The soil map of Çukurova University’s (Southern Turkey) campus Adana (1802 ha) was prepared
by conventional air-photo interpretation in 1974, and is updated by employing geographical
information system and remote sensing techniques. Soils of the campus are developed on alluvial
deposits (35%), conglomerates (33%), calcrete (25%) and old river terraces (7%). Soils having 90-
120 cm depth cover 26% of the total area whereas shallow soils (10-30cm) occupy 22%. The large
area (86%) of region overlay on flat (0-2%) or gently sloping lands (2-6%), whereas strongly sloping
lands (12-24%) cover only 14%. Four diagnostic horizons were determined as Bw; Ck; Bw-Ck and
Bt-Ck with 4%, 21%, 12% and 16% distribution. Land Capability Classification (LCC) I, II and III
cover 87.3% of the total geographical area whereas soils of VI and VII class only 12.7%. Soils are
classified into Entisol, Inceptisol, Vertisol and Alfisol orders with 16%, 40%, 26% and 18% distribution.