Residual effect on weeds
Floristic composition of the experimental field
During the two year field study, the experimental field was infested with miscellaneous flora of both narrow-leaved and broad-leaved weeds. Pivotal narrow-leaved weeds were
Cynodon dactylon, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Dinebra retroflexa, Echinochloa colona L.,
Chloris barbata, Brachiaria reptans and
Cyperus rotundus while key broad-leaved included
Trianthema portulacastrum,
Parthenium hyspterophorus,
Corchorus olitorius L.,
Digera arvensis and
Boerhavia erecta L. During
rabi seasons,
Parthenium hyspterophorus was the most dominating broad-leaved weed whereas
Echinochloa colona L
. and
Chloris barbata dominated the narrow-leaved weeds.
Total weed density and dry weight
At harvest, total weed density and weed dry weight were significantly influenced by residual effect of extreme levels of atrazine employed in preceding maize in both
rabi seasons (Table 1). Herbicidal treatments significantly decreased the two parameters over weedy check (T
11). Significant lower total weed density (4.41/m
2) was noticed in residual effect of pre-emergence (PE) atrazine at 0.50 kg a.i ha
-1 followed by Tembotrione at 120 g
a.i ha
-1 as post-emergence at 25 DAS (T
8) during
rabi 2019-20 and was statistically at par with PE atrazine at 1.00 kg
a.i ha
3), PE atrazine at 1.50 kg a.i ha
-1 (T
5) and PE atrazine at 0.50 kg a.i ha
-1 followed by hand weeding at 30 DAS (T
9). During
rabi 2020-21 it was recorded in PE atrazine at 2.00 kg a.i ha
-1 (T
7) (5.03/m
2) which was at par with T
2, T
3, T
4, T
5, T
6 and T
8. Similar trend was observed with total weed dry weight. Amid
rabi 2019-20, T8 recorded the lower total weed dry weight (9.81 g m
-2) and it was at par with T
2, T
3, T
4 and T
7 while during 2020-21, T
7 registered the lower total weed dry weight (10.68 g m
-2) and it was at par with T8. Lower total weed dry weight might be due to lower total weed density registered in these treatments. The results are not in agreement with the findings obtained by
Mutsvandiani et al., (2015) who reported that weed biomass was not affected by the residual atrazine. Nonetheless,
Rani et al., (2022) also reported a decreased total weed density and dry matter in green gram due to residual effect of weed management practices imposed in preceding maize.
Weed control efficiency (WCE)
Residual effect of PE atrazine at 0.50 kg a.i ha
-1 followed by Tembotrione at 120 g a.i ha
-1 as post-emergence at 25 DAS (T
8) recorded the highest WCE (39.25%) at harvest during
rabi 2019-20 while amid
rabi 2020-21, it was registered under residual effect of PE atrazine at 2.00 kg a.i ha
-1 (T
7) with mean value of 39.65% (Table 1). Higher WCE in these treatments might be owing to reduction in weed growth and density. The results confirm earlier report by
Bommayasamy and Chinnamuthu (2021).
Residual effect on succeeding cowpea
Plant growth parameters
Residual effect of extreme levels of atrazine did not show any significant difference on germination of cowpea during both
rabi seasons. Plant height and plant dry weight were not significantly influenced by treatments at harvest during
rabi 2019-20. In contrast, amid
rabi 2020-21, both parameters were significantly affected (Table 2). Highest plant height (109.90 cm) and plant dry weight (24.62 g) were recorded under weed free (T
10) and it was at par with T
7 and T
8 regarding both parameters. This might be owing to better control of weeds which in turn might lead to low weed density and biomass of weeds in these treatments which favoured the cowpea to acquire all the vital resources needed for crop growth and development
(Rani et al., 2022).
Yield attributes and yield
Number of pods plant
-1, seed yield and harvest index (HI) were significantly influenced by treatments during both
rabi seasons whereas haulm yield was only affected during
rabi 2020-21 (Table 3). The highest number of pods plant
-1 (14.67 and 13.00), seed yield (788.67 and 842.33 kg ha
-1) and harvest index (0.19 and 0.15) was recorded in weed free (T
10) during
rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21 respectively. This might be chiefly due to minimum crop-weed competition throughout the growing period of cowpea, which enhanced more synthesis and translocation of assimilates to developing pods and seeds
(Rani et al., 2022). Concerning haulm yield during
rabi 2020-21, T
10 continued to show its predominance as it registered highest haulm yield (5031 kg ha
-1). There was no significant difference between treatments with reference to 100-seed weight. Seed test weight is a genetic character of plant and does not change with management practices (
Bommayasamy and Chinnamuthu, 2021).