Effect of Ethrel and GA3 application on germination
Field experiments were conducted with sugarcane variety CoLk 94184, employing a randomized complete block design with treatments applied during critical growth phases: Germination (45 DAP), tillering (150 DAP), grand growth (210 DAP), maturity (300 DAP) and harvesting (365 DAP). Treatments included optimized nutrient applications and growth regulators (
Ethrel + GA
3) compared against untreated controls. Morpho-physiological parameters including plant height, root length, number of millable canes, internode count and length, as well as water use efficiency (WUE), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), biomass accumulation and dry matter contents were measured. The impacts of
Ethrel led to fourfold increase in germination % at 20 DAP, which was commensurate with high acid invertase (AI) activity that led to increase in reducing sugar content and decrease in sucrose levels
(Rai et al., 2017). In addition, a fourfold increment in reducing sugars and twofold decline in sucrose contents was recorded with
Ethrel at 20 and 45 days after planting respectively, against untreated setts respectively (Fig 1). Increased reducing sugar and decreased sucrose caused by higher AI activities led to enhanced growth of buds and emergence of settlings at 20 DAP. NR activity
in vivo, SOD and IAAO activities in
Ethrel setts were elevated at 20 and 45 DAP respectively. Increased NR activity
in vivo, IAAO and SOD activities supported the faster sink to source transition and growth of bud. There was a seven-fold increase in NR activity
in vivo and fivefold increase in IAAO activity at 20 and 45 DAP respectively, in
Ethrel treated setts. Also, a sevenfold increase in SOD activity was recorded in
Ethrel treated setts at 20 and 45 DAP. Increase in IAAO activity resulted in decrease in IAA contents at 20 and 45 DAP in
Ethrel treated setts. The fourfold and twofold decrease in IAA contents and total phenolic contents was obtained in
Ethrel setts respectively at 20 and 45 DAP against untreated setts.
Ethrel induced enzymatic and metabolite changes led to establishment of initial population of 55,000 settlings ha
-1 at 20 DAP. Thus, it led to gain of 20 days in initial crop growth period due to early sprouting and rapid flush of shoots and leaves on young settlings
(Rai et al., 2017).
Effect of Ethrel and GA3 Application on Biometric Traits
Exogenous application of GA induces transverse reorientation of microtubules in cell wall of dwarf pea plants that results in longitudinal expansion changing dwarf mutants to tall ones
(Yang et al., 1996). The basic mechanism of GA mediated elongations through exogenous GA
3 application leads to active transport of solutes into the vacuoles present in plant cells and causes passive influx of water and generates turgor pressure. This turgor pressure creates osmotic imbalance between the intracellular and extra cellular fluids and provides the driving force for cell expansion. The cellulose-hemicellulose network and matrix polysaccharides defines the shape of differentiated cells and determines the direction of cell elongation.
Effect of Ethrel and GA3 application on leaf characteristics
After germination with exogenous application of
Ethrel, GA
3 was applied through foliar spray at all the critical growth stages (90,120,150 DAP). Foliar applications of GA
3 at 90, 120 and 150 days after planting significantly enhanced various growth metrics, including the number of leaves, total leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area duration, biomass duration, leaf area ratio and net assimilation rates at 180 and 270 days after planting, especially in the
Ethrel-treated setts. The applications led to highest foliage numbers at 180 DAP in
Ethrel treated setts. There was sevenfold increase in leaf area index in
Ethrel treated setts with GA
3 at 180 DAP. It led fivefold and twofold increase in leaf area and leaf area index in
Ethrel treated setts with GA
3 application at 180 DAP. Duration of leaf area (LAD), ratio of leaf area (LAR) and period of biomass accumulation were elevated by four, five and seven-fold respectively at 180 DAP. At 270 DAP, despite a twofold decrease of leaf area, leaf area index, duration of leaf area and ratio of leaf area were maximum. Duration of Biomass accumulation (gd*103) increased by fivefold and six-fold at 180 and 270 DAP. The net assimilation rate, which measures the daily increase in biomass per unit of leaf area, was at its highest in
Ethrel treated setts with GA
3 application at 180 and 270 DAP. Architectural modifications led to quicker transitions from heterotrophic to autotrophic growth at the planting stage (February). This resulted in a high initial plant population at 45 days after planting, followed by the development of a more efficient canopy with increased source activity and enhanced sink development both above and below ground by 60 days after planting. Adjustments in leaf angle also improved CO
2 utilization and radiation use efficiency (RUE). The application of GA
3 resulted in a more optimized canopy structure and better distribution of dry matter. The increased angle of leaf orientation reduced shading between leaves on the stalk, allowing the lower leaves to capture more light. Additionally, GA
3 stimulated the growth of roots with a steep angle (30
o), significantly increasing root weight and enhancing root hair development, which supported the nutrient needs of the larger shoot population. As a result, improvements were observed in net assimilation rates (0.65 cm² per day), ratio of leaf area (16 cm² per gram) and duration of leaf area (55 x 104 cm² days), leading to greater internodal counts, lengths and weights. Exogenous application of GA
3 led to remarkable increase in internodal length in sugarcane (
Moore 1980;
Pribil et al., 2007; Chauhan et al., 2023). Exogenous foliar application of GA
3 has been found to be much effective in improving height, thickness and number of cane stalks ha
-1. Because sugarcane responds in this manner and because sugar yields depend largely upon the volume of internodes produced by the crop, the possible use of gibberellins to increase sugarcane yields has been conducted since several decades
(Alexander et al., 1970; Mongelard and Mimura, 1972;
Buren et al., 1979, Thomas and Beena, 2024).
Effect on shoot, root architecture and cane juice characteristics
During the grand growth and harvest stages, the combination of
Ethrel and GA
3 treatment in plants resulted in a maximum of 6.73 lakh shoots per hectare and a number of mature culms (NMC) of 3.01 lakh per hectare. In comparison, the untreated plants achieved a maximum of 4.59 lakh shoots per hectare and an NMC of 1.32 lakh per hectare. Increase in number of millable cane /clumps was recorded in plant as well as ratoon cane (Fig 3). The
Ethrel-soaked setts treated with GA
3 showed a notable increase in the average number of internodes, their length and weight compared to the untreated setts. A fivefold increase was recorded in mean internodal number per stalk at 270 days after planting. At 180 and 270 days after planting, internodal lengths increased six fold respectively. Mean internodal weight was maximum at 180 DAP and increased by twelvefold at 270 days after planting. The applications led to increase in shoot population, stalk length, stalk and root dry weights. At 180 and 270 days after planting, the shoot numbers increased twofold and sixfold, respectively. Additionally, there was a fivefold and sevenfold rise in shoot numbers at these time points. Minimum shoot numbers were recorded in untreated setts without GA3 application. Maximum increase in stalk length and stalk dry weight at 180 and 270 days after planting were recorded with combined application of
Ethrel and GA
3. Stalk lengths increased by fourfold in
Ethrel treated setts against untreated setts with GA
3 applications at 180 and 270 days after planting, respectively (Fig 2). A significant sevenfold and eightfold increase were recorded in stalk dry weight in
Ethrel soaked setts with GA
3 application at 180 and 270 days after planting. Maximum dry matter content and root weights were recorded in
Ethrel soaked setts against untreated setts with GA
3 application at 180 and 270 days after planting. At both the stages, a threefold increase was recorded in root weights. The dry matter content, Brix% and purity of cane juice was higher in
Ethrel treated setts against untreated setts with GA
3 applications at 270 days after planting (Table 2). At the grand growth and harvest stages, the combination of
Ethrel and GA
3 achieved a maximum of 5.37 lakh shoots per hectare In contrast, the control group had 2.13 lakh shoots per hectare. Additionally, there was a recorded increase in the number of millable canes and clumps in both plant and ratoon crops.
Effect of Ethrel and GA3 application on ratoon crops
Foliar applications of
Ethrel @ 100 ppm at 60 days after planting and GA
3 at 90, 120 and 150 days after planting in the first ratoon crop led to a higher sprouting percentage, a decrease in tiller cessation and a denser tiller population with enhanced stalk elongation rates. This resulted in a 66.5 tons per hectare increase in cane yield compared to untreated plants. Additionally, the
in situ decomposition of sugarcane trash, applied at 12 tons per hectare after the harvest and treated with PUSA compost inoculant at 300 grams per ton of trash, led to a maximum of 5.37 lakh shoots per hectare, reduced tiller mortality to 54.5% and maintained the number of mature culms and cane yield at 3.06 lakh per hectare and 183.2 tons per hectare (with an average cane weight of 598 grams), respectively. In comparison, the untreated plants had a maximum of 2.13 lakh shoots per hectare, 66.7% tiller mortality, 1.53 lakh mature culms per hectare and a yield of 99.8 tons per hectare (with an average cane weight of 501 grams) (Table 3). The
in situ decomposition of trash combined with foliar application of GA
3 results in an increase in ratoon cane yield by approximately 16.9 tons per hectare.