General soil properties
The general soil properties including soil particles, soil organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorous and potassium, are presented in Table 2. The coefficient of variation ranged from 7.6% to 46.8% indicating that the condition of soil formation was relatively uniform. The soil was mostly similar in terms of parent material, topography and native vegetation; but varied in terms of management practice and intensity. Thus, differences in soil properties associated with management practice must be distinguishable from those associated with natural.
Varian of soil properties under different land use types
Soil particle distribution
The particle size distribution under different plantations in each commune is presented in Fig 3. The soils were mainly sandy and the dominant textural classes were sandy and sandy clay loam. The sand, silt and clay contents of the soil samples varied from 23.8% to 99.6%, 0.06% to 42.1% and 0.65% to 33.6%, respectively. Samples from Sen Thuy, Hung Thuy, Cam Thuy, Ngu Thuy Nam and Ngu Thuy Bac communes had high percentage of sand content, with ranged from 50 to 98%. This was because these communes are nearby rivers and coastal zones. Meanwhile, silt and clay contents in these samples ranged from 5 to 35% and 2 to 30%, respectively. The higher clay and silt contents in the soils were distributed in mountainous and hilly regions. The high contents of clay and silt were probably due to soil erosion that caused the movement of surface layers. Both N and C were found negative relationship with sand content while positively correlated with silt and clay contents (Fig 3, 4). The previous reported that clay content had positive correlation with concentrations of C, N, or P in the soil
(McGrath et al., 2001). The lower clay content and lack of aggregation (
e. absence of soil organic matter protection and stabilization) in coarse-textured soil were major factors limiting soil C storage capacity, despite higher C input from litterfall
(Xiangmin et al., 2014).
Soil pH value
The average values of soil pH
KCl in each commune are in Fig 5. As expected, no significant differences in soil pH
KCl distribution were found among communes, including the secondary forest site. The mean of pH
KCl values below 4.13 ranged as extremely acidic, between 4.5 and 5.0 as very strongly acidic. These soils were classified at levels of pH2 and pH3 that indicated poor conditions for agriculture. The soils having low pH values were in Van Thuy, Thai Thuy, Kim Thuy communes. This was probably due to continuous cultivation for a long period and vegetative coverage, which caused extensive secretion of organic acids associated with accelerated organic matter decomposition. Decreases in soil pH have often been found to be the result of plantation establishment
(Liao et al., 2012). The low acidic soil organic matter and the displacement of base cations resulted from the production of H+ during nitrification. Subsequently, the leaching cations from the soil profile due to high rainfall may be other reason for the acidity rise.
Potassium content
The total potassium of agricultural soil is shown in Fig 6. The content of total potassium varied from 0.3 to 1.6% in the soil. This result indicated that soil in these regions decreased soil nutrient levels, as has been noted by previous studies
(Wang et al., 2014). However, potassium content in Kim Thuy and Hoa Thuy communes was high in the soil (1.6%, 1.3% and 1.2%, respectively). This was because these samples were mostly collected from rice plantations that had high application of inorganic potassium fertilizer. Previous studies noted that a high amount of potassium application represented a high level of potation in the soils
(Ahogle et al., 2022).
Phosphorus content
Phosphorus content in agricultural soil is exhibited in Fig 7. The value of phosphorus was relatively low in the soil, ranging from 0.03% to 0.09%. A small P content was probably because of erosion and runoff in the hilly/mountainous region
(Zhong et al., 2018). Phosphorus content An Thuy and Phu Thuy communes (0.09% and 0.08%, respectively), was higher than Cam Thuy, Ngu Thuy Trung and secondary forest sites (Fig 6). This was probably a result of the higher fertilizer application added to the higher concentration of P found in the agricultural soil. P content was tiny in lowland region probably as the result of high sand content. A relatively higher P in agricultural soil than those in forest and sandy land was found in the present study.
Total nitrogen content
The total nitrogen was relatively low values in agricultural soil as seen in Fig 8. The total nitrogen content varied between 0.05% and 0.19% in the soil. This was probably the lower nitrogen content because of continuous tillage conditions, indicating high soil degradation. Nitrogen content was the smallest in Ngu Thuy Bac commune (0.05%) while the biggest in Lam Thuy commune (0.19%). The lower nitrogen content was because of very high sand content in the soil. Lower N content in the soil may be due to some factors including rapid nutrient uptake by agricultural production, lower rate of decomposition despite increase in litter production
(Ahogle et al., 2022) and leaching of available nutrients due to high rainfall. A higher nitrogen content was due to high clay content the soil, particular in Lam Thuy commune. Another reason was the sample collected from the acacia site could be an important reason for the higher nitrogen content. Acacia had substantial nitrogen-fixation ability, particularly decomposition of acacia products (
g., litterfall and root) could be the main reason for the high nitrogen content
(Yang et al., 2010). These outcomes have been linked to the large amounts of litter deposited by acacia plantations, which can lead to increased capacity of the soil to store nitrogen content.
Total organic matter
Total organic carbon contents in agricultural soil in Le Thuy district are illustrated in Fig 9. The mean values of organic carbon ranged from 0.5% to 2.8% in the soil. The secondary forest and acacia plantation had higher organic carbon content than annual cropland. The contents of organic carbon in Loc Thuy (2.8%), Son Thuy (2.85%), Lam Thuy (2.75%) and Kim Thuy (2.72%) were significantly higher than those in Ngu Thuy Bac (0.4%), Ngu Thuy Trung (1.1%) and Ngu Thuy Nam (1.2%). Higher SOC in the secondary forest site as compared to the agricultural soils (Fig 9) was due to the availability of plant residues after site clearing and preparation. Agricultural management practices, such as tilling and removing all residual of agricultural biomass, were probably the main reasons. An increase of 25% litterfall in secondary forests indicated higher soil organic carbon
(Zilverberg et al., 2018). The decrease in the amount of SOC is attributed to a decrease in the amount of plant residues returning to the soil and to an increase in the amount of CO2 released from the soil organic matter to the atmosphere due to decomposition
(Zhu et al., 2017). In addition, there was a positive correlation between soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content among land uses (Fig 10). This linear regression showed that higher the soil carbon content, the ability of soil to retain nitrogen will be also higher
(Wibowo and Kasno, 2021). This result also indicated that the land use plays a major role in the distribution of soil carbon and total nitrogen
(Xue and An, 2018).
The high ratio of C:N in the soil reflected a high decomposition rate of nitrogen due to cultivation (Table 3). This was explained by a nitrogen loss and no carbon gain during agricultural land management. The C:N ratio is crucial indices indicating residue quality and rate of residue decomposition. Previous studies reported that C:N ratio is low indicating high decomposition rates of residues and mineralization of litter found in agricultural soil
(Oladele and Adeyemo, 2016). The observation of lower soil C:N ratio was due to the nitrogen dynamic, favoring faster organic matter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization by microorganisms in the soil
(Fang et al., 2015).
Degradation of agricultural soil
The grouping samples based on total nitrogen, soil organic matter, potassium and phosphorous content of agricultural soil are shown in Fig 11. Cluster analysis using the factor scores determined by principal component analysis allowed the 74 soil samples to be separated into four groups. The mean values of soil properties for the different groups are shown in Table 3. The soil carbon content in groups 1 and 2 was higher 2.71±0.22% (mean ± standard deviation) and 2.75±0.23% than that of other groups. Moreover, the nitrogen contents were also relatively higher than those in groups 3 and 4. This was because these samples were collected from acacia sites and long-term crops (Fig 2). Previous studies reported that acacia could enhance soil organic matter and nitrogen in the soil
(Brockwell et al., 2005). Other studies reported that higher productivity and leguminous properties of acacia are assumed to be associated with the recovery of soil nutrients and acceleration of nutrient cycling in their degraded soils
(Sang et al., 2013). Previous studies noted that the total carbon and nitrogen contents, phosphorus and some exchangeable cations in soils under acacia plantation could significantly increase by acacias and higher than under other species
(Dong et al., 2014). In addition, the lower ratio of C:N in these groups indicated that soil was a small level degradation. The C:N ratio was low could be attributed to the decomposition rates of residues and mineralization of litter which increased the accumulation of humus thereby increasing soil fertility. In addition, these groups had a higher content of phosphorus because of the inorganic addition during crop cultivation. Previous studies reported that a higher amount of inorganic fertilizer added during cultivating would show higher status in the soil
(Liu et al., 2018). The soil having well management could have great content of phosphorus compared to degraded soils. The phosphorus content could be increased for several years after conversion
(McGrath et al., 2001).