Growth attributes
Foliar sprays of PGRs, in particular IAA an GA
3, were found to have significant effect on growth attributes of linseed. During both years, leaf chlorophyll content at vegetative and reproductive stages was found to be statistically comparable among all PGR treatmets and significantly higher compared to control (Table 1). While, among the different PGR treatments, numerically highest values at both stages were recorded with GA
3 @ 200 mg/l followed by IAA @ 2.0 mg/l. Days to 50 % flowering was also found to be significantly earlier during both years with respect to PGR treatments as compared to control except for application of Tebuconazole @ 0.1% however, no significant variations werer recorded among the different PGR treatments (Table 1).
Plant height was found to be significantly higher in case of IAA and GA
3 treatments, which were at par and recorded significantly taller plants compared to control as well as twice spray of Salicylic Acid @ 75 mg/l and Tebuconazole @ 0.1 % (Table 1). All PGR treatments tested were also found to record significantly higher number of primary and secondary branches/plant compared to control. While IAA @ 2.0 mg/l was found to record numerically highest number of branches (Table 1), GA
3 @ 200 and 400 mg/l and IAA @ 2.0 mg/l were at par and recorded significantly higher number of primary and secondary branches compared to Salicylic acid @ 75 mg/l and Tebuconazole @ 0.1%. Plant dry weight at capsule development and harvest was also found to be significantly higher in case of all PGR treatments compared to control, except for Tebuconazole @ 0.1% at capsule development stage during the year 2019 (Table 2). While, IAA @ 2.0 mg/l recorded numerically highest values of plant dry weight at both stages during both years, all treatments with IAA and GA3 were found to be at par with each other and recorded significantly higher plant dry weight compared to Tebuconazole @ 0.1%.
Yield attributes and seed yield
During both years, all the PGR treatments tested were found to record significantly higher number of capsules/plant and seeds/capsule compared to control (Table 2). The treatments GA
3 @ 200 and 400 mg/l and IAA @ 2.0 mg/l were also found to record significantly higher number of capsules/plant compared to both Salicylic acid @ 75 mg/l and Tebuconazole @ 0.1%. Seed yield of linseed was also found to be significantly influenced by application of different PGR treatments. All PGR treatments tested were found to record significantly higher seed yield compared to untreated control (Table 2). Among the PGR treatments, IAA @ 1.0 mg/l, IAA @ 2.0 mg/l, GA
3 @ 200 mg/l and GA
3 @ 400 mg/l were found to be at par and recorded significantly higher seed yield compared to both Salicylic acid @ 75 mg/l and Tebuconazole @ 0.1 % whereas, numerically highest seed yield of 1270.72 kg/ha during 2019 and 1244.23 kg/ha during 2020 was recorded with application of IAA @ 2.0 mg/l.
Cultivation economics
During both years, the highest cost of cultivation was incurred with the treatment GA
3 @ 400 mg/l followed by GA
3 @ 200 mg/l. The highest GMR during both years was recorded with application of IAA @ 2.0 mg/l whereas, the highest NMR, BCR, additional net returns over control and economic efficiency was recorded with application of IAA @ 2.0 mg/l (Table 3).
Growth attributes
Enhanced chlorophyll content of leaves as observed with PGR treatments could be due to effect of applied PGRs in chlorophyll biosynthesis. Supplementation of PGRs invariably influences chlorophyll content in plants
(Shah et al., 2023). It may also be attributed to involvement of PGRs in improving leaf mineral nutrient content leading to enhanced chlorophyll content in plants
(Shah et al., 2022), decreasing chlorophyll breakdown and enhancing synthesis of chlorophyll
(Hiremath et al., 2021). PGR mediated enhancement in chlorophyll content may also have resulted in higher photosynthetic efficiency
(Shah et al., 2023) and accumulation of more photosynthates that were diverted to the sink (flower)
(Ehsanullah et al., 2022) resulting in earlier flowering. In the present investigation it was observed that application of GA
3 @ 400 mg/l was found to record significantly earlier days to 50% flowering compared to rest of the PGR treatments, which could be due to higher cell division and cell elongation under GA
3 treatments resulting in reduced juvenile period and early maturity of the crop
(Selvarasu et al., 2022).
Significantly taller plants recorded with PGRs GA
3 and IAA could be due to its positive role of these PGRs in regulation of a wide range of morphological and physiological functions in the crop. Enhanced plant height under GA3 treatments could be attributed to its positive affects on growth through influence on stem and internode elongation
(Hussain et al., 2018) cell division, cell enlargement, differentiation and elongation of young tissues
(Selvarasu et al., 2022) and destruction of growth-repressing proteins
(Achard et al., 2009). Whereas, enhanced plant height recorded with application of IAA could be due to its role in stimulation of cell elongation, apical dominance, organogenesis, root initiation
(Li et al., 2016) and cell division and differentiation
(Pérez-Llorca et al., 2019).
In the present investgation application of PGRs particularly IAA and GA
3 was found to enhance number of primary and secondary branching in linseed this could be attributed to the role of these PGRs in cell elongation and differentiation, stem and internode elongation and elongation of young tissues.
Yang et al., (2022) also reported that plant branching development is controlled by environment factors, genetic elements and plant hormones such as Auxin and Gibberellin. Additionally, the role of PGRs in breaking the dormancy of lateral buds and promoting the growth of branches
(Assuero and Tognetti, 2010) as well as the dynamic balance of plant hormone thereby stimulating the expression of plant branching genes
(Yang et al., 2022) could also be attributed for the increased branching.
Significant variations in plant dry weight recorded among the different PGR treatments could be attributed to the enhanced plant growth attributes recorded under the influence of those PGRs particularly IAA, GA
3 and Salicylic Acid. Previous workers have also attributed increased shoot dry matter accumulation due to PGR-mediated enhancement in photosynthesis, enhanced utilization of available soil nutrients, development of larger LAI (Khan
et al., 2009), enlargement of carbohydrate sink capacity and carbohydrate production
(El-Hariri et al., 1996) and stem elongation
(Ayal-Silva et al., 2005).
Yield attributes and seed yield
Significantly better expression of yield attributes as recorded with IAA and GA
3 treatments may be due to enhanced photosynthesis, which may have resulted in increased leaf sugar content
(Galeriani et al., 2022) which reduced the abortion of reproductive structures and grain filling
(Liu et al., 2004) and thereby the efficient redistribution of leaf sugar content to the developing organs, resulting in greater numbers of pods and grains/plant
(Galeriani et al., 2022). Significantly higher number of branches as recorded with application of IAA and GA
3 could also be attributed for the enhanced yield attributes under those treatments as similarly reported by
Dwivedi et al., (2021). Yang et al. (2022) also reported that the number of branches is an important agronomic character, which ultimately determine the number of panicles or pods. Ultimately the PGR-mediated improvements in growth and yield attributes as observed under IAA and GA
3 treatments may have resulted in higher seed yields of linseed. Earlier findings also indicate the positive correlation between seed yield with plant height, plant biomass, branches/plant, capsules/plant and seeds/capsule
(Yang et al., 2022 and
Shah et al., 2023). Significantly higher accumuation of leaf chlorophyll under IAA and GA
3 treatments is also another factor, which could be attributed for higher seed yields observed under those treatments since chlorophyll content is an indicator which directly determines the photosynthetic rate and yield potential of plants
(Chaudhary et al., 2023).
Cultivation economics
In the present investigation it observed that, during both years, higher cost of cultivation was recorded with treatments involving applications of GA
3, which could be attributed to its market price as well as higher doses used as compared to rest of the treatments. Similar findings were reported by
Yagum et al., (2023). Application of IAA @ 2.0 mg/l was also found to record the highest GMR, NMR, BCR, additional net returns over control treatment as well as economic efficiency during both years, which could be attributed to significantly higher seed yields, gross returns and lower cultivation cost associated with the treatment. Similar findings were aslo reported by
Singh et al., (2018) and
Yagum et al., (2023).