PHA shows high affinity for human O blood group erythrocyte glycans
Affinity purified PHA was examined for its hemagglutination activity with human A, B and O blood group erythrocytes. Lectin recognized all the blood groups, but showed highest titre (2048) for O and lowest titre (4) for B blood group erythrocytes (Fig 1). Erythrocytes from blood group A showed moderate binding with titre of 16. Since lectin recognized O erythrocytes with highest titre, further studies were carried out with O erythrocytes. These results indicated that PHA did not recognized cell surface blood group antigens and their non-involvement in PHA binding.
Inhibition of PHA hemagglutinating activity by human saliva
In order to determine the inhibitory property of salivary glycoproteins on PHA activity, unstimulated human saliva was processed as described in materials and methods. Freeze dried saliva samples were reconstituted in PBS (1 mg/ml) and used for the inhibition studies along with standard glycoprotein, fetuin. PHA activity is inhibited by all the saliva samples irrespective of blood groups (Fig 2) using O blood group erythrocytes. Interestingly, pool -3 containing saliva samples from individuals having blood group O, showed lower MIC (1.56 µg) compared to saliva of A and B blood groups (6.25 and 12.5 µg respectively). Positive control, fetuin showed significant inhibition (MIC-3.125 µg), while negative control, p-BSA did not inhibited the activity of PHA.
Ammonium sulphate precipitation of salivary glycoproteins
Next, we fractionated saliva sample from O blood group individuals (pool-3) to purify and characterize glycoproteins having PHA inhibitory activity. Pool-3 samples were reconstituted in distilled water and subjected to 0-30, 30-60 and 60-80% ammonium sulphate saturation at room temperature. Among different fractions of ammonium sulphate precipitated saliva samples, proteins at 30-60% saturation exhibited strong inhibition with 0.039 µg of MIC (Fig 3A). Proteins precipitated at 60-80% of saturation, did not show any inhibition on PHA activity. However, 0-30% fraction showed slight inhibitory activity (MIC-1.25 µg). SDS-PAGE profiling of 30-60% fraction on 7.5% acrylamide gel-electrophoresis revealed that, there are 10 different major protein bands corresponding to approximate molecular weight of 80, 110, 150, 200, 260, 300 and other proteins are of high molecular weight with more than 300 kDa (Fig 3B).
High molecular weight proteins exhibited strong inhibitory property on PHA activity
To further purify proteins exhibiting inhibitory property, 30-60% ammonium precipitated proteins were subjected to gel-filtration chromatography. As indicated in Fig 4, gel filtration chromatography yielded 5 major peaks (peak 1-5). Hapten inhibition studies with these protein peaks revealed that only peak 1 corresponding to high molecular weight, inhibited the hemagglutination activity of PHA. Since majority of proteins in saliva secretions contain glycoproteins, we pooled fractions corresponding to peak 1 (27-31), dialyzed against buffer and then against water and analyzed by lectin blot assay.
Lectin blot analysis of salivary glycoproteins by biotinylated PHA
Since only high molecular weight proteins have exhibited PHA inhibitory activity, we wanted to confirm these results by lectin blot analysis using biotinylated PHA. Proteins from 30-60% fraction were separated on 7.5% acrylamide gel electrophoresis and then blotted on to PVDF membrane and probed with biotinylated PHA lectin. Binding of biotinylated PHA to glycoproteins was detected with streptavidin-HRP reaction. Fig 5 clearly demonstrate that, PHA detected only high molecular weight proteins well above 300 kDa. Although, there are 5 proteins bands (Band# 6-10) below 300 kDa size, with very high intensity band around 200 kDa (Fig 3B), but lectin did not detect any of these bands. Lectin has also detected fetuin which was used as positive control suggesting the true recognition of N-linked glycans in saliva-glycoproteins.
Although there are many reports on detailed composition and allergic property of red kidney beans in humans
(Misra et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2014), information regarding lowering the allergic potential, especially from the perspective of hemagglutinins are scanty. Since major portion of protein content in red kidney bean is PHA and it is known to play vital role in eliciting allergic reaction, it would greatly enhance nutritional value of kidney beans if they are devoid of PHA content. Alternatively, activity of PHA can be neutralized by inhibiting with its potent hapten/s, before it could enter into the cells and elicit allergic stimuli. In this connection, we have made an attempt to determine whether glycoproteins of normal human saliva can exhibit any inhibitory property of PHA. If so, these glycoprotein/s from saliva are identified, purified and characterized completely to use as food additives. This way, inhibited PHA may not get absorbed by intestinal cells, making red kidney beans safe to consume in allergic individuals.
Hemagglutination study using human blood group A, B and O erythrocytes has validated earlier findings that blood group non-specific nature of this lectin and requirement of complex sugars as its haptens. Although there are reports on human A, B, O blood group non-specific nature of PHA, there are no reports describing the preference among these blood groups
(Wiener et al., 1969; Manage et al., 1972). However, current study has shown that PHA has more affinity towards O but not A and B blood groups. This result suggested that O erythrocytes expressed high number of PHA-inhibitory glycans on their cell surfaces. In line with this, saliva from blood group O individuals showed very strong inhibition for PHA activity when compared to A and B, suggesting the fact that expression of high concentration of PHA-inhibitory glycans in the saliva secretions of O blood group individuals.
It is well known fact that many types of modifications are observed on salivary proteins including glycosylation, phosphorylation, sulfation, etc.,
(Pol et al., 2007; Helmerhorst and Oppenheim 2007). Modification of salivary proteins by glycosylation has important functions in the oral cavity such as lubrication and protection of oral cavity and teeth
(Hatton et al., 1985). Glycans make up to 50% of the saliva’s weight and some of the salivary glycoproteins involved in lubrication include proline-rich glycoproteins and mucins
(Ramachandran et al., 2008). Considering the fact that PHA recognizes trisaccharide Galb1-4GlcNAcb1-2Man present in the biantennary galactosylated N-glycans
(Nagae et al., 2014), and these N-linked glycans are also part of mucins
(Guile et al., 1998; Ramachandran et al., 2008; Hall et al., 2017), it is quite possible that inhibitory property of saliva may due these N-linked glycans either in free form or in association with proteins. Results of ammonium sulphate fractionation studies indicated that proteins precipitated at 30-60% of ammonium sulphate have inhibited the PHA activity, suggesting the role of high molecular weight proteins in inhibiting the activity of PHA. Also, supernatant from these fractions did not show any inhibition indicating the absence of free glycans in saliva secretions. In addition, gel filtration chromatography and lectin blot analysis have also suggested that only high molecular weight proteins (< 250 kDa) exhibited inhibitory activity. Since mucins are high molecular weight (>400 kDa) glycoproteins and major constituents of saliva secretions
(Zalewska et al., 2000; Pol et al., 2007), we presumed that inhibitory activity of saliva on PHA is mainly due to these mucins.
There are at least 20 identified mucins throughout the human body that cover wet epithelial surfaces such as the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and eyes. Out of these 20 mucins, MUC1, MUC4, MUC5B, MUC7 and MUC19 were found predominantly in saliva of oral cavity
(Linden et al., 2008). Although MUC19 is gel forming mucin in saliva, MUC5B is the primary and predominant gel-forming mucin in the mouth that is secreted by mucous cells in the submandibular, sublingual, palatine, and labial salivary glands
(Nielsen et al., 1997; Chen et al., 2004; Rousseau et al., 2008; Culp et al., 2015). Since MUC1 and MUC4 are membrane-associated mucins
(Sengupta et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2002) where as MUC 5B is the secretory protein, we predicted that MUC5B is the glycoprotein which may contributing inhibitory property to saliva in neutralizing the activity of PHA. However, this prediction needs further analysis by other specific glycan-lectin interaction studies such as surface plasmon resonance
(Lonardi et al., 2013) and isothermal calorimetry
(Bouckaert et al., 2013) using purified MUC5B mucin or its glycans.
In conclusion, the findings from our study suggest that PHA can be effectively inhibited by human salivary glycoproteins. If these glycoproteins (mucins) are purified to homogeneity and characterized completely, one can easily target allergenic property of red kidney beans by neutralizing the activity of PHA through these mucins. Additionally, if these glycoproteins are produced in bulk, which can be used as food additives to minimize allergic potential and to increase the nutritional value of red kidney beans.