In crop rotation, potatoes are planted after the predecessor crop, beans. The experimental station is located in Plovdiv district (South Central Bulgaria). The soil is Alluvial-meadow- having slight humus with mildly alkaline reaction (pH in water 7.2-7.3). The residual content of mineral nitrogen, despite the fact that the predecessor crop was nitrogen - fixing legume is low, between 21.5 and 24.8 mg/kg soil (Table 2). The content of mobile phosphorus varies from low (11.3 mg/100 g soil) in unfertilized variant to considerably high (42.8 mg/100 g soil) in variant with organic fertilization. The mobile potassium in soil of experimental variants varies slightly and signifies the experimental area as a medium stock (14.6-18.9 mg/100 g soil) under this nutrient.
The cluster analysis by indicators (columns) singled out 2 clusters, the first includes humus, P
5, K
2O and Σ N-NH
4 + NO
3 and the second pH (Fig 1). The cluster analysis by variants (rows) separated 2 clusters, in the first variant 2 and 4 fall and in the second variant 1, 3. According to indicators (columns), there are 2 clusters (Fig 2). The first includes K
2O and Σ N-NH
4 + NO
3 and the second is humus, P
5 and pH. By variants (rows), 2 clusters were separated in the first variant 2 and 4 fall and in the second variants 1 and 3.
Biometric data
At the time of reporting in the beginning of tuber formation phase, the average number of tubers per plant is between 4. 3 and 6.0. Although there are proven differences between the number of tubers between plants with mixed fertilization (6.0 pieces) and other variants, it should be noted that at- least (4.3 pieces) that formed tubers are plants supplied with organic fertilization and nutrition, which can be explained by the slow pace of plant development as a result of the slower mineralization of organic matter, compared to the variants with mineral and organo-mineral fertilization. There are statistically proven differences in the mass of tubers of one plant between plants with mineral fertilization and those without fertilization, as well as with those with organic and mixed fertilization (Fig 3).
The cluster analysis by indicators (columns) singled out 3 clusters, the first of which includes only the number of potatoes, the second is the mass of tubers from one plant, while the third includes biometric indicators - number of leaves, leaf mass, stem mass, mass of roots and height of plants. The cluster analysis by variants (rows) singled out 2 clusters, the first of which included variants 2, 3 and 4 (fertilizers) and the second - only variant 1 (control).
Both organic manure and inorganic fertilizers had their role in soil properties and agriculture and good influence of each should be pointed and used appropriately, according to the effect sought
(Kakar et al., 2019).
Microbial characteristics
At this stage, predetermining the activity of tuber formation, a large set of microbiological parameters was measured, allowing to make an early assessment of efficiency of fertilization. The development of soil microbial communities is regulated by various ecological laws. Their requirements for the environment, the competitive relationships between different soil populations are reflected in the adaptive changes that determine their distribution and their ability to survive. The application of organic and/or mineral fertilizers in soil is a factor that has a direct impact on entire soil microbiome. The same fact was reported by
Choudhury et al., (2019).
The total number of viable bacteria showed some changes between treatments of the experiment (Fig 4). However, their quantity is relatively lowest in the control, without incorporation of additives. The most significant increase compared to the control was found in the treatment with application of compost. This was due to the presence of organic substances that stimulated the development of heterotrophic bacterial communities in soil. Significant differences in the number of bacteria between the treatments with application of 100% mineral or combined organic-mineral fertilization was not found.
Nunan et al., (2020) discussed this phenomenon, how the heterogeneity of soil microbial environment and the consequent uncertainty associated with acquiring resources, may influence how microbial metabolism, motility and interactions evolved. Ultimately, the overall microbial activity that is represented in ecosystem models, such as heterotrophic decomposition or respiration. Their analysis of utilization pathways showed that some phyla (Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria) tended to have more pathways than the other phyla, suggesting a broader resource use capacity.
As a rule, spore-forming bacteria form spores in the presence of adverse conditions
viz., lack of nutrients or moisture, presence of harmful effects,
etc. The decreases in their numbers indicate a partial improvement of conditions for development in soil habitats. This is the case of the treatments applied with compost, whose organic molecules are used as a source of carbon and energy from heterotrophic or as a source of carbon from hemolitotrophic microbial populations. The highest number of spore-forming bacteria was found in control, while the lowest was in treatment with combined fertilization. A small decrease of amount of these bacterial groups in the rhizosphere of all treatments compared to the non-rhizosphere was found with exception of the treatment with mineral fertilization.
The application of mineral fertilizers has a different effect on the different physiological groups of microorganisms. In our case, the application of 100% of mineral fertilizer led to an increase in the populations of bacteria utilising mineral nitrogen in non-rhizosphere soil, while those in the rhizosphere were not affected (Fig 5, left). The number of these populations in compost treatments marked a slight decrease.
Different microbial communities dominate during composting phases, starting with bacteria, the most important decomposers due to their rapid growth rates. Not less is the role of actinomycetes, which prefer moist conditions with neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Actinomycetes are microorganisms synthesizing a large number of enzymes, including exoenzymes. They use short-chain organic substances as a carbon source, but also polymers, while they use various organic and inorganic compounds as a nitrogen source. The application of compost and mineral fertilization led to an increase in the amount of actinomycetes compared to control. The most significant increase was registered under the non-rhizosphere soil of the treatment with combined fertilization (50% compost + 50% mineral fertilizer) and in the rhizosphere of the treatment with 100% compost (Fig 5, right). The
cfu of actinomycetes were less in the treatment with 100% mineral fertilization, with a more significant increase observed in the rhizosphere. In general, organic fertilization had a stronger stimulating effect on the development of actinomycete’s populations than mineral fertilization. They play major roles in cycling of organic matter, inhibit the growth of some plant pathogens in the rhizosphere and decompose complex mixtures of polymers of plant, animal and fungal material by the production of many extracellular enzymes, which are conductive to crop production
(Bhatti et al., 2017). Although, actinomycetes were in smaller numbers compared to ammonifying bacteria and bacteria utilising mineral nitrogen, their amount is significant compared to that found in other
(Ivanova et al., 2019).
Fungi are eukaryotes that synthesize various extracellular enzymes. Fungi are well adapted for decomposition processes due to their filamentous growth and extracellular nutrition
(Wright et al., 2016). Fungi and actinomycetes are thought to underlie the formation of soil humus. The fungi, as heterotrophs, are able to degrade various biopolymers, that is why they are of particular interest in the present study (Fig 6). Application of compost led to a significant increase in the number of fungi compared to control. In treatment with 100% compost, they were more than three times higher compared to control and to mineral fertilization treatments, while the increase in treatment with mixed fertilization was twice (Fig 7, right). These differences are explained by the degradation of organic matter from compost by the fungi.
The number of cellulose degrading soil bacteria was influenced by the organic fertilization (Fig 8, right). In the non-rhizosphere of compost treatment, their amount was over 4 times higher compared to control and in the rhizosphere soil, the amount reached 8.10
3 cfu/g. This was 100% higher than non-rhizosphere of the same treatment and 7 folds higher than control. A smaller increase was observed in case of combined fertilization, 3.5 folds compared to non-rhizosphere in control and more than 4 folds compared to the amount of these bacteria in the rhizosphere.
Under the cluster analysis, treatments are forming three clusters (Fig 9). The first includes the sites of 100% mineral fertilizer and the variant 50 + 50 at soil samples from non-rhizoshere site, the second cluster includes rhizoshere site of 100% organics and the variant 50 + 50 at from non-rhizoshere site, the third cluster covers the two sites of control.