Growth attributes
Application of organic manures had significant effect on plant height, number of leaves plant
-1, number of nodules plant
-1, nodule fresh weight and dry weight, which was represented in Table 1. Amongst the nine treatments, the treatment of poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 resulted in the tallest plant height (65.93 cm) and maximum number of leaves per plant (16.21) at 60 DAS. This could be attributed to the presence of additional nutrients in poultry manure as opposed to other treatments. This result was consistent with the findings of
Azuka et al., (2022). Analogous results were reported by
Rovizelhou and Singh (2021). At flowering maximum number of nodules, nodule fresh weight and dry weight was found in the FYM @ 3 t ha
-1 which measured 52.91, 0.92g and 0.24 g respectively. Incorporation of FYM @ 3 t ha
-1 recorded highest number of nodules, nodule fresh and dry weight due to the addition of more organic matter and better soil health supplied through FYM over other organic manures. Similar studies were recorded by
Lakshman et al., (2015).
Yield attributes and yield
Table 2 represents the effects of different treatments on the number of pod plant
-1, filled pods plant
-1, seeds pod
-1, seed yield and stover yield. The data presented clearly showed significant variations among the treatments in terms of pod plant
-1, filled pods plant
-1, seed yield and stover yield. However, among all the treatments poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 demonstrated the highest number of pods plant
-1 (50.03), filled pods plant
-1 (46.28) and seeds pod
-1 (2.82), seed yield (57.68 g pot
-1) and stover yield (71.77 g pot
-1).The control pot exhibited the lowest number of pods plant
-1 (36.41),filled pods plant
-1 (35.13), seeds pod
-1 (2.22), seed yield (40.26 g pot
-1) and stover yield (53.06 g pot
-1). Similar results were reported by
Soysal. (2021). The treatment poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 outperformed the other treatments due to the fact that the availability of higher nutrients to plants through poultry manure compared to other treatments. Analogous results were given by
Tagore et al., (2010); Kaur and Verma, (2016);
Joshi et al., (2016).
Quality attributes
Data represented in Table 3 depicts the influence of different treatments on protein content and oil content. The results revealed significant variations among the treatments in terms of seed protein and oil content. Maximum protein content was observed in the treatment poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 with 38.51% and Minimum protein content was recorded under control pot with 34.83%. Elevated protein content under the treatment poultry manure @ 3t ha
-1 is possibly a result of greater nitrogen supply from poultry manure and the fact that nitrogen is a crucial component of amino acids, which serve as the fundamental building blocks of proteins
(Bommesha et al., 2012). Maximum oil content was observed in the treatment poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 with 17.87% and minimum oil content was measured under control pot with 15.85%. The treatment with poultry manure applied @ 3 t ha
-1 exhibited the highest oil content. This could be credited to the provision of well-balanced nutrition and ample organic nutrients, which likely facilitated the conversion of primary fatty acid metabolites into end products of fatty acids, ultimately leading to an increase in oil content within the seeds (
Singh and Rai., 2004). Analogous results were given by
Rovizelhou and Singh (2021).
Soil properties
Soil physicochemical properties
Table 4 presents the results of an experiment evaluating the effects of different treatments on soil physicochemical properties
viz., bulk density, particle density, porosity, soil pH and CEC of the soil after harvest. From the scrutiny of the data maximum bulk density and particle density were observed under the treatment FYM @ 3 t ha
-1 with 1.32 g cm
-3 and 2.21 g cm
-3 respectively. Minimum bulk density, particle density and maximum porosity was observed under the treatment Vermicompost @ 1.5 t ha
-1. The analysis of the data shows maximum soil pH was observed in the treatment vermicompost @ 3 t ha
-1 with 5.84. Similar results were given by
Shiny et al., (2024). Minimum soil pH was recorded under treatment FYM @ 1.5 t ha
-1 with 5.66. In terms of CEC, maximum soil CEC was observed in the treatment vermicompost @ 3t ha
-1 with 12.84 cmol(p+) kg
-1 and minimum soil CEC was measured under control with 10.89 cmol(p+) kg
-1. The results indicated that none of the treatments had a significant effect on these parameters. However, it is important to note that non-significant effects are expected in the short term, as soil physicochemical properties tend to remain relatively stable over a short period of time. It is well-documented and scientifically established that the addition of organic manures can improve soil physicochemical properties. However, significant changes in these properties typically require long-term application of organic manure. In this study, all treatments received organic sources, which may explain the lack of significant effects on soil physicochemical properties. These findings align with the findings reported by
Anonymous (2013).
Soil fertility parameters
The experimental findings analyzing the effect of various treatments on soil fertility parameters
viz., available N, P, K and organic carbon after harvest are shown in Table 5. From scrutiny of the data, it is observed that different organic manures significantly influenced the available N and K in soil after harvest. Poultry manure @ 3 t ha
-1 exhibited the highest available N, P and organic carbon content after harvest with 225.18 kg ha
-1, 20.82 kg ha
-1 and 1.20 % respectively. Similar findings were reported by
Azuka et al., (2022). Maximum available K after harvest was recorded under the treatment vermicompost @ 3t ha
-1 with 134.51 kg ha
-1. Similar results were reported by
Shiny et al., (2024). Minimum available N, P, K and organic carbon was recorded under the control pot with 195.75 kg ha
-1, 17.08 kg ha
-1, 120.16 kg ha
-1 and 0.94% respectively. Comparing the different treatments, it was observed that poultry manure and vermicompost generally resulted in higher nutrient availability compared to farmyard manure and pig manure. This could be attributed to the nutrient-rich composition of poultry manure and vermicompost, which likely contributed to the release and availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil. Comparable results were given by
Bhat and Pathak (2018).
Soil acidity parameters
Table 6 presents the results of different treatments on acidity parameters such as exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al
+3, exchangeable H
+ and total potential acidity in the soil after harvest. The data shows that there were no significant differences in exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al
+3, exchangeable H
+ and total potential acidity among the various treatments. Minimum exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al
+3, exchangeable H+ and total potential acidity in the soil after harvest was exhibited under the treatment vermicompost @ 3 t ha
-1 with 2.09 cmol(p+) kg
-1, 1.19 cmol(p+) kg
-1,0.90 cmol(p+) kg
-1, 11.68 cmol(p+) kg
-1 respectively. It is evident from the data that the incorporation of vermicompost primarily led to a reduction in soil exchangeable acidity, exchangeable aluminium (Al
+3), exchangeable hydrogen (H
+) and total potential acidity after harvest. Analogous results were given by
Zhang et al., (2019), who stated that inclusion of vermicompost as an organic amendment can enhance soil fertility, improve nutrient availability and promote favourable soil conditions, which collectively contribute to a reduction in soil exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al
+3, exchangeable H
+ and total potential acidity. From the data, it is evident that there is a slight decrease in the acidity parameters such as exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al
+3, exchangeable H
+ and total potential acidity in the soil after harvest due to the fact that organic manures contain alkaline compounds and organic acids that can buffer soil pH and reduce exchangeable acidity and total potential acidity. They also act as liming agents, raising the soil pH and decreasing the presence of exchangeable Al
+3 and H
+ ions
(Zhang et al., 2019). Similarly,
Singh and Agarwal (2019) reported that when organic manures decompose, they release organic acids that can chelate or bind with Al
+3 and H+ ions, forming stable complexes and reducing their availability in the soil solution. But there is no significant difference among the treatments. The lack of significant differences between treatments suggests that the selected organic amendments, such as farmyard manure, vermicompost, poultry manure and pig manure, did not significantly influence soil acidity levels in the short term.