The data were recorded (Table 1, Plate I) on fresh and dry weight of cotyledon and embryonic axis of seeds after 72 hours of germination and analysis of variance indicated highly significant (
P £ 0.05) variation among all the treatments in respect of all the parameters studied. Perusal of means revealed that the fresh weight of both cotyledon and embryonic axis decreased concurrently along with the increase in concentration of the metals in germinating nutrient medium. The range of decrease in case of fresh weight of cotyledon varied from 5.41% at 100 µM to 61.63% at 1000 µM Cd and from 8.88% at 50 µM to 35.78% at 300 µM Zn over control. The corresponding ranges for fresh weight reduction of embryonic axis were from 3.81% at 100 µM to 74.03% at 1000 µM Cd and from 7.37% at 50 µM to 76.70% at 300 µM Zn over control. The dry weight of cotyledon and embryonic axis also followed the same pattern. The ranges of dry weight reduction varied from 3.48% at 100 µM of cadmium to 47.26% at 1000 µM of cadmium, while the corresponding values for zinc varied from 0.71% at 50 µM of zinc to 47.26% at 300 µM. Dry weight of embryonic axis also reduced under the metal treatments having the range from 7.12% at 100 µM of cadmium to 47.46% at 1000 µM and from 3.05% at 50 µM of zinc to 60.68% at 300 µM of zinc. Such inhibitory effects of cadmium and zinc on growth of embryonic axis might be a consequence of disarray in mitotic cycle as well as chromosomal aberration caused by heavy metals resulting in disturbance of cell division
(Rajput et al., 2019). However, from the overall data on growth of embryonic axis as well as fresh and dry weight of cotyledons under different concentrations of cadmium and zinc, three concentrations of cadmium (
viz, 100, 300 and 500 µM) and two concentrations of zinc (
viz, 50 and 150 µM) and their combinations were finally selected for cadmium-zinc interaction studies in the present experiment because these concentrations of two metals were found to be not too severe nor too mild for embryonic growth of groundnut.
Perusal of data indicated that all the treatments caused significant (
P £ 0.05) reduction in root length of groundnut seedling. The percent reduction in root length increased from 24.34% to 35.10% over control as the concentration of cadmium in the medium increased from 100 to 500 µM (Table 2). The two concentrations of zinc used in the experiment also produced negative effects on root length, the severity been increased under higher concentration. The adverse effects of both these metals on root length might be attributed to reduction in mitotic index affecting cell division and elongation as was also noted earlier by
Borboa and Delatorre (1996). Zinc supplements reduced the severity of cadmium stress on root length to some extent in all treatment combinations, although the inhibitory effect could not be completely rectified.
Perusal of data revealed that treatment with cadmium or zinc alone led to a decrease in chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content of the leaf and the effect became more drastic along with an increase in the concentration of metal in medium (Table 3, Plate II). The result corroborated the early finding of
Sivakumar et al., (2001). However, the reduced biosynthesis and enhanced chlorophyll degradation along with disorganized chloroplasts
(Rascio et al., 2008) might be attributed for the observed inhibitory effects of cadmium on leaf chlorophyll, whereas possible obstruction of Fe transport to chloroplast under excess Zn might be the underlying factor for decreased pigment content (
Symeonidis and Karataglis, 1992). However, the Zn supplementation (150 µM) of cadmium-treated seedlings not only mitigated the negative effect of Cd 100 µM and 300 µM, but also increased the chlorophyll content above control level. The result was consistent with the finding of
Aravind and Prasad (2005).
The data on relative leaf water content (RLWC) indicated non-significant differences among the treatments. In all the cases cadmium and zinc alone led to a reduction in RLWC and the highest reduction was noted down in case of Cd 500 µM treatment (Table 4). Supplementation of highest concentration of zinc was able to reduce the Cd-induced negative effects to some extent.
The leaf protein content of the seedlings significantly (
P £ 0.05) decreased under cadmium treatment with the effect being more adverse along with an increase in cadmium concentration (Table 4). The observed decrease in protein content under cadmium stress might be a consequence of reduction in protein synthesis
(Blaestrasse et al., 2003). In contrast, the protein content increased in the Zn-treated seedlings and the corresponding values were 26.09 and 1.31% over control at 50 and 150 µM, respectively. The observation was consistent with the earlier suggestions regarding the essentiality of zinc in many metabolic processes including its role as protein stabilizer (
Vallee and Falchuk, 1993). However, the combination of Zn 150 µM with different concentrations of cadmium somewhat lowered the adverse effect of cadmium stress alone, thus, indicating antagonistic effects of this metal combination.
The activity of nitrate reductase (NR) in the leaves of groundnut seedlings decreased significantly (
P £ 0.05) under all concentrations of cadmium and zinc as well as their interactions (Table 4). In case of cadmium, the percent inhibition of the enzyme activity over unstressed control was found to be 53.70, 56.83 and 61.02% for Cd 100, 300 and 500 µM, respectively, thus, indicating increases in toxic effect of the metal concomitant with an increase in concentration in the medium. However, there was a little difference between two concentrations of zinc used in the experiment in respect of negative effect on the enzymatic activity. The different treatment combinations of cadmium and zinc could not remarkably change the level of metal toxicity except Cd 100 µM + Zn 150 µM which significantly lowered the negative effect of sole treatment of Cd 100 µM on NR.
The mean data on leaf phenol content revealed highly significant (
P £ 0.05) variations among the treatments. Treatment with Cd 100 and 300 µM induced 9.11 and 4.52% increase in phenol content (Table 4), respectively, over control. This observation was corroborative of the early observation by
Garcia et al., (2012) and might be interpreted as a consequence of Cd-induced accumulation of cinnamic acid derivatives
(Kovacik et al., 2009). The leaf phenol content also increased under zinc treatment at 50 and 150 µM and the corresponding values were 6.81 and 17.97% over control, respectively. Moreover, the supplements of zinc with cadmium also induced positive effect in respect of phenol accumulation in leaf but the level varied under different combinations. The influence of zinc on phenol accumulation in leaf was reported earlier by
Chamani et al., (2016). Plant phenolic compounds are potent non-enzymatic antioxidant and thus, increase in their contents in the leaf might lead to scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are responsible to create oxidative stress.