Rice variety
The rice variety used in the study is OM5451 (confirmed variety), has a short growing time (90-95 days).
The experiment used two types of fertilizers: (1) Traditional fertilizers (common fertilizers) such as NPK (20-20-15), DAP (18-46-0), Urea (46% N) and KCl (60% K2O) are fertilizers commonly used by farmers (2) and fertilizers produced by new technology such as controlled-release slow -release compound NPK 18-14-18 (NPK-CRF), Urea-Humate (containing 46%N, 200 ppm MgO, 250 ppm CaO, 3,000 ppm SiO2 and 1.2% humic acid, pH 7- 9).
Study location
The experiments was carried out on the farmers fields during the Winter-Spring rice crop 2018-2019 in Xa Phien village, Long My district, Hau Giang province. The experimental field has coordinates 9°5981443; 105°5163207.
The experiment was carried out on saline soils with two rice crops per year
(Minh et al., 2022).
Table 1 provides information on the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics prior to the experiment.
Research methods
Experimental design
The experiment was arranged directly in farmers’ fields, in a completely randomized block, with 3 replicates, each with an area of 1,000 m2. The experiment consisted of two fertilizer formulas as follows:
Formula 1 (Farmer field/control field)
Use conventional fertilizers. The sowing density is about 100 kg/ha, row seeding. The fertilizer formula is 126N-88P
5- 23K
Formula 2 (Experimental field)
Using a new generation fertilizer, sowing density 100kg/ha, row seeding. The fertilizer formula is 50N-40P
Fertilizers use
The amount of fertilizer and the time of fertilizing farmers’ fields
Fertilizers were applied four times. 1
st time: 1/5 amount of urea at 7 days after sowing (DAS); 2
nd time: 1/3 of urea +1/3 of DAP on 18 DAS; 3
rd time: 1/3 Urea+1/3 DAP+1/2 NPK to 35 DAS; 4
th time: 1/3 Urea+1/3 DAP+1/2 NPK+ 100% KCl in 45 DAS. The total fertilizer used for 1 hectare was 190 kg Urea, 174 kg DAP, 50 kg NPK (16-16-8) and 32 kg KCl.
Fertilizer amount and time of fertilizing experimental fields
Fertilizers were applied 3 times. The entire NPK-CRF slow-release fertilizer before final tillage, then plow and bury the manure in the soil; 1st application: 1/2 Urea-Humate+ 1/2 DAP+2/3 KCl on 18 DAS; 2
nd application: 1/2 Urea Humate+1/2 DAP+1/3 KCl on 45 DAS. The total amount of fertilizer used for 01 ha is 150kg of controlled-release NPK 19-16-18, Urea humate (33 kg), 35 kg/ha DAP and 5 kg KCl.
Water management and care of experimental fields are carried out in the same way as farmers’ fields.
Experimental data collection
Monitoring and evaluating the indicators related to the change of some chemical and biological properties of the soil
Soil samples were collected two times: (1) Before conducting field experiments, representative soil samples for the study point, which were taken by hand drill at a depth of 0-20 cm with 05 different positions, then mixed well and then averaged samples according to the principle of division by 4, taking a representative sample of the experimental point; (2) At the end of the experimental season at the rice harvest, soil samples for analysis of soil chemical and biological parameters were collected individually for each treatment and replicate.
After collection, soil samples were dried in natural conditions, then finely ground through 2 mm and 0.5 mm sieves. These soil samples were analyzed for pH, EC, Organic matter (OM), available N, available P, Al
3+, H
+, soil density, soil porosity, soil texture (for early crop samples only) and total microorganisms (for total bacteria, total fungi and total actinomycetes only).
Monitor and evaluate the indicators related to yield
(1) Indicators related to yield components such as number of panicles/m
2, number of seeds/cotton, percentage of filled grain and 1000 seeds weight will be randomly collected in a frame of 0.25 m
2 on each rice field. Four frames will be placed (1 field 4 frames × 3 repetitions= 12 frames); (2) Yield (ton/ha) was collected in a frame with an area of 5 m
2 (2 m × 2.5 m frame), 3 frames were placed in each rice field. After harvest, actual rice yield (ton/ha) was recorded by converting to 14% grain moisture.
Financial efficiency
Profit (vnd/ha) = Total revenue (vnd/ha) - Total expenditure (vnd/ha).
Soil sample analysis parameters
Soil pH and soil EC (mS/cm) were extracted with water according to the soil: water ratio of 1:2.5, then measured by pH meter and EC meter.
Soil organic matter (%C) was determined by
Walkley and Black (1934).
Total nitrogen in the soil was unorganized with a mixture of K
4: Se in the ratio (100:10:1) and determined by the Kjeldahl distillation control method.
Total phosphorus was digested with concentrated H
4 and HClO
4 (5:1). It formed a phosphomolybdate-colored complex and measured the sample on a spectrophotometer.
Available phosphorus (according to Bray II method), soil extraction with 0.1N HCl + 0.03 NH
4F, water ratio 1:7, then measured on a spectrophotometer at 880 nm.
The available nitrogen in the soil was extracted with KCl 2M at a ratio of 1:10. The concentration of N-NO
3- was determined by a spectrophotometer at 650nm. A spectrophotometer determined the concentration of N-NH4+ at 540 nm.
The soil texture was estimated by the Robinson pipet method.
The total population of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in the soil was determined by the dilution method and counted the number of colonies grown on TSA, PDA and Gause 1 medium (in order).
Data analysis
The collected were analyzed and calculated by Microsoft Excel 2013 program. The Minitab 16.0 software was used to test for the T-Test to compare the difference in some soil properties and grain yield between the two experiments in the study.