Plant height
There was a significant influence of the treatments on the height of black gram. Plants with maximum height (39.0 cm) were recorded statistically significant in RDF + Urea 1% FS (T
5) at 40 DAS whereas the shortest plant height (26.5 cm) was recorded in RDF - 50% N as Urea Basal Dose + Nano-Urea (Liquid) 50% (FS) + P and K RDF treatment (T
7) as compared to other treatments during 2022. The similar trend was observed during 2023 too.
However, at 60 DAS, the tallest plants were observed in RDF + Urea 1% FS (T
5) (42.1 cm) and shortest plants (31.6 cm) were observed in Control (No NPK) (T
8) (Table 1) Similar results were observed during 2023 also. The tallest plant was significantly recorded under the treatment of RDF + Urea 1% FS compared to others. Increase of growth attributes of black gram under the treatment of RDF + Urea 1% FS (T
5) could be attributed to improved nutrient availability throughout the crop growth phases, with chemical fertilizer supplying NPK at the crop’s initial growth stages and later stages of nutrients. These results also corroborate the findings (
Gaurav and Chaturvedi, 2023).
Number of branches plant-1
All the treatments showed marked variation on number of branches during 2022 and 2023. At 40 and 60 DAS, maximum number of branches were recorded (26.7 and 37.7 numbers plant
-1) in treatment RDF + Urea 1% FS (T5) that was at par with Nano-Urea (Liquid) 1.25 litres ha
-1 as Foliar Spray (FS) (IFFCO) + P and K RDF (T
2) and RDF - 50 % N as Urea Basal Dose + Urea 1 % (FS) + P and K RDF (T
6). The least number of branches per plant (13.7 and 21.7 numbers plant
-1) were noted in Control (No NPK) (T8) (Fig 1). As a matter of thumb, as the number of leaves plant
-1 increases, so does the leaf area, may haves received observed increased photosynthesis from the source and sink, which results in the growth of additional branches. Application of Nitrogen as a basal dose results in more number of branches
(Marimuthu et al., 2024). A combina-tion of soil application and foliar spray, matching the N requirement of crop in demand with time series and subsequent nano N spray probably sustained the N content, so helping to promote cell division, elongation and in turn the number of branches (
Arun Kumar et al., 2024).
Alqader et al., (2020) also reported that the application of nano nutrients, particularly nitrogen, has a good influence on the branching development of pea and other pulse crops.
Number of pods plant-1
Significant variation was noticed among the treatments during both the years of experimentation. Recommended Dose of Fertilizer + Urea 1% foliar spray (T
5) registered more number pods per plant (19.0) over others which was at par with T
2 (Nano-Urea (Liquid) 1.25 litres ha
-1 as foliar spray (FS) (IFFCO) + P and K RDF). Persistently, lesser number of pods per plant (9.1) in 2022 was produced by Control (No NPK) (T
8) (Table 2). Similar findings were recorded during 2023. The improved yield characteristics and overall productivity observed with this treatment can be attributed to increased growth parameters caused by a greater availability of vital plant nutrients
(Marimuthu et al., 2024). Nitrogen promotes vegetative growth, phosphorus stimulates root development and flowering, while potas-sium aids in a variety of physiological functions. When these vital nutrients are delivered in appropriate quantities, they promote development and increase production charac-teristics. Adequate availability of these nutrients is believed to contribute to enhanced carbohydrate buildup and efficient translocation from source to sink, particularly in reproductive organs. This method results in a significant rise in many yield-attributing characters. These results pertain in close agreement with numerous researchers like
Sahu et al. (2021);
Pareek et al., (2022) and
Aniket et al., (2024). It is possible that sufficient nitrogen through nano urea at the crucial period, which would have maintained a constant supply of nitrogen, led to meristematic activity and promotion of cell elongation in plants, resulting in a greater number of pods per plant. These result findings were in close agreement with the findings of
Rajesh et al., (2023).
Number of grains per pod
Statistically maximum number of grains per pod (6.2 and 6.8) were recorded in Nano-Urea (Liquid) 1.25 litres ha
-1 as Foliar Spray (FS) (IFFCO) + P and K RDF (T
2) during 2022 and 2023 (Table 2). The least number of grains per pod (3.4 and 3.5) was observed with Control (No NPK) during 2022 and 2023, respectively. The same outcomes were observed in 2023 as well. The total number of grains per pod may be due to the foliar spray of nano urea, which leads to increased photosynthate assimilation and translocation of photosynthates from the source to the sink
Algym et al., (2020); Hafize and Bati (2023) and
Aniket et al., (2024). Islam et al., (2023) reported that, timely supply of nitrogen stimulates the initiation of grain formation, which contributes to the increase in grain count per pod.
Pod weight and seed weight
Discernible variations have been observed due to various treatment combinations during two years of field experiments. Among the different treatment combination, application of nano-urea (Liquid) 1.25 litres ha
-1 as Foliar Spray (FS) (IFFCO) + P and K RDF (T
2) resulted in higher pod weight and seed weight (4.5 and 3.2 g per plant) during 2022, respectively (Table 3). It was closely on par with RDF + Urea 1% FS (T
5) as compared to others. Lowest pod and seed weight (2.6 and 1.4 g per plant) were recorded in control pot (T
8) during the year of 2022, respectively.
During 2023, marked difference of pod weight and seed weight was manifested due to various treatments. Higher pod and seed weight (6.2 and 3.6 g per plant) was noted under nano-urea (Liquid) 1.25 litre ha
-1 as Foliar Spray (FS) (IFFCO) + P and K RDF (T
2) than other treatments. It was on par with T
5 (RDF + Urea 1% FS). The lowest values for pod and grain weight (4.5 and 1.6 g per plant) was registered under T
8 [Control (No NPK] during 2023, respectively.
It was found to be enhanced by foliar applying fertilizer containing nano-urea. greater starch translocation from the active site of leaves and straw to grain (sink), as well as increased nitrogen provided by nano-urea and a basal dose of potassium throughout the growth phases, could be the cause of this. Consequently, more photosynthetically active radiations are intercepted, increasing photosy-nthesis. The results were in conformity with the findings
Islam et al., (2023).
The pod and seed weight per plant considerably increased under Recommended Dose of Fertilizer + Urea 1% FS, showing the function of balanced fertilization in increasing agricultural output. It could be attributed to phosphorus enhanced nodulation and efficient working of nodule bacteria for fixation of nitrogen to be used by plants during grain development stage in protein synthesis as shown in N uptake, which led to a rise in pod and seed weight
(Satyanandam et al., 2022). Furthermore, potassium may increase the feeding environment of the rhizosphere and the plant system, resulting in increased nutrient transfer in multiple plant sections, which may directly contribute to pod and seed weight. These findings agree with
Kunwar and Victor, 2023.
Nutrient (NPK)
Recommended dose of fertilizer + Urea 1% foliar spray (T
5) recorded significantly more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake (0.33, 0.059 and 0.18 g per plant) at harvesting of crop, respectively followed by nano-urea (Liquid) 1.25 litres ha
-1 as Foliar Spray (FS) (IFFCO) + PandK RDF (T2) (25 x 20 cm) (Fig 2). Control (T
8) resulted in the least nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake (0.10, 0.011 and 0.05 g per plant) at harvesting of the crop, respectively. Similar analyzed results were obtained during 2023 too. This may have attributed to the fact that a balanced utilization of multiple plant nutrient sources results in proper absorption, transport and digestion of those nutrients, ultimately enhancing plant drymatter accumulation and nutrient contents and therefore exhibiting greater uptake of elemental nutrients. Similar findings were reported by
Shekhawat et al., 2021.