Horse gram is a valuable legume known for its nutrient density and climate resilience. However, the lack of genetic variability has hindered its improvement through classical breeding programmes. To address this, induced mutagenesis was employed and successfully significant genetic variability, particularly for growth and yield-related traits was generated. To maximize the potential of these mutants, it is essential to evaluate their stability across different environments, as G´E can impact their performance. Multi-trait selection indices, which allow for the simultaneous evaluation of multiple traits, play a key role in identifying stable, good-performing genotypes, ensuring consistent yield and adaptability across environments.
Genotypes evaluation based on MGIDI index
The MGIDI simplifies multi-trait selection by consolidating various trait data into a single index and ranking genotypes based on their proximity to an ideotype. It uses factor analysis to ascertain how different traits are connected or influence one another. MGDI thus, maintains the original correlation structure and supports effective ideotype planning (
Olivoto and Nardino, 2021). Based on the selection intensity, the genotype(s) with the lowest MGIDI score is (are) chosen as the selected genotype(s), indicating its (their) proximity to the ideotype. The selected mutant genotypes using the MGIDI index from both PT and CT are shown in Fig 1A and 2A. In PT, genotype G1 (2.80) had the lowest MGIDI score followed by G25 (2.85), G22 (2.85), G3 (3.08), G27 (3.39) and G17 (3.47); whereas in the CT, the genotypes G8, G22, G3, G25, G27 and G1 emerged as top performers with MGIDI scores of 1.15, 1.16, 1.44, 1.59, 1.75 and 1.76 respectively. The genotypes G1, G3, G22 and G25 consistently performed well in both trials, indicating their adaptability and stability to changing environmental conditions. Similarly, MGIDI has been effectively used in other crops to identify superior genotypes based on multiple traits. For instance,
Maranna et al., (2021); Aruna et al., (2024) and
Amin et al., (2024) employed the MGIDI index to identify the superior genotypes targeting stability in soybean, disease resistance in mung beanand adaptability in lentils respectively. These studies demonstrate the utility of MGIDI in enhancing breeding efforts across different crops.
Genotypes evaluation based on the FAI-BLUP index
FAI-BLUP utilizes BLUPs to derive genetic values and eliminates the influence of experimental errors in the data
(Costa et al., 2023). Like MGIDI, the FAI-BLUP also use factor analysis to select superior genotypes based on multi-trait performance; however, they differ in their selection formulae. Based on the FAI-BLUP index, the experimented horse gram mutant genotypes were ranked (Fig 1B and 2B). The index indicated that six mutant genotypes (G27, G22, G1, G3, G16, G10) performed well in the PT (Fig 1B). In the CT, G3 outperformed the others, along with notable performances from G29, G1, G22, G27 and G7 (Fig 2B). From these results, it is notable that G10, G16 and G27 exhibited varied performances in CT suggesting its sensitivity to environmental conditions. The ability of FAI-BLUP to enhance genotype selection has been highlighted by
Woyann et al., (2020) for soybean and
Rocha et al., (2019) for common beans.
Genotypes evaluation based on SH index
In SH index, the genotypes are selected based on their genetic potential using phenotypic values and genetic covariances (trait’s correlation) since the exact genetic values are not directly known
(Rocha et al., 2018). The genotypes G1, G22, G27, G25, G8 and G3 were identified stable genotypes in the PT (Fig 1C). Interestingly, the same set of genotypes were selected in the CT as well (Fig 2C), with a slight variation in their order of selection (G1, G3, G22, G27 G25 and G8). It may be due to the changes in the environmental factors between two experimental years. Notably, the SH index consistently ranked genotype G1 in the same position in both trials, highlighting its stable performance. Earlier,
Ambrosio et al., (2024) applied the SH index to successfully select superior lines in black bean, while
Jahufer et al., (2015) utilized it for selecting superior lines in switchgrass.
Coincidence of common genotypes across multi-trait stability indices
Coincidence index (CI) is the metric that quantifies the overlap of genotypes commonly selected across different indices. A higher CI indicates a larger number of genotypes selected in common between indices
(Behera et al., 2024). In both trials, the highest CI was observed between the MGIDI and SH indices. In the PT, the coincidence index was 79.17%, with both indices sharing five common genotypes (Table 1). In the CT, the coincidence index reached 100%, with six common genotypes (Table 2). The common genotypes selected by all three indices (MGIDI, FAI-BLUPand SH) are depicted through the Venn diagram (Fig 3). The genotypes G1, G3, G27and G22 were consistently selected across all three indices in both the PT and CT (Fig 3). This consistency highlights that these genotypes demonstrated superior and stable performance across MEEs and years, irrespective of the index used for selection. The robustness of these genotypes, which are not sensitive to the specific analysis approach of each index, emphasizes their high adaptability and overall stability.
Initially in horse gram,
Jafarullakhan et al., (2024) identified G1, G3, G25 and G27 as stable genotypes using yield-related traits based on AMMI and GGE models. To confirm this finding, in the current study, we expanded the genotypic evaluation by including multiple traits comprised of growth, phenological and reproductive traits using a broader set of selection indices: MGIDI, FAI-BLUP and SH. In both PT and CT, the same genotypes G1, G3, G27and G22 were consistently selected by all three indices, reconfirming their stability across a wide range of environmental conditions.
Comparison of SDs arrived from various selection indices in PT and CT
SDs indicate the level of improvement in the traits achieved by selecting genotypes from the initial population using each index. In this study, the SDs derived from three indices were compared in the PT (Table 3). Such comparison of the SDs of each index will help in determining the efficiency of an index in selecting the genotypes for trait improvement. The SD results were cross-validated in the successive year through the CT (Table 4). This cross-validation helped in assessing the robustness of these indices and ensured the reliability of selection across environments. In both PT and CT, the mean of selected genotypes was higher across all traits and indices. The MGIDI and SH demonstrated positive SDs for all traits, while FAI-BLUP exhibited a negative SD for DAF in both PT and CT. Negative SD is useful when the breeding goal is to decrease the trait value in designing the ideal genotype
(Behera et al., 2024).
The interpretation of SDs will be more meaningful when comparing growthand yield traits across the indices. To improve the understanding of the effectivity of the index on genotype selection, we performed a comparative analysis of SDs arrived at for the evaluated traits based on various indices (Fig 4). The three selection indices, MGIDI, FAI-BLUPand SH demonstrated varying levels of effectiveness in achieving genetic gain across the genotypes. Accordingly, in PT, the SH index displayed a higher percentage of SD (5.92%) for growth-related traits such as PLH, NB, DAFand DAM, followed closely by MGIDI (5.59%) and FAI-BLUP (4.24%). However, for yield-attributing traits such as NC, NPC, NP, NS, HSand YD, the MGIDI showed the highest SD (17.14%) followed by FAI-BLUP (11.68%) and SH (10.01%). This shows that the utility of MGIDI will be an ideal SI for yield improvement in horse gram. When considering the average SDs for all traits, MGIDI appears to be the most effective selection index for improving stable genotypes in horse gram. In the CT, slight variations in the order of SDs were observed across indices for growth-related traits. MGIDI (3.18%) exhibited higher SD, whereas SH (2.86%) and FAI-BLUP (1.03%) showed relatively similar SDs for these traits. However, for yield-related traits, MGIDI once again outperformed the other indices, with the highest SD of 18.46%, followed by FAI-BLUP (16.86%) and SH (13.41%). These results suggest that MGIDI is the most effective index for selecting superior genotypes in the CT.
Altogether, by combining the results of both PT and CT, MGIDI consistently produced the highest SDs for yield and its related traits, suggesting that it is the most effective index in identifying high-performing genotypes. After that, FAI-BLUP showed strong performance for yield-related traits but it showed less SD for growth-related traits. SH exhibited moderate yet consistent selection differentials, making it a reliable but less effective method compared to MGIDI and FAI-BLUP. These results suggest that MGIDI will be the best-suited index for maximizing genetic gain when prioritizing multiple traits, especially those contributing to yield, while FAI-BLUP and SH offer balanced results, better suited for more specific selection goals.