Pesticide residues during the dry season
The GC analysis shows no pesticide residue was found from the samples of chilies harvested during the dry season. Although the samples were analyzed for the five organo phosphate groups (Dimethoate, diazinon, chlor pyrifos, methidathion and profenophos), none of them were detected contained pesticide residue by GC analysis (Table 1). The absence of pesticide residues in chili samples harvested in the dry season during (May and June 2019) is affected by high temperatures after this time. According to Aceh Meteorology, Climate and Geophysical Agency, the highest temperature in Aceh Province was in May 34.1
oC and June 33.6
oC (Fig 3).
No pesticide residue was detected based on the analysis of pesticide residues in chili samples harvested in the dry season. Numerous climatic characteristics influenced pesticide loss, including precipitation and rainfall timing and extreme events concerning application date
(Nolan et al., 2008). Organophosphate pesticides are not resistant to high temperatures and the sunlight is primarily caused by the ultraviolet spectrum (
Fest and Schmidt, 1973;
Matsumura, 2012). The weather conditions such as this temperature make the pesticide evaporate (
Damalas and Eleftherohorinos 2011). The degradation of plant surfaces is caused by photodegradation, evaporation, rainfall wash-off and growth dilution
(Nasrin et al., 2021; Zongmao and Haibin, 1997).
The loss of pesticide residues is due to several factors, including temperature, humidity and ultraviolet light (
Kumar and Mukherji, 2017;
Xu et al., 2008). Organophosphate pesticides are pesticides that do not take a long time to experience degradation, pesticides that evaporate into the air will decompose due to the influence of temperature, humidity and sunlight, especially ultraviolet (
Singh and Singh, 2013;
Sule and Kumar, 2019). Moreover, the study also reported that organophosphate groups of insecticides are very toxic but can quickly decompose in nature
(Lad et al., 2017).
The half-life (t½) period for each type of pesticide on chilies is 4.93, 8.85, 4.42, 3.20 days for chlorpyrifos, etion, quinalphos and spiromesifen, respectively
(Sushil et al., 2018). There is a difference in the half-life between tropical climatic conditions and a non-tropical climate; tropical climates make the existing half-life shorter
(Ngan et al., 2005). Farmers sprayed the last pesticide seven days before harvesting based on the questionnaire. It is estimated that the grace period between the last spraying and harvesting is the chili’s evaporation (Table 4).
Pesticide residues during the rainy season
Four samples among 16 samples of chili have residues of organophosphate pesticides in this season (Table 2). The group chlorpyrifos is 0.52 mg kg
-1 in each sample from the Muara Tiga sub-district Pidie district (Fig 2A). The samples from West Aceh District also had detected organophosphate residue chlorpyrifos 0.16 mg kg
-1andprofenofos 0.74 mg kg
-1, respectively (Fig 2B). These pesticide residues were found in the samples from the Meurebosub-district. Although residue of organophosphates was detected in this District, the amount of residue was still below the maximum residue limit, both based on regulation by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture no. 53/2018 and CODEX Alimentarius (
Commission, 1992) (Table 3). The detection of pesticide residues such as chlorpyrifos and profenofos in chili was caused by the farmers using more insecticides containing these two active ingredients in their chili cultivation. The data shows that the most widely used pesticides are insecticides, followed by fungicides and bactericides. The insecticide trademark that was most widely used was Curacon, which this trademark used by 16 samples or more than 60% of farmers used this insecticide for controlling their chilly plant from pest attack. The active ingredient of this insecticide is profenofos belongs to the organophosphate group (Table 4). Besides, this fact also shows that farmers use more than one type of pesticide because it saves time and effort so that more than one active pesticide substance was detected in the same sample. Highly use of pesticides in chili cultivation is ultimately the poison for the human being because of its maximum uses beyond the immunity power of the human beings. It is to be why Indonesia Government does not recommend the application of insecticide through this method in plant cultivation.
In determining the dosage of pesticides, farmers stated that they had used the recommended dosage. However, during the rainy season, farmers would increase the dose or increase the frequency of spraying, caused by the high intensity of pest attacks and diseases compared to the dry season. Even though there are no indications of pests and diseases, farmers believe that it is better to spray pesticides at the beginning of planting before pests and diseases attack the plants. Farmers also mix pesticides with adhesives that make the pesticides work more effectively.
Apart from the season factor, another factor that led to the identification of pesticide residues was probably because the chili fields were continuously used for chili cultivation, causing the pest population to increase and forcing farmers to use insecticides throughout the growing season continuously; according to Table 4, the respondent report that they had cultivated chili on the same land for ten consecutive years.
The average rainfall and rainy days in West Aceh district were 386.5 mm and 12 days, respectively, whereas for Pidie district were 124 mm and four days, respectively (Table 5). This data shows that the average rainfall and rainy days in West Aceh district were higher than in the Pidie district. The difference in rainfall and rainy days is thought to be one of the factors that cause differences in the residual level of chlorpyrifos in chilies. It is suspected that the more rainfall before harvest, the washing tends to be high, thereby reducing pesticide residues on the surface of fresh chili skins.
Previous research on vegetables showed that pesticide residues concentration in the rainy season was lower pesticide compared to winter and summer (
Bhanti and Taneja 2007). This study indicates that high rainfall in the West Aceh district caused the lower levels of insecticide residue contained in chilies.