Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 59 issue 3 (march 2025) : 401-409

Effect of Sulphur and Zinc Application on Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Gobhi Sarson (Brassica napus L.) under Central Plain Region of Punjab, India

Rohit Saral1, Mayur Darvhankar1,*, Rajesh Kumar1, Anu Devi2, Shalini Aryan2
1Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara-144 411, Punjab, India.
2MSM Institute of Ayurveda, Khanpur Kalan-131 305, Haryana, India.
3Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib-140 406, Punjab, India.
Cite article:- Saral Rohit, Darvhankar Mayur, Kumar Rajesh, Devi Anu, Aryan Shalini (2025). Effect of Sulphur and Zinc Application on Growth and Nutrient Uptake by Gobhi Sarson (Brassica napus L.) under Central Plain Region of Punjab, India . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 59(3): 401-409. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-6332.

Background: Zinc (Zn) and Sulphur (S) play critical roles in enhancing plant growth, nutrient uptake and productivity. Despite their importance, there is limited understanding of their combined impact under field conditions in Punjab, India. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of varying levels of zinc and sulphur application on growth, chlorophyll content and nutrient uptake in plants to optimize their agricultural use.

Methods: A two-year field experiment (2022–2023 and 2023–2024) was conducted at the Agronomy Research Field, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India. The experimental design included four zinc application treatmentsviz., Z0-Control, Z1-1 appl. (one spray @ 15 DAS), Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) and  Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and four sulphur application treatments viz., S0-Control, S1 (10 kg ha-1), S2 (20 kg ha-1) and S3 (30 kg ha-1). The plant height (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight(g), number of leaf/plant, chlorophyll content (mg/g), number of primary leaf and number of secondary leaf was recorded maximum under Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and  which was at par with Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) and similar trend were also found in N, P, K, S and Zn uptake by stover and seed.

Result: In sulphur levels highest plant height (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight(g), number of leaf/plant, chlorophyll content (mg/g), number of primary leaf and number of secondary leaf, N, P, K, S and Zn uptake by stover and seed were found under S3 (30 kg ha-1). These findings highlight the synergistic effect of higher zinc and sulphur applications on plant growth and productivity.

Oilseeds hold a distinguished position in Indian agriculture as a result of their critical contribution to the nation’s sustainable economy. Edible vegetable oil is important for human nutrition. Edible oil, which has high energy content, is crucial for supplying humans with the calories they need. One of the most significant winter oil seed crops is Indian mustard. Due to a lack of accurate knowledge on its nutritional needs, mustard output is not effectively utilized. With a yield of 9.12 MT and an average productivity of 1586 kg/ha, Indian rapeseed and mustard grow on an area of around 7.2 million hectares (Anonymous, 2020).

For plants to thrive at their best, a N:S ratio of around 20:1 is necessary (Cram, 1990). When sulphur is insufficient, accumulation of non-protein substances such amides happens, increasing the N:S ratio. In addition, sulphate builds accumulated in plant tissues when the supply of S exceeds that needed for protein synthesis (Reneau et al., 1986). The N:S ratio determines whether proteins are available or lacking in S. According to Spencer and Freney (1980), the N and S ratio is typically used as a diagnostic standard for S deficit. The N:S ratio can be found in tissues at a variety of various concentration levels, Schnug and Hanklaus (2000) noted, making its use as a diagnostic criteria less than ideal. Due to the ongoing loss of soil fertility, Zn deficiency in Indian soils is predicted to rise from 42 percent in 1970 to 63 per cent by 2025 (Singh, 2011). According to Jena et al., (2008), the zinc deficit in alluvial soils varied from 7.0 to 76.0 per cent, 2 to 12 percent in laterite and 42 percent in black soils. Black, mixed black and red and alluvial soils tend to be more zinc deficient than other soil types, according to Sahu and Mitra (1992). Zn deficit is due to Zn precipitating as hydroxide, carbonate and sulphide and to its adsorption on newly produced oxides of Fe with the highest surface area. Increased clay and silt concentration reduced the Zn-supplying ability of rice soils (Pal et al., 2021).Studies have shown that sulphur and zinc fertilization significantly improve soybean growth and yield attributes. Specifically, the application of both nutrients enhanced plant height, pod number, seed yield and stover yield (Imsong  et al. 2023). In acidic Alfisols and Inceptisols, phosphorus levels up to 120 mg P kg-1 significantly enhanced rapeseed yield and phosphorus uptake, with single super phosphate performing better than Mussoorie rock phosphate (Maurya et al., 2023).
The productivity of oilseed is much lower than the global average (1.9 t ha-1) and that of emerging nations (2.5 - 3.0 t ha-1). Low productivity is mostly caused by improper or uneven fertiliser use, farming on marginal soils and rainfed conditions (Tripathi et al., 2010). Therefore, there is a significant disparity between the demand for and production of mustard in our nation, or low productivity may be caused by oilseed crops continuously depleting the soil of its nutrients (Sudhakara and Hegde, 2011; Pant et al., 2022). Organic manures, such as vermicompost and pressmud, improved the seed quality, including oil and protein content. Overall, the integration of foliar sulphur with organic and inorganic fertilizers improved both the yield and quality of canola, offering a sustainable approach for better production and soil health (Singh et al., 2020). Therefore, improving sulphur and zinc utilization and managing soil-crop-sulphur-zinc fertilization are urgently needed to boost mustard crop yield. The goal of the current study was to determine the effects of zinc and sulphur application on growth and nutrient uptake by gobhi sarson.
The study was carried out for a period of two years at the Research Farm, Lovely Professional University and Phagwara, Punjab, India (31o14’35.2" N latitude and 75o41’48.2" E longitude). The experiment location is in a semi-arid, subtropical climate zone. Summer temperatures ranged from 24 to 46.5oC and winter temperatures varied from 3.6 to 26oC. The majority of the yearly rainfall is anticipated during the monsoon season (July to September) and ranges from 500 to 800 mm on average. In the soil, the water is around 90-100 m below the surface. The soil composition of the region classified as Central alluvial plain or sandy loam, the soil surface, 0-15 cm, had a pH (7.65), EC (0.45 dS m-1), medium SOC (0.57%) and also low status of available N, P2O5 and K2O, S and Zn (185.7, 24.9, 198.5 kg ha-1, 8.50 and 0.46 mg kg -1 respectively), for initial soil samples in October 2022.
The experiment was conducted with two factor zinc spray (through zinc oxide 39.5% Zn, 1.5 ml L-1) and sulphur (through bentonite sulphur 90%) soil application comprised of Z0-Control, Z1-1 appl. (one spray @ 15 DAS), Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) and  Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and four sulphur application treatments viz., S0-Control, S1 (10 kg ha-1), S2 (20 kg ha-1) and S3 (30 kg ha-1), were tested in factorial randomized block design replicated 3 times and recommended dose of fertilizer N, P2O5, K2O (40:12:40) was applied and test variety was GSC-7. Growth parameters were recorded from five randomly tagged plants in net plot. The mean value of plant height was expressed in centimeter (cm), which was measured at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at the time of harvesting. Dry matter accumulation was recorded in gram per plant from three randomly selected plants at 30, 60 and 90 DAS. The samples were taken from second last rows and sun drying of samples was done prior to keeping in oven for achieving constant weight. Number of primary and secondary branches were counted from five tagged plants at 60 and 90 DAS and expressed as numbers of branches plant-1. Chlorophyll content was recorded with the help of chlorophyll meter (SPAD–502 Plus, Konica Minolta Optics, Inc., Japan) at 30, 60 and 90 DAS and expressed as SPAD unit. The seed and stover samples were digested in HNO3 and HClO4 mixture and sulphur and zinc were determined by turbidimetricmethod (Chesnin and Yien 1951) and atomic absorption spectrophotometer, respectively. Phosphorus in the acid extract was determined by vanadomolybdate yellow colour method (Jackson 1973) and K by flame photometer (Jackson, 1973). The nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method (Jackson, 1973).
Growth parameter
The application of zinc and sulphur significantly affect plant height (Table 1). The maximum plant height were recorded (178.31 cm) under Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) at harvest and at par with Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) (167.54 cm) and minimum under (137.80 cm) Z0-control treatment. The highest plant height under sulphur treatments were found under (174.62 cm) S3-30 kg ha-1 followed by 170.75 cm, 154.88 cm and 136.62 cm S2-20 kg ha-1, S1-10 kg ha-1 and S0-control, respectively. Fresh weight (g) and dry weight (g) significantly affected by the application of zinc and sulphur (Table 2, 3). The highest fresh weight and dry weight 635.62 and 670.83 g were maximum found under Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and S3-30 kg ha-1, respectively at 120 DAS and dry weight (g) 55.58 and 56.76 g were also found highest in Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and S3-30 kg ha-1, respectively at harvest as compare to other treatments.

Table 1: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on plant height at different stages of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 2: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on fresh weight at different stages of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 3: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on dry weight at different stages of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Data presented in Table 4 and 5 revealed that application of zinc and sulphur on number of leaf per plant, number of primary branches and secondary branches were found significant. Treatment Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) recorded highest (36.84) number of leaf per plant at 120 DAS followed by 35.90, 33.31 and 30.78 Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) (167.54 cm), Z1-1 appl. (one spray @ 15 DAS) and Z0-control, respectively at 120 DAS. In sulphur treatments maximum number of leaf per plant (37.55) in S3-30 kg ha-1 followed by 35.61, 33.24 and 30.43 S2-20 kg ha-1, S1-10 kg ha-1 and S0-control, respectively at 120 DAS. Highest primary and secondary branches 5.06 and 16.15 were found under Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) which was remain at par with 4.95 and 15.93 Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) and minimum under  4.16 and 13.58 Z0-control treatment, respectively. Whereas S3-30 kg ha-1 was recorded maximum 5.26 and 16.40 primary and secondary branches per plant, respectively than rest of treatments.

Table 4: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on number of leaf per plant at different stages of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 5: Effect zinc and sulphur application on on chlorophyll content at 60 DAS, number of primary branches and secondary branches per plant of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Application of zinc and sulphur significantly affected the chlorophyll content in gobhi sarson (Table 5). Application of Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) recorded maximum chlorophyll content 2.55 (mg/g) and found at par with Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) 2.52 (mg/g).  Whereas in sulphur treatments highest chlorophyll content 2.62 (mg/g) recorded under S3-30 kg ha-1 followed by 2.52, 2.24 and 2.24 (mg/g) S2-20 kg ha-1, S1-10 kg ha-1 and S0-control, respectively.
The probable reason may be that adequate supply of all the nutrients, particularly sulphur which resulted in greater accumulation of carbohydrates, amino acids and their translocation to the productive organs, which, in-turn improved in all the growth and yield attributing characters (Singh and Meena, 2004; Pant et al., 2022). Additionally, increased protein synthesis, glucose metabolism and photosynthate translocation with S administration are to blame (Thompson et al., 1986). Alloway (2008) states that while B assisted in the development of reproductive structures and the translocation of photosynthates toward sinks, Zn fertilization increased the activity of several enzymes involved in photosynthesis, CO2 assimilation, starch formation and protein synthesis (Shireen et al., 2018). According to Singh et al., (2010), there was a discernible increase in 1000-seed weight, seed production and stover output of up to 30 kg S ha-1.
Nutrient uptake
The nitrogen uptake was ranges from 53.03 to 80.83 kg/ha in seed and 27.27 to 39.64 kg/ha in stover (Table 6) highest nitrogen uptake in seed was recorded under 80.83 kg/ha Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) over 53.03 kg/ha under Z0-control treatment. Whereas in sulphur treatments highest nitrogen uptake 41.11 kg/ha recorded under S3-30 kg ha-1 followed by 37.49, 32.63 and 27.43 kg/ha S2-20 kg ha-1, S1-10 kg ha-1 and S0-control, respectively. Interactive effect of sulphur and zinc was found significant (Table 7) maximum nitrogen uptake was found in seed 95.55 kg/ha under Z3-3 appl. + S3 (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS + 30 kg  ha-1) and at par with 90.46 kg/ha Z2-2 appl. + S3 (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS + 30 kg ha-1).

Table 6: Effect zinc and sulphur application on N content and their uptake by seed and stover of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 7: Interactive effect of zinc and sulphur applicationon N uptake in seed of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Data presented in Table 8 and 10 showed that the uptake of phosphorus and potassium significantly increased with increasing the application of zinc and sulphur. The interactive effect of zinc and sulphur was found significant on uptake of phosphorus and potassium (Table 9 and 11). Highest phosphorus and potassium uptake were found in 17.06 and 19.87 kg/ha under Z3-3 appl. + S3 (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS + 30 kg ha-1) and at par with 16.24 and 18.97 kg/ha Z2-2 appl. + S3 (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS + 30 kg ha-1), respectively in seed and lowest under 7.74 and 8.42 kg/ha in Z0-Control + S0-Control.

Table 8: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on P content and their uptake by seed and stover of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 9: Interactive effect of zinc and sulphur application on P uptake in seed of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 10: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on K content and their uptake by seed and stover of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 11: Interactive zinc and sulphur application on K uptake in seed of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Zinc uptake in gobhi sarson seed was found significant (Table 12). Maximum zinc uptake in seed was recorded under 162.43 g/kg Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) over 99.83 g/kg under Z0-control treatment. Whereas in sulphur treatments highest zinc uptake167.93 g/kg recorded under S3-30 kg ha-1 followed by 152.59, 127.61 and 99.86 g/kg S2-20 kg ha-1, S1-10 kg ha-1 and S0-control, respectively. Interactive effect of sulphur and zinc was found significant (Table 13) maximum zinc uptake was found in seed 106.99 g/kg under Z3-3 appl. + S3 (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS + 30 kg  ha-1) and at par with 101.76 g/kg Z2-2 appl. + S3 (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS + 30 kg ha-1).

Table 12: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on Zn content and their uptake by seed and stover of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 13: Interactive effect zinc and sulphur application on Zn uptake in seed of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Data presented in Table 14 showed that the uptake of sulphur significantly increased with increasing the application of zinc and sulphur. The interactive effect of zinc and sulphur was found significant on uptake of sulphur (Table 15). Highest zinc uptake were found in 26.30 g/kg under Z3-3 appl. + S3 (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS + 30 kg ha-1) and at par with 24.93 g/kg Z2-2 appl. + S3 (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS + 30 kg ha-1) in seed and lowest under 12.13 g/kg in Z0-Control + S0-Control.

Table 14: Effect of zinc and sulphur application on S content and their uptake by seed and stover of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

Table 15: Interactive effect of zinc and sulphur application on Suptake in seed of Gobhi sarson (pooled data).

The favourable influence of zinc on photosynthesis and metabolic processes augments the production of photosynthates and their translocation to different plants parts including seed, which ultimately increased the uptake of N,P,K, Zn and S in seed and stover (Shireen et al., 2018; Dubey et al., 2013; Pant et al., 2022) . Release of nutrients in available form and other physical properties might have influenced the availability of other nutrients leading to their absorption, thereby showing a higher uptake with application of sulphur. Increase in uptake of nutrients with sulphur application at varying levels has been reported by Jat and Mehra (2007).
The plant height (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight(g), number of leaf/plant, chlorophyll content (mg/g), number of primary leaf and number of secondary leaf was recorded maximum under Z3-3 appl. (three spray @ 15 + 45 + 75 DAS) and  which was at par with Z2-2 appl. (two spray @ 15 + 45 DAS) and similar trend were also found in N, P, K, S and Zn uptake by stover and seed. In sulphur levels highest plant height (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight(g), number of leaf/plant, chlorophyll content (mg/g), number of primary leaf and number of secondary leaf, N, P, K, S and Zn uptake by stover and seed were found under S3 (30 kg ha-1).
All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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