Effect of temperature on pollen viability
The percentage of pollen stainability, pollen germination, filled and empty grains of rice cultivars under ambient and high-temperature conditions are shown in Table 1. Percentage of pollen stainability had a significant difference in some cultivars and nonsignificant difference in others by t-test.
The data showed that cv. Bo Santet Seumantok, Bo Sireutoh, Pade Malaysia and Pade Pangku had a high significant difference and cv. Sigeudop, Sikuneng, Sipulo and Ciherang significantly differed in pollen stainability between ambient temperature and high temperature. Whereas cv. Rangan Lango, Sigodok, Sigupai, Jamai asan, Semere, Meuligai, USK 1 and Semerie did not significantly differ in pollen stainability between the two conditions. Under the high-temperature condition, cv. Ciherang had the highest percentage of pollen stainability, whereas cv. Bo Santet Simantok had the lowest. Pollen stainability of cv. Ciherang and Bo Santet Semantok under high-temperature conditions were 93.8% and 70.3%, respectively.
This result was also confirmed by the light microscope photograph (Fig 1a and 1b). Almost all of the pollens in cv. Ciherang showed a dark stain by IKI solution (Fig 1a), whereas in cv. Bo Santet Seumantok, the pollens appear transparent or unstained (Fig 1b; arrow).
Table 1 also showed that the percentage of pollen germination, filled and empty grains of rice cultivars, significantly differed between ambient temperature and high-temperature conditions. Cv. Rangan Lango and Ciherang were two cultivars that showed pollen germination reached more than 70% under ambient temperature conditions and had pollen germination reached 58.1 and 62.4%, respectively, under high-temperature conditions. Whereas cv. Bo Santet Seumantok had only 29.2% and 17.8% pollen germination under ambient and high temperature, respectively. The results were also confirmed by the light microscope (Fig 1c and d). Most of the pollens in cv. Ciherang germinated well in the germination medium in which the pollen tube appeared like a thread (Fig 1c; arrow). Whereas in cv. Bo Santet Seumantok, very few of its pollens germinated and showed like this thread.
Our data showed that the excellent viability of pollens shown by pollen stainability and germination determined filled grains of rice. The cultivars that had the ability of their pollens to germinate under high-temperature conditions also could produce high production in this extreme condition. These cultivars are thought to have the ability to increase the percentage of sufficiently pollinated florets under a high-temperature condition and thus increase the high-temperature tolerance of the pollination. The higher the germination rate of pollen, it will cause the higher the seeds are filled
(Rang et al., 2011).
Cv. Rangan Lango, Sigeudop and Ciherang were more resistant to high-temperature treatment than other cultivars. A high percentage of filled grain shows it under the high-temperature condition that reached 83.5-88.6%. The percentage of filled grains in these cultivars under ambient temperature was 90.3-93.8% and the percentage of empty grains ranged from 11.4-16.5% under high-temperature conditions. This data also confirmed a significant relationship between the percentage of pollen germination and filled grains at ambient temperature and high temperature. This is indicated by the correlation at the ambient temperature with a value of r=0.948;
p<0.01 (Fig 2) and high temperatures with a value of r=0.950
p<0.01 (Fig 3). This correlation indicates that a high percentage of pollen germination will determine a high percentage of filled grains. The data showed a positive correlation between the seeds filled and the germination of pollen. Sequentially germination of pollen increased in filled seeds at high-temperature conditions.
The internal and external factors could limit pollen production, viability and germinability rates, that cause the decreasing in seed formation or yield
(Shivanna et al., 1991). Therefore, high pollen quantity and quality profile are central to viable seed formation and propagation. This research confirmed that pollen stainability, pollen germination and grain set percentage differ among cultivars to high temperatures during anthesis. High pollen stainability and pollen germination in cv. Rangan Lango, Sigeudop and Ciherang showed that these cultivars were more tolerant to high-temperature stress than other cultivars.
Pollen fertility are essential for understanding the plant’s reproduction problem, both in rice (
graminae) and in
leguminoceae such as lentil
(Baidya et al., 2021) and chickpea
(Kiran et al., 2016). Pollen production and pollen viability vary to a slight increase in temperature above the optimum
(Fahad et al., 2018). High temperatures usually caused a lack of water in which eventually reduces the amount of quality pollen. This condition will affect the production of seeds on the panicle (
Müller and Rieu, 2016;
Sabaruddin et al., 2002). Within a floret, anthers and pollen are more sensitive to high temperature than ovules and floret sterility at a temperature more than 30°C has been correlated with increasing pollen sterility (
Paupière et al., 2017).
The low percentage of filled grains in sensitive cultivars as Bo Santet Seumantok to high-temperature conditions was caused by the limitation of pollens germination, which eventually caused the decrease in egg cells’ fertilization. It has been reported that high ambient temperatures can damage the process of grain filling in rice, potentially inducing the endosperm to become chalky
(Luo et al., 2018). Therefore, rising in temperature leads to a decrease in rice yield
(Wang et al., 2020).
Effect of temperature on other agronomic characters
Table 2 showed grain numbers per panicle, panicle length, the weight of 1000 grains and the time needed for 5% of flowering. Temperature treatment did not significantly differ on all of these variables (data is not shown). The table showed that cv. Sikuneng and Bo Santet Seumantok had the most significant dan the lowest grain number per panicle, respectively. The grain number of cv. Sikuneng and cv. Bo Santet Seumantok were 205 and 93.8 grains, respectively. Table 2 also showed that all of these cultivars had a panicle length range from 20.9-26.1 cm with a weight of 1000 grains from 15.1-32 g. The time needed for 5% flowering ranges from 56 days for cv. Ciherang to 118 days for cv. Meuligai. There was no difference in the number of panicles and panicle length due to temperature treatment; this was because the number of panicles and their length had been formed perfectly when the temperature treatment was carried out at 20% of flowering. Panicle size or spikelets per panicle are determined in the reproductive growth stage. Spikelet size or weight is determined during the spikelet filling growth stage
Htwe et al., (2021).