Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi

  • Print ISSN 0367-8245

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  • NAAS Rating 5.60

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 35 issue 2 (june 2001) : 71 - 78


P.S. Sinha!, S.K. Gangwarz, B.D. Singh, J. JaiswaP, U.P. Griyaghey
1Regional Sericultural Research Station; Centtal Silk Board, P.O. Hehal, Ranchi - 834 OD5.lndia
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Sinha! P.S., Gangwarz S.K., Singh B.D., JaiswaP J., Griyaghey U.P. (2024). EVALUATION OF SOME ELITE MULBERRY (MORUS ALBA L.) VARIETIES AND NPK LEVELS UNDER PARTIALLY IRRIGATED CONDITIONS FROM SERICULTURE VIEW POINT. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 35(2): 71 - 78. doi: .
Four elite mulberry varieties viz. S1, K2, C763 and C776 were evaluated under partially irrigated conditions at five fertiHzer levels, using spilt plot design, on the basis of vaious, growth parameters like extension growth, branching, no. of leaves, leaf area, hundered leaf weight, weight of 100 sq em laminar area, total photosynthetic area, total fresh leaf yield and moisture content of leaf. S1 variety was found to be the best mullberry variety from sericultire view point and NPK @ 150:50:50 kg/ha/yr in combination of FYM @ 10 MT/fia/yr was fOYnd to be the most cost, effective fertilizer level under partially irrigated coooitions. Role of different growth attribute in bringing out qualitative and quantitative changes in leaf production is also discussed.
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