Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 46 issue 2 (june 2012) : 141 - 147


Garima Gupta*, S.R. Yadav
1Department of Entomology, G.B.Pant Univ. of Agricultural & Technology, Pantnagar-263541, India
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Cite article:- Gupta* Garima, Yadav S.R. (2025). MANAGEMENT OF SPILARCTIA OBLIQUA (WALKER) CONSIDERING USAGE OF DIFFERENT AGROCHEMICALS AND THEIR COMBINATIONS . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 46(2): 141 - 147. doi: .
The role of agrochemicals in an integrated manner with the use of biorational insecticides in combination with other agrochemicals (fungicide, Plant growth regulator PGR) for the control of first instar larvae of Spilarctia oblique was studied under laboratory conditions at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, during 2004 and 2005. The results revealed that mortality of larvae started from 48 h on all fortified artificial diets except two mixtures, (Mancozeb 1X + Miraculan 1X) and (Mancozeb 1X + Miraculan 1X + diflubenzuron 0.5X). Dipel 0.5X showed quick lethal effect on larvae within 2 days among all the combinations. The treatments with dipel; (Miraculan 1X + dipel 0.5X), (Mancozeb 1X + Miraculan 1X + Dipel 0.5X), (Mancozeb 1X + Miraculan 1X + Dipel 0.5X + diflubenzuron 0.5X), (Mancozeb 1X+ Dipel 0.5X + diflubenzuron 0.5X), (Miraculan 1X + Dipel 0.5X), (diflubenzuron 0.5X + Dipel 0.5X) and (Miraculan 1X + Dipel 0.5X + diflubenzuron 0.5X), showed less than 50 per cent larval survival, which indicated that all the above combinations even with half dose of dipel are effectively lethal to the pest than dipel alone at recommended dose. Similar observations were also recorded when these treatments were repeated with larvae exposed to treated castor leaves, which proved that the lethal effect of miraculan and mancozeb remained stable when sprayed with dipel or diflubenzuron on plant leaves.
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