Yield and yield attributing traits
Yield and yield attributing traits were significantly (p<0.05) affected by treatments, except test weight (Table 1). The highest numbers of pods plant
-1, numbers of seeds pod
-1, test weight and grain and stover yield were observed in T6 (51.46, 1.78, 127.41 g, 18.13 and 34.74 q ha
-1, respectively) followed by T4 (50.57, 1.70, 125.61 g, 17.96 and 32.74 q ha
-1, respectively). However, a varying trend was recorded in harvest index (HI) with highest in T7 followed by T5. Results, in majority, revealed that treatments T8 and T9 although increased yield attributing traits, yields and HI over the control but remained statistically at par with each other. Our results explicitly showed that integration of RDF with either FYM or vermicompost enhanced yield and yield attributing traits to the greatest extent. The synergistic effects of inorganic and organic fertilizers on improving overall yield and its contributing traits in chickpea were previously reported
(Das et al., 2016; Patel and Thanki, 2020) and, ultimately corroborates our findings. Organic amendments are known to improve soil fertility, water retention and beneficial microbial activity, which perhaps contributed to enhanced plant vigour and reproductive performance
(Patel and Thanki, 2020). Nevertheless, the non-significant increase of yield and yield attributing traits in organically amended treatments (T8 and T9) over the control reveals that yield enhancement cannot be achieved with suboptimal nutrient supply. Thus, the findings depending exclusively on organic nutrients for sustainable food production would not produce sufficient grain to satisfy the food demand.
(Wei et al., 2016).
Nutrient concentration
Nutrient concentration in grain and stover were significantly (p <0.05) affected by treatments (Table 2). Results revealed that highest concentration of P and K in grain was observed in T6 (0.76 and 0.88%) followed by T4 (0.75 and 0.85%). However, a reverse trend was recorded for N and S concentration between T4 (3.57 and 0.39%) and T6 (3.48 and 0.30%). Treatment T2 (100% RDF) significantly (p <0.05) increased N,P,K and S concentrations in grains to 3.14, 0.62, 0.80 and 0.30%, respectively. Again, T2 registered a significant (p <0.05) increase in N, P, K and S concentrations in stover to 1.25, 0.24, 1.09 and 0.24%, which were 16.8, 20.0, 12.3 and 60.0% higher over control (T1), respectively. On the other hand, treatments T8 and T9 although increased their concentration in grain and stover over the control but remained statistically at par with each other. The highest nutrient concentration in grain and stover in T4 and T6 can be attributed to many factors. Firstly, organic manures improved soil nutrient availability and enhanced nutrient uptake by chickpea plants
(Thorhate et al., 2019). Secondly, the balanced combination of inorganics and organics ensured a comprehensive nutrient supply, optimizing nutrient assimilation by the plants which, in turn, led to higher nutrient concentration in the grains and stover
(Das et al., 2016; Mukati et al., 2021).
Nutrient uptake
Results showed that significantly (p <0.05) highest uptake of P and K in grain and N, P and K in stover was observed in T6 (13.78 and 15.95 and 49.33, 9.38 and 42.73 kg ha
-1, respectively) followed by T4 (13.47 and 15.26 and 44.53, 8.51 and 38.96 kg ha
-1, respectively) (Table 3). However, a reverse trend was noticed for N and S uptake in grain and S in stover between T4 (64.11 and 7.00 and 10.48 kg ha
-1, respectively) and T6 (63.09 and 6.89 and 10.06 kg ha
-1, respectively). The highest nutrient uptake in grain and stover was obtained with a combination of 100% RDF along with either 5 t ha-1 of FYM or vermicompost and corroborates the observations by
Kemal et al., (2018). Our result is supported by the findings of
Khan et al., (2023) who reported an enhanced nutrient uptake in chickpea following the application of organics. The increased nutrient uptake may result from the acidification process caused by the generation of CO
2 and various organic acids in manures, which influence soil reaction and enhance nutrient accessibility to plants. This result is also supported by
Agegnehu et al., (2016). Plants generally rely upon the microbes like bacteria and fungi to access the nutrients, as they shape processes like mineralization of N, P and S that are bound to organic compounds. Organic manures generally improve the microbial activity of soil. The releases the inorganic forms of nutrients (NH
4+, NO
3-, PO
43-, SO
42-) into the soil increases their availability and subsequently uptake by plants.
Nutrient use efficiency
Our findings revealed that the highest ANR of N, P, K and S was observed in T3 (168.1%), T4 (17.6%), T2 (69.2%) and T9 (38.0%) followed by T2 (152.8%), T6 (15.6%), T3 (67.1%) and T4 (33.9%), respectively (Fig 1). The results also revealed that highest AE of N, P, K and S was observed in T3 (35.9 kg kg-1), T9 (17.5 kg kg
-1), T3 (35.9 kg kg
-1), T9 (73.6 kg kg
-1) followed by T2 (30.0 kg kg
-1), T8 (17.3 kg kg
-1), T2 (30.0 kg kg
-1) and T2 (35.9 kg kg
-1), respectively (Fig 2). Nutrient use efficiencies (ANR and AE) of the applied nutrients were found to be high with inorganic fertilization, whether applied at 100% or 75% RDF alone or in combination with organic fertilizers like FYM or vermicompost. This might be due to, inorganic fertilizers provided readily available nutrients in precise amounts, resulting in higher nutrient recovery by the crop. The balanced application of inorganic and organic fertilizers in combination may enhance nutrient utilization, further contributing to increased agronomic efficiency. Organic fertilizers, while beneficial for soil health, may release nutrients slowly, leading to relatively lower nutrient recovery compared to inorganic fertilizers. However, the synergistic effects of both fertilizer types in the combination treatment could optimize nutrient uptake, ultimately improving the agronomic efficiency in chickpea cultivation
(Debnath et al., 2015; Sahu et al., 2015).
Grain protein content and protein yield
The result showed that significantly (p <0.05) highest grain protein content (GPC) was observed in T4 (22.3%) followed by T6 (21.8%) and similarly, highest protein yield (PY) was observed in T4 (400.5 kg ha
-1), followed by T6 (394.7 kg ha
-1) (Fig 3). Higher GPC and PY in chickpea with the combination of 100% RDF along with either of FYM or vermicompost could be due to many key factors. Organic manures improved soil N availability and enhanced its uptake by the chickpea plants. This resulted in increased N assimilation and protein synthesis within the grains. The balanced use of inorganic and organic fertilizers ensured a comprehensive nutrient supply, including N, which positively affected GPC since it is directly linked to N uptake. The enhanced plant vigour and biomass resulting from the fertilizer combination further contributed to higher PY
(Kemal et al., 2018). Overall, the synergistic effects of inorganic fertilizers and manures played a vital role in improving GPC and PY in chickpea. Once synthesized, proteins are either used for various cellular functions within the plants or stored in specific tissues, such as seeds, which leads to higher protein content in seeds
(Karthika et al., 2023; Rasheed et al., 2020). So, higher N uptake by the plant resulted into higher protein content in the grain.