-ordinating meeting of the Mediterranean Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Planning (MEDROPLAN) (
Tsakiris and Vangelis, 2004).
The RDI (α
k) was calculated for the i
th year based on the monthly rainfall or seasonal rainfall (
i.e., June to September is monsoon; October to December is post-monsoon; and January to May is pre-monsoon). The formula is given as,
i=1 to n.......(i)
ij = Precipitation of j
th month in i
th year; PET
ij = Potential Evapo-transpiration of j
th month in i
th year; n = Number of years of the available data; i = year (1£ i £ 39) and j = months (1£ k £ 12).
Potential evapo-transpiration (PET) is the amount of evaporation that would occur if a sufficient water source is available. Studying or inclusion of PET improves the study of risk in agriculture (
Tsakiris et al., 2006). The PET was calculated using Hargreaves equation as suggested by
Hargreaves and Allen (2003) and the formula is given as:

......... (ii)
= Potential evapo-transpiration (mm/day); = Extra-terrestrial radiation (mm/day); = Daily maximum temperature; = Daily minimum temperature and = Daily mean temperature.
Standardized RDI (RDI
std) was calculated to classify the drought years and wet years from the available secondary data using the following formula:

.......... (iii)
k = ln α
k ; Y
k = Arithmetic mean; α
k = Standard deviation
The drought was classified following
Kusre and Lalringliana (2014). The values from -0.50 to -0.99 was characterised as “mild drought” and >0.1 was regarded as “no drought” (
McKee et al., 1993). After standardization, the RDI was normalised so as to bring their values under a suitable range
i.e., 0-1 range. Normalised RDI (RDI
n) is the drought exposure index for the farms.
Effect of drought on rice yield
We have regressed yield and log of yield of rice on RDI
std or drought dummy and time. The models are as below:
i …. (iv)
Y = a +b*Drought + Time + U
i …. (v)
a = intercept, b = slope coefficient, Drought = Dummy (wet and Normal condition–dry = 0, Moderate drought = 1, Severe drought = 2, Extreme drought = 3) and U
i = stochastic error term.