Soybean growth
Neither nitrogen nor rhizobium fertilizers have a significant effect on soybean plant height.
Nisak and Supriyadi (2019) stated that soil used for soybean contained a total N of 0.10 g 100g
-1. The N content in the soil was very low. This might be due to nitrogen in the soil being available in low amounts due to leaching.
Soybean plant height ranges from 44 to 51 cm when maximum growth means it is lower than the description (±58.1 cm). Referring to the understanding that plant height is related to the addition of cells which are influenced by nitrogen, genetics and physiological factors
(Li et al., 2021), soybean growth was not in accordance with this opinion. The plant height of soybean was lower than the description. It can be said that the planting conditions are not ideal for soybean, namely with an average humidity of 80.5% which exceeds the ideal humidity for soybean which requires 65-75% humidity. The application of nitrogen fertilizer and rhizobium did not have a significant effect on the number of leaves. Nitrogen can not be released from the vegetative phase of plants which influences the formation of leaves with wider leaf blades and higher chlorophyll content
(Fadlilah et al., 2023). Similarly, in this study the application of nitrogen fertilizer did not increase the number of leaves. This is in line with the research results of
Darini et al., (2020) which shows that applying 50 and 100 kg ha
-1 of nitrogen provides almost the same number of leaves.
The research results of
Gebremariam and Tesfay, (2022) who found that rhizobium inoculation at the doses of 5, 10, or 20 g did not provide a significant difference in the number of leaves. Rhizobium activity which was not yet optimal because lack of real effect.
Borowska and Prusiński (2021) stated that humidity that is too high will result in a decrease in rhizobium activity. Nitrogen fixing activity by rhizobium will decrease if nitrogen levels in the soil are high
(Wijayanti et al., 2022). Based on data in Table 1, the application of nitrogen fertilizer and rhizobium did not have a significant effect on the number of nodes. This may occur as a result of the environmental conditions for growing soybean. The number of nodes on soybean plant can be influenced by genetic factors and environmental conditions, also the type of stem growth and length of exposure to light can also influence it
(Simbolon et al., 2020). Prasetya et al., (2023) added that water availability can also influence the number of soybean nodes. Rhizobium inoculation from inoculant and used soil had an effect on the number of soybean nodes but was not significantly different. This might be due to nitrogen fixing activity of the rhizobium not being optimal. This is in line with
Yusran et al., (2022) who explained that rhizobium activity will decrease when there is excess water, thereby increasing humidity. Nitrogen plays an important role in soybean vegetative growth. The availability of macro nutrients will stimulate cell division and enlargement in stem branch primordia which causes the number of nodes to increase
(Hodijah et al., 2023).
Application of nitrogen or rhizobium fertilizer did not have a significant effect on plant biomass. Different nitrogen doses also showed relatively the same effect on soybean biomass. When less than optimal nitrogen content in the soil, only 0.06%, is thought to be the cause of the same effect. Many factors can remove nitrogen from the soil.
Brar and Lawley (2020) explained that initial nitrogen fertilization has no effect on soybean biomass, but additional fertilization must be given.
Rhizobium inoculation from used soil can increase soybean biomass production.
Panjaitan et al., (2023) in their research showed that rhizobium can increase soybean biomass at the maximum vegetative phase. The highest biomass was shown by soybeans treated with used soybean soil (16.18 g), while the lowest was shown by inoculant (10.91 g). The increase in biomass due to used soil was around 20.83% compared to the control. Rhizobium that successfully form root nodules can fix the nitrogen that plants need.
The data in Table 2 revealed that application of nitrogen fertilizer or rhizobium did not significantly affect the number of root nodules. Referring to the notion that applying high N fertilizer will inhibit the formation of nodules by rhizobium (
Mayani and Hapsoh 2011), the number of soybean root nodules does not match this opinion. Different doses of nitrogen fertilizer showed no significant effect on the number of root nodules. The research of
Szpunar-Krok et al. (2023) showed that nitrogen fertilizer doses of 30 and 60 kg ha
-1 had the same effect on the number of nodules because the nitrogen dose used was too low.
Rhizobium inoculation also reflected non significant different on the number of root nodules. Rhizobium activity, which still needs to be optimal, is thought to cause a lack of real impact. Rhizobium activity is closely related to root nodules formed on legume roots (
Gebrehana and Dagnaw 2020). This is in line with research by
Riviezzi et al. (2020), which showed that rhizobium inoculation did not affect the number of root nodules.
Data in Table 2 reveals that, application of nitrogen and rhizobium fertilizer did not significantly affect effective root nodules. The difference in nitrogen fertilizer dosage showed an actual. The lower available nitrogen, the greater effectiveness of root nodules. This aligns with research by
Ningsih et al. (2020), which shows the effect of nitrogen dose on effective root nodules, with the control treatment having the highest average effective root nodules. Without nitrogen fertilizer, there were 120.22 effective root nodules, the highest average compared to other nitrogen dose treatments. Rhizobium inoculation showed the same effect on effective root nodules of soybean. This lack of real influence is thought to be because the symbiosis between rhizobium and soybean roots is not optimal due to unsuitable conditions.
Mutmainah et al. (2022) showed that rhizobium inoculation did not really affect root nodules because symbiosis had not occurred optimally due to unsuitable environmental conditions.
Soybean yield
Based on the results in Table 3, the application of nitrogen and rhizobium fertilizer did not significantly influenced the number of pods per plant. This same effect was because nitrogen plays a role in the vegetative phase of soybeans, so in the generative phase, its role is less than optimal.
Nget et al., (2022) explained that macronutrient plays a critical role and is needed in the formation of soybean pods and seeds by phosphorus application. Rhizobium inoculation showed not significant effect on the number of pods. This is in line with
Soverda et al., (2021), which shows that there is no significant influence of rhizobium on the number of pods due to environmental conditions and the availability of nutrients in the soil, so the application of rhizobium was not optimal.
Kurniawan and Sunaryo (2020) explained that the number and size of nodules influences the ability of rhizobium to fix nitrogen, the bigger the nodules or the more nodules, the greater the nitrogen that is fixed. Application of nitrogen or rhizobium fertilizer did not significantly influenced seed weight per plant. Low nitrogen availability was the main reason of not effect.
Shukla et al. (2024) explained that formation and ripening phases of soybean seeds require the availability of sufficient quantity of nitrogen. Rhizobium inoculation reflected significantly different effects on soybean seed weight. The average weight of soybean seeds indicated by the used soybean soil was 47.30 g, the highest compared to other treatments, with an increase of around 36.66%. Nitrogen, fixed by the rhizobium through root nodules, plays a crtical role in seed formation. This is in line with research by
Htwe et al., (2019), which shows that inoculation of rhizobium as a bio-fertilizer can increase seed weight as an illustration of soybean production compared to without rhizobium.