Plant height
Plant height is a vital parameter of wheat crop that affects its growth and development over a period and increases with the advancement of age. The data concerning plant height at harvest is presented in Fig 1. The effect of different wheat varieties on plant height was found statistically significant and the maximum plant height was recorded under V1 (102.9 cm) and minimum under V2 (85.2 cm). As a regard to the Zn application, all modes had significant effect. Zn2 had the maximum plant height (96.1 cm) followed by Zn1 (94.1 cm) and Zn0 (91.9 cm). Among the phytohormones, all levels enhanced plant height significantly. The level H1 showed maximum plant height (95.9 cm) followed by H3 (94.7 cm), H2 (93.3 cm) and H0 (92.3 cm). The combination Zn2+H1 was seen as the most efficient in enhancing the plant height in V1 which was 8.29% higher than Zn0+H0. Similarly, the combination Zn2+H1 increased height in V2 by 10.09% over Zn0+H0.
Singh et al., (2023) supported the varietal difference in plant height.
Arif et al., (2019) observed that height of wheat might be enhanced due to the improved enzymatic activity and auxin biosynthesis because of Zn application along with increased cell elongation and cell division by external application of cytokinin and GA.
The effect of various treatments on number of tillers at harvest is presented in Fig 1. Tillering is a key growth phase in wheat that helps plants to compensate for low plant populations or to benefit from favourable growth circumstances. On comparing the two wheat varieties, a significant effect was found on the number of tillers. The maximum number of tillers was recorded under V1 (351.9) which was greater than V2 (316.0). Among the Zn application methods, all significantly improved the number of tillers. Zn1 and Zn2 improved the tillers/m
2 significantly over the Zn0. Zn2 resulted in highest number of tillers (351.6) which was higher than Zn1 (341.3) and Zn0 (309.2). In context to the effect of phytohormones, it was found statistically significant. The concentration H2 showed highest number of tillers (354.5) followed by H3 (339.1), H1 (325.5) and H0 (316.9) at harvest. For V1, combination Zn2+H2 was notable in improving the tillers/m
2, which was 24.38% better than the combination Zn0+H0. However, the same combination enhanced tillers/m2 by 30.12% for V2. The emergence of tillers is closely synchronised with the formation of leaves on the main stem and the number of tillers produced are determined by variety and growth circumstances
(Singh et al., 2021). The application of Zn and cytokinin on the leaves may have enhanced the enzyme activity, chlorophyll and metabolite synthesis that allowed the plant to bear a greater number of tillers. The results inclined with the results of
Koprna et al., (2020).
Leaf area index (LAI)
LAI is a parameter which determines the potential of a plant to use solar energy for photosynthesis. The influence of various treatments on LAI of both the wheat varieties at 90 DAS is shown in Fig 1. A comparison between wheat varieties showed significant impact on LAI. V1 (4.72) had higher LAI than V2 (4.29). In terms of the influence of supply regimes of Zn, all modes had a significant effect on LAI. The maximum LAI recorded under Zn2 (4.71). The effect of various concentrations of phytohormones was found statistically significant. The highest LAI was recorded under H2 (4.66) which was greater than H3 (4.52), H1 (4.47) and H0 (4.37). H1 and H3 were at par with each other at this growth stage. The combination Zn2+H2 for V1 was the most capable in improving the LAI by 15.15% over Zn0+H0 combination. The same combination improved LAI for V2 by 17.21%. Zn application improves stomatal conductance, chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigment content resulting in improved leaf area
(Ilyas et al., 2020). Similarly, cytokinin application increased chlorophyll biosynthesis and stomatal conductance. According to
Zaheer et al., (2019), cytokinin maintained leaf expansion and delayed leaf senescence contributing to enhanced leaf area.
Dry matter accumulation
The effect of various treatments on accumulation of dry matter in both the wheat varieties at harvest is shown in Fig 1. Dry matter accumulation (DMA) is a vital parameter of growth that expresses the plant’s metabolic efficiency. A significant varietal effect was found on dry matter. The maximum dry matter was recorded under V1 (120.3 q/ha) which was greater than V2 (106.32 q/ha). In context to different Zn application modes, all influenced the dry matter accumulation significantly. The average dry matter under Zn2 (118.1 q/ha) was higher than Zn1 (113.5 q/ha) and Zn0 (108.4 q/ha). Among the phytohormones, all hormone concentrations significantly improved dry matter accumulation. Maximum dry matter was recorded under H1 (115.5 q/ha) followed by H3 (114.7 q/ha), H2 (114.6 q/ha) and H0 (108.5 q/ha) at harvest. The level H1, H2 and H3 were at par with each other. The Zn2+H1 combination was most effective in improving the dry matter, which was 15.36% greater than the Zn0+H0 for V1. Similarly, Zn2+H1 increased dry matter for V2 by nearly 14.95%. Dry matter continuously increased over the crop life cycle. Higher leaf area, tillers per m
2 and plant height collectively may be the reason of the improved dry matter, as increased leaf area resulted in improved radiant energy interception and utilisation, resulting in more photosynthesis and eventually more dry matter accumulation. The results of the experiment agreed with the findings of
Firdous et al., (2018).
Grain yield
Influence of various treatments on grain yield of the two wheat varieties is shown in Table 1. A comparison between the wheat varieties displayed that yield was significantly impacted by the wheat varieties. Maximum grain yield was recorded under V1 (49.2 q/ha) followed by V2 (43.8 q/ha). In context to the impact of Zn application, all methods were significantly different from each other and the maximum average grain yield was recorded in Zn2 (48.4 q/ha) followed by Zn1 (46.6 q/ha) and Zn0 (44.5 q/ha). All phytohormone levels significantly increased the grain yield. The maximum grain yield was recorded under H2 (48.3 q/ha) which was followed by H3 (47.1 q/ha), H2 (46.0 q/ha) and H0 (44.6 q/ha). The combination Zn2+H2 was the most effective with 17.11% increment in yield of V1 and with 19.31% increment in V2 than the least effective combination Zn0+H0. Grain yield is the most commercially valued component of the crops. The metabolic processing of carbohydrates influenced by Zn results in increased photosynthesis, sugar conversions and seed development. So, an increase in Zn content and their ingestion led to bolder grains, which led to an improvement in test weight subsequently increasing grain yield
(Kumar et al., 2019). The cytokinin application increased the productive tillers and helped in transportation of assimilates to grain, increasing grain size, weight and yield.
Zaheer et al., (2022) also supported the results of our study.
Straw yield
The effect of different treatments on straw yield of the two wheat varieties is shown in Table 1. A comparison between the wheat varieties showed that both significantly influenced the straw yield. The straw yield under V1 (71.1 q/ha) was higher than V2 (62.5 q/ha). Pertaining to the influence of Zn application methods on straw yield of wheat, all were statistically significant in their effect. The maximum straw yield was observed under Zn2 (69.6 q/ha) followed by Zn1 (66.9 q/ha) and Zn0 (63.9 q/ha). Influence of various phytohormone levels had significant impact on enhancing straw yield. Maximum straw yield was observed under H1 (69.5 q/ha) which was followed by H3 (67.6 q/ha), H2 (66.2 q/ha) and H0 (63.9 q/ha). The Zn2+H1 combination was the most efficient with 18.99% increment in straw yield of V1 than Zn0+H0. Likewise, the same combination produced 17.44% more straw yield in V2 over Zn0+H0 combination. A combined Zn application (soil+foliar) might be more promising than other fertilisation approaches in enhancing plant development and dry matter at maturity, which resulted in higher straw yield (Imran and Rehim, 2017). Application of GA led to increased plant height and dry matter, which contributed to higher straw yield
(Mathpal et al., 2023).
Harvest index (%)
The HI of a crop determines its physiological efficiency and capacity to convert total dry matter into commercial output. Data regarding the HI is presented in Table 1. The maximum harvest index was resulted under V2 (41.3 %) and minimum under V1 (40.9 %). Among the Zn applications modes, the maximum harvest index was obtained by Zn1 and Zn0
i.e., 41.2 % whereas the lowest was recorded in Zn2 (41.1 %). A significant effect of phytohormones was recorded. H2 (42.3 %) was better than H0 (41.2 %), H3 (41.2 %) and H1 (40.0 %). The levels H0 and H3 were at par of each other. The combination of Zn2+H2 was the most effective with 7.35% higher HI in V1 and with 8.11% in V2 than the combination Zn2+H1. The higher HI value indicates more physiological efficiency of dry matter conversion and
vice versa. Soil+foliar Zn application mode increased wheat yield contributing attributes such as number of effective tillers and grains per spike
(Ghasal et al., 2017). This further enhanced with foliar spray of PGR which improved grain weight and size, leading to more HI. The findings of
Mathpal et al., (2023) corroborated these conclusions.
Correlation analysis
The data for correlation among the different growth parameters and yield for the wheat crop is presented in Table 2. The strong and significant correlation coefficient of plant height with other growth and grain yield components indicates the strong association between these parameters. Consequently, selecting plants based on this trait will be highly effective, as these characteristics exhibit both a high correlation and a substantial direct effect
(Masood et al., 2014). Gelalcha et al., 2013 indicated that an increase in total dry matter of wheat by the increase in straw yield results in lower values of harvest index. All the growth parameters positively affect the yield of wheat crop. However, number of tillers and LAI are important components in enhancing grain yield than plant height which signify the importance of dwarfness and tillering for wheat crop
(Sokoto et al., 2012).