Physic-chemical properties description
Soil before planting
Table 1 and 2 provides an overview of the physicochemical characteristics of the soil at the time of planting. The surface horizon of the soil (0-20 cm) comprises 89 percent sand, 4 percent silt and 7 percent clay, which indicates that the texture of the soil is loam according to the standard soil classification soil
(USDA, 2014). It was also determined that the particle size, which indicated that the fine earth fractions were dominated mainly by sand followed by clay and silt in the soil; the soil has a high amount of sand and a very low amount of clay and silt, which presumes that the low level of silt may be due to low content of these properties in their parent materials; the particle size was also determined, which indicated that the fine earth fractions were dominated mainly by sand in the soil.
Soil after harvest
Table 3 and 4 presents the physicochemical characteristics of the soil as of the time of harvest. The loam texture of the soil is indicated by the fact that the soil at a depth of 0-20 centimeters comprises 73 per cent sand, 11 per cent silt and 16 percent clay. This is in accordance with the standard soil categorization
(USDA, 2014). The changes in the soil texture, particularly in relation to the decrease in sand particles, might be owing to the plants’ use of sand in the form of silica as a defence mechanism against plant-eating predators. This is particularly relevant to the reduction in sand particles. After the harvest, there was a decrease in the amount of organic matter that was present in the soil; this might be explained by the fact that it was consumed in the process of the grasses’ conversion of photosynthesis into biomass.
Growth attributes
Plant height
In Table 5, the results show that Elephant grass had the highest plant height, which was statistically significant p<0.05 from the other three grasses at all the stages of growth, followed by forage maize, which was more than forage millet. However, the forage millet recorded higher than Gamba grass but statistically non- significant at two, four, six and eight weeks. The growth of the species could be attributed to their adaptability to the environment and their ability to effectively grow under harsh climatic conditions. Elephant grass was regarded as one of the highest yielding tropical grasses and according to FAO in 2015 the forage is very popular throughout the tropics, notably in cut-and-carry systems. The plant height for the various grass species is affected by stand density, species, composition and sward height while the growth rate is controlled genetically as well as by environmental factors such as weather, soil and management factors.
Sward height
The same trend was observed in sward heights. The differences in the sward height can easily be explained by the same causes of difference in the plant height such as genetic causes, soil organic components, fertilizer application
etc. This is due to the sward height is directly linked to the plant’s total height. All ingestive behaviour variables except bite area
e. bite weight, rate, depth and volume were significantly related to sward height irrespective of forage species and sward height always had a greater effect than bulk density.
Realini et al., 1999, suggested that maintaining a sward height of 10 cm offers advantages in terms of individual animal output and output per hectare compared with grazing at 5 cm and that compensatory growth does not seem to be an important phenomenon in heavy finishing steers.
Average number of leaves
There was a large amount of variation in the number of leaves, with Zea mays having the greatest typical number of leaves produced per week (Table 5). The average number of leaves on each plant is significant because it has a direct impact on the total quantity of dry matter that is made available for eating by the animal from each plant. This is because animals primarily consume the leaves of forage plants. The amount of photosynthesis that can take place on a plant is closely related to its size, thus the number of leaves is another factor that must be considered. Differences in the number of leaves that are seen during growth can be attributed to a variety of factors, including the types of nutrients that are available to each plant, differences between species, the genetic make-up of individual plants and the amount of sunlight that is received by the plants as well as its quality.
Forage quality
Crude protein (CP)
The crude protein content of the four grass species did not differ statistically. However, the crude protein content was observed to increase nearly linearly as the grasses grew. Samples from the last cuttings (8
th week) had the highest crude protein content (11.88% in
Andropogon gayanus). The increase in the crude protein with time could be attributed to the high level of nitrogen in the soil. For instance, nitrogen is required for protein synthesis, formation of chlorophyll and nucleic acids.
Crude ash
The crude ash content did not vary among the grass species statistically. Although, the highest crude ash content of 5.80% was recorded at the 6
th week
in Andropogon gayanus. Ash content represents all the important nutritional ingredients especially minerals, both micro and macronutrients, which are very important for the normal physiological functions of the animal’s body. The irregular patterns of the crude ash as seen in the results can be attributed to the fact that the grasses absorbed some silicon from the sand soil. This was reported by
Alice Klein (2017), reported that the absorption of sand from the soil could be seen as an evolutionary defence mechanism against plant consuming predators. This could easily explain the marked reduction in the levels of sand present in the soil at the end of the experiment. The high ash composition of the forage species observed during the rainy season in the present study may be due to high concentration of such minerals, which is precursor to the proximate formation in the rainy season than in dry season. Minerals activate enzymes and are essential co-factors of metabolic reactions. They also function as carrier of protein according to
George et al., (2005).
Crude fibre
The crude fibre content of the grasses showed an irregular pattern of rise and fall during the experiment in which the patterns were similar in the moisture content although, the crude fibre content across the grass species did not differ statistically during the growing season. However, the fibre content of the three grasses increased due to the encrustation of lignin in them as the grasses matured. High cutting frequency reduces growth and development, whereas long intervals between harvests lead to accumulation of fibre and reduction in quality
(Tessema et al., 2010).
The highest crude fibre level 13.58% was recorded at the 6
th week in
Zea mays although, it was dropped a little in the values and this could be attributed to the changes in season during the period of the experiment (August break), which could have resulted in differences in available water levels in the soil in those periods.
Khairani et al., (2013) also demonstrated the effects of cutting interval on yield and quality vary in the different grass species.
Fat promotes the absorption of fat soluble vitamins hence, it is very important in diets. Fat content in
Zea mays,
Echinochloa utilis,
Pennisetum purpureum and
Andropogon gayanus did not differ statistically. The implication of this result is that an analysis into the relative content of fat soluble vitamins in the four species of grasses would most probably yield had no statistical difference. This could be attributed to similarities in the genetic makeup of the plants or the uniformity of the soil used for the experiment.
Moisture content
Inside Table 6, the moisture content did not vary between the grass species statistically. However, the highest moisture content 10.56 % was observed at the 6th week in
Zea mays as it further decreased in the 8
th week (Table 6). Grass with lowest moisture content could store for a longer time without spoilage. Also the moisture content affects the amount of dry matter available to the animals for consumption. With higher levels of moisture, there would be lesser levels of dry matter, which would imply that the requirement of animals for forage increased but may not meet their nutrient and fiber requirement level.
Onyeonagu and Eze (2012) reported that considerable differences in proximate composition can be observed in grasses harvested under different seasonal variations. Relative composition of forages is a function of various factors that interact with one another to produce varied results. They also reported high proximate composition of the grass species observed may be due to the high concentration of such mineral. These are precursors to the proximate formation.
Biomass accumulation and growth rate