Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi

  • Print ISSN 0367-8245

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 37 issue 3 (september 2003) : 227 - 230


A.T.M.S. Islam, S.K. Audhikary
1Department of Plant Pathology. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur - 5200. Bangladesh
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Islam A.T.M.S., Audhikary S.K. (2025). DIFFERENTIAL REACTION OF WHEAT GENOTYPES TO BIPOLARIS SOROKlNIANA. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 37(3): 227 - 230. doi: .
Differential reaction of 57 wheat genotypes against Bipolaris sorokiniana were estimated following Principal Component Analysis, Non-hierarchical Clustering and Canonical Vector Analysis. The genotypes were classified into four clusters based on components of disease reaction. The cluster I, II, 111, IV contained 8, 7, 18 and 24 genotypes respectively. The minimum intra-cluster distance 0.695 was observed in cluster II which indicates close relation among the genotypes and maximum 1.351 was in cluster I. The inter-Cluster D 2 value indicates maximum distance (11.531) between cluster I and II followed by distance (7.868) between II and. IV. The genotypes belonging distant cluster may be used as parent in hybridization programme for disease resistance which might show maximum heterosis and wider variability towards disease reaction.
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