Indian Journal of Animal Research
Chief EditorM. R. Saseendranath
Print ISSN 0367-6722
Online ISSN 0976-0555
NAAS Rating 6.40
SJR 0.263
Impact Factor 0.4 (2024)
Chief EditorM. R. Saseendranath
Print ISSN 0367-6722
Online ISSN 0976-0555
NAAS Rating 6.40
SJR 0.263
Impact Factor 0.4 (2024)
Oxidative Stress: A Biomarker for Animal Health and Production: A Review
CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing Single Guide RNA (sgRNA) Design using Three Different Web Tool Platforms
Candidate Gene Analysis of Genetic Resistance to Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Sheep Through Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Phenotypic Traits
Genetic Diversity of Crossbred Cattle using Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI) Gene in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Genetic Analysis of Malkangiri Goats in its Native Tract
Triidothyronine (TT3), Total Thyroxine (TT4) and Free Thyroxine (FT4) Reference Range in Healthy Dogs by Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Characterization of Postpartum Ovarian Follicular Development Pattern in Crossbred Cows
Effect of Vitamin C at Different Doses on the Oxidant/Antioxidant System of Ewes During Late Pregnancy, Early and Late Lactation and Their Lambs
Investigation of Serum Trace Element Levels in Sheep in Diyarbakır Province and Districts
Effect of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Seed Processing on the Diets of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Growth, Antinutrients, and Blood Parameters
The Assessment of the Anthelmintic Activity of Laurus nobilis Extract in Mice Naturally Infected with Aspiculuris tetraptera
In vitro Studies on Anticoccidial Effects of Healthy Sheep Bile against Eimeria magna and Eimeria exigua Oocysts and Sporozoites Isolated from Domestic Rabbits
In vitro Sporulation, Oocysticidal Sporulation Inhibition of Eimeria papillate and Cytotoxic Efficacy of Methanolic Extract of Thymus daenensis Leaves
In vivo and in vitro Study to Evaluate the Anti-osteoporotic Activity of Punica granatum Seed, Bambusa arundinaceae Leaves and Trichosanthes diocio Fruit Ethanolic Extract
Anthelmintic Activity of Artemisia monosperma Methanol Extracts against Eisenia fetida in vitro Study
Control of Musca domestica (House Fly) in Poultry Units using Delta Traps
Pathomorphological, Haemato-biochemical and Diagnostic Imaging Studies in Canine Pyometra
Tumour Node Metastasis Staging as Prognostic Indicator for Surgical Decision-making Tool in Canine Mammary and Superficial Neoplasms: A Survival Analysis Study
Qualitative Morphological Characterization of Male Indonesian Local Sheep Breeds on Java Island, Indonesia
Effect of Different Natural Substrates on Periphyton Production under Earthen Lined Seawater Pond for Periphyton based Aquaculture
Determination of Linear Udder Traits of Norduz Sheep
Optimization of 17α-Methyl Testosterone Dose in Artemia Nauplii and Rotifer using Enrichment Technique
Laminaria japonica Polyascchride Improves Protein Metabolism of Weaned Piglets