Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 40 issue 1 (february 2017) : 94-99

Effect of drought on growth, physiological and biochemical processes of chickpea-rhizobia symbiosis

Ahmed Khadraji1, Cherki Ghoulam*1
1<p>Unit of Plant Biotechnology and Symbiosis Agro-physiology,&nbsp;Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, PO. Box 549, Gueliz 40000 Marrakesh, Morocco.&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Khadraji1 Ahmed, Ghoulam*1 Cherki (2016). Effect of drought on growth, physiological and biochemicalprocesses of chickpea-rhizobia symbiosis . Legume Research. 40(1): 94-99. doi: 10.18805/lr.v0iOF.3771.

The effects of drought on growth, several physiological and biochemical processes in six winter varieties (Zhour, Rizki, Douyet, V46, V34 and P37) of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and two rhizobial strains (MC07 and MC10) were studied. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions. Seedlings were grown under three regimes moistening and inoculated separately: 100 % of field capacity (control), 80% of field capacity (optimal irrigation) and 40% of field capacity (water deficit). The results showed that the hydric deficit had significantly perturbed the dry biomass, proline activity, total chlorophyll and nitrogen contents. Moreover, this constraint negatively affected the water deficit saturation (WDS), the membrane permeability and the stomatal conductance of leaves. Under drought, the varieties Zhour and Rizki showed a better water efficiency that was translated by high level in proline accumulation, membrane stability, total chlorophyll and nitrogen contents. These parameters were maintained at the adequate levels with the rhizobial strain MC07 which showed a tolerance in the drought condition. On the contrary, the symbiotic combination least powerful according to the studied parameters is formed by the variety P37-MC10. 

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