Germination percentage (%)
The ANOVA for germination percentage showed significant differences among salt types and concentrations. NaCl had a higher germination percentage (89.762%) compared to KCl (78.010%), suggesting KCl’s more detrimental effect on chickpea germination. This aligns with previous studies (
Yildirim, 2020).
Mann et al., (2019) also reported that salinity affects germination percentage. These findings support that increasing salt concentrations negatively impact germination. The reduction is due to osmotic stress and ion toxicity, inhibiting water uptake and disrupting metabolic processes essential for germination
(Ludwiczak et al., 2021).
The higher germination percentage with NaCl compared to KCl suggests chickpea seeds respond differently to these salts due to their distinct ionic compositions affecting membrane stability and enzyme activity
(Hasegawa et al., 2000; Zhu, 2002). This aligns with
Dadasoglu et al., (2020), who found that chickpea seeds tolerate sodium chloride better than potassium chloride. This differential response underscores the importance of understanding specific salt effects on germination and the need for targeted strategies to mitigate salinity impacts on crop production.
Mean germination time (days)
The mean germination time (MGT) increased with higher salt concentrations, with the longest time observed at 150 mM (7.395 days) and the shortest at 0 mM and 25 mM (6.695 and 6.788 days, respectively) (Table 1-3). This suggests that higher salt concentrations delay the germination process due to osmotic stress and ion toxicity inhibiting water uptake and metabolic activities essential for germination (
Zhu, 2002).
These findings are consistent with the observations made by
Dadasoglu et al., (2020), who reported increased mean germination time in chickpeas under salinity stress. The significant increase in MGT at higher salt concentrations is consistent with findings from previous studies that show salinity stress delays germination
(Ruan et al., 2002; Kaya et al., 2006). The delay in germination at higher salt concentrations can be attributed to the reduced water potential, which hampers seed imbibition and delays the initiation of metabolic processes necessary for germination
(Hasegawa et al., 2000).
Higher mean germination time in KCl treatments compared to NaCl treatments highlights their differential impact on chickpea germination, as observed by
Dadasoglu et al., (2020). This is due to distinct ionic effects of potassium and sodium on cellular processes and membrane stability (
Zhu, 2002). NaCl delays germination more than KCl due to its higher osmotic potential
(Rahnama et al., 2010).
Seed priming techniques have been shown to mitigate the effects of salinity stress on MGT. Studies by
Khajeh-Hosseini et al. (2003) and
Afzal et al., (2008) highlight the role of seed priming in enhancing seed metabolic activity and reducing the delay in germination caused by salinity. Additionally, maintaining optimal environmental conditions, such as soil moisture and temperature, can alleviate the negative effects of salinity on MGT
(Ruan et al., 2002).
Plumule length (cm)
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for plumule length showed significant differences among the salt concentrations but not between the salt types (Tables 1-3). The plumule length decreased with increasing salt concentrations. The longest plumule length was observed at 0 mm (4.2 cm) and the shortest at 150 mm (2.83 cm), demonstrating the negative impact of salts on plumule growth.
The reduction in plumule length with increasing salt concentrations is consistent with previous studies, indicating that salt stress inhibits shoot growth in chickpeas. This phenomenon can be attributed to osmotic stress and ion toxicity, which disrupts water uptake and cellular functions necessary for growth (
Zhu, 2002).
Ahmed et al., (2023) emphasize seed priming techniques to mitigate salinity effects on seedlings, enhancing crop resilience and performance.
Buyukyildiz et al., (2023) and
Dogan and Carpici (2016) highlight the crucial roles of light, moisture and temperature in plumule development during germination. Adequate moisture activates growth processes, while light triggers hormonal responses for elongation and leaf development. Suboptimal conditions like insufficient light or poor soil quality can hinder plumule development, impacting seedling health and viability.
Radicle length (cm)
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for radicle length indicated significant differences among the salt concentrations, but not between the salt types (Table 1-3). Radicle length decreased as salt concentration increased. The longest radicle length was observed at 0 mM (5.45 cm), while the shortest was at 150 mm (4.05 cm), showcasing the adverse effects of salinity on root growth. Similary
Mann et al., (2019) reported that root length was affected by salinity.
These findings align with previous research that demonstrates a negative correlation between salinity and root growth (
Akin, 2018). Osmotic stress and ion toxicity are primary factors that contribute to reduced water uptake and cellular damage, leading to shorter radicle lengths
(Hasegawa et al., 2000).
Germination index
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for germination index indicated significant differences among the salt concentrations and between the salt types (Table 1-3). The germination index decreased with increasing salt concentrations, highlighting the negative impact of salinity on the vigor and speed of germination.
The significant reduction in germination index at higher salt concentrations is in line with the findings of
Akin (2018) and similar studies that reported analogous trends in various crops. Salinity stress influences seed germination by altering enzyme activity, disrupting cellular structure and causing oxidative damage, which collectively lead to decreased vigor and slower germination rates
(Kaya et al., 2006).
Additionally, environmental factors such as light and temperature play critical roles in modulating germination and seedling growth
(Jisha et al., 2013). Optimal conditions can mitigate the negative effects of salinity, improving germination index and overall seedling vigor.
Coefficient of velocity of germination
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the coefficient of velocity of germination (CVG) indicated significant differences among the salt concentrations and between the salt types (Table 1-3). The CVG decreased with increasing salt concentrations, indicating that higher salinity slows down the germination process.
The significant reduction in CVG at higher salt concentrations aligns with the findings of
Akin (2018) and similar studies. Higher salinity levels cause osmotic stress and ionic imbalance, which delay the germination process and reduce the speed of seedling emergence
(Ludwiczak et al., 2021). Research by
Kaya et al., (2006) highlights that the osmotic potential of the external medium and ion toxicity are critical factors influencing CVG. Studies have shown that NaCl and KCl have differential impacts on germination, with NaCl generally having a more pronounced effect on slowing down germination rates compared to KCl
(Rahnama et al., 2010).
Ahmed et al., (2023) emphasize the role of seed priming techniques in improving the CVG under saline conditions. Seed priming can activate various physiological and biochemical processes in seeds, making them more resilient to salinity stress. Additionally, research by
Khajeh-Hosseini et al. (2003) suggests that pre-sowing treatments can mitigate the adverse effects of salinity on CVG, enhancing germination rates and seedling vigor.
Genetic improvement and breeding for salinity tolerance can enhance the CVG in chickpeas
(Atieno et al., 2021). Understanding the genetic basis of salinity tolerance can aid in developing more resilient crop varieties, which is crucial for improving crop establishment and yield in saline environments.
Seed vigor index
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the seed vigor index (SVI) revealed significant differences among the salt concentrations and between the salt types (Table 1-3). The SVI decreased as salt concentration increased, indicating that higher salinity negatively impacts seedling vigor and overall health.
The significant reduction in SVI at higher salt concentrations aligns with previous findings that salinity stress adversely affects seedling growth and vigor. Salinity-induced osmotic stress and ion toxicity disrupt cellular functions, leading to poor seedling development and reduced vigor
(Kaya et al., 2006; Ceritoglu and Erman, 2020).
Research by
Khajeh-Hosseini et al. (2003) demonstrates that salt stress reduces seedling growth parameters, including root and shoot length, which are crucial components of the SVI. Moreover, pre-sowing treatments like seed priming can enhance seed vigor by improving the metabolic and physiological readiness of seeds to withstand salinity stress
(Bewley et al., 2013). Studies by
Ding et al., 2009 and
Desheva et al., 2024, highlight that NaCl and KCl have differential effects on seedling growth, with NaCl generally having a more pronounced negative impact compared to KCl. This differential response can be attributed to the distinct ionic compositions and their specific interactions with cellular processes.
Genetic improvement and breeding for salinity tolerance can also enhance the SVI in chickpeas and other crops. Studies by
Afzal et al., (2020), Shams and Khadivi (2023) emphasize the importance of understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying salinity tolerance to develop more resilient crop varieties. Enhancing seed vigor through genetic and agronomic approaches can significantly improve crop establishment and yield in saline environments.