Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 51 issue 3 (june 2017) : 197-205

Independent and interactive effects of waterlogging and salinity on carbohydrate metabolism and root anatomy in pigeonpea genotypes at different growth stages

Savita Duhan*, Sunita Sheokand, Anita Kumari, Nidhi Sharma
1<p>Department of Botany &amp; Plant Physiology,&nbsp;CCS HAU, Hisar-125 004, Haryana, India</p>
Cite article:- Duhan* Savita, Sheokand Sunita, Kumari Anita, Sharma Nidhi (2017). Independent and interactive effects of waterloggingand salinity on carbohydrate metabolism and root anatomyin pigeonpea genotypes at different growth stages . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 51(3): 197-205. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v51i03.7907.

Four pigeon pea genotypes (ICPH-2431, PARAS, UPAS-120, H09-33) were raised in polythene bags filled with half kg soil + FYM manure mixture. Waterlogging, salinity  and waterlogging + salinity treatments were given for 8 days and observations were recorded 1 day after removal from treatment in 20 and 40 day old plants. Significant decline in percent survival was observed under waterlogging and combined treatment in 20 and 40 day old plants. Decline in total sugar content and non reducing sugar content was observed under all three treatments in 20 and 40 day old plant leaves. In roots, an initial increase in total soluble sugar content was observed with waterlogging and salinity treatment. Non reducing sugar content also decreased under all the three treatments. An increase in sucrose synthase and alcohol dehydrogenase activity under all three treatments and formation of aerenchyma in roots under waterlogging and combined treatment was also observed. Waterlogging and salinity in combination was more deleterious compared to alone treatments. Roots were more sensitive to all the stresses as compared to leaves. ICPH performed best among all the genotypes.

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