Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi

  • Print ISSN 0367-8245

  • Online ISSN 0976-058X

  • NAAS Rating 5.60

  • SJR 0.293

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 38 issue 3 (september 2004) : 202 - 206


B. Patm·. S. Toda, S. Komazaki
1Laboratory of Entomology. Persimmon and Grape Research Centre. National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, Akitsu. Hiroshima. 729-24. Japan
  • Submitted|

  • First Online |

  • doi

Cite article:- Toda S. Patm·. B., Komazaki S. (2024). STUDIES ON THE EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF APHIS GOSSYPII GLOVER (APHIDIDAE : HOMOPTERA). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 38(3): 202 - 206. doi: .
The embryonic development of Aphis gossypii Glover showed 3 egg stages and 4 embryonic stages. The nucleus of the egg was divided superficially in a syncytial manner in egg-II stage. The egg-III stage was oval, flattened and surrounded by blastoderm. The eye spots appeared in embryoII stage. The preantennal segments, rostrum and legs appeared in the embryo-III stage. The embryoIV stage was laterally flattened and the different body parts, such as head, antennae, legs and abdominal segments were clearly visible.
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