Mean performance and variation in morphological traits
Extensive variation was observed phenotypically among the genotypes for green fodder and seed yield related traits during all the three seasons. The range of the mean performance for each trait clearly depicted the wide spectrum of diversity (Table 2). The studies conducted by
Ihsan et al., (2021 and
2022), as well as
Kumar et al., 2023, also observed the substantial range of mean performance over different years, illustrating wide spectrum of heterogeneity.
Focusing on the major traits, ten genotypes
viz., EC-528865 followed by PO-1, AVE-3018, EC-528894, EC-528895, UPO-30, JPO-10, JPO-29, JPO-36 and JPO-50 showed superior GFY as compared to the best check PLP-1 while for SY it was EC-528865 followed by JPO-10, Oat-17, Oat-102, Oat-8655, JHO-99-2, KRR-AK-15, OL-9, JPO-24 and JPO-50 as compared to the best check Kent. These genotypes were also observed superior for other component traits as shown in Table 3.
Zeki et al., (2016) in oats and
Shekhawat et al., (2023) in fenugreek also reported similar outcomes from their respective analyses.
Estimates of heritability and parameters of variability
The PCV, GCV, heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean were calculated for all the traits (Table 2). The phenotypic based selection could be effective for yield improvement when the traits exhibit high heritability due to presence of additive gene action on expression of these traits
(Shariatipour et al., 2022). The heritability was observed to be high (>70%) for most of the traits except low for DM % and moderate for CPY, SY and HI in pooled data. High PCV and GCV (>20%) was observed for FLA, while it was low for DF 50%, DM % and DM 75%. The results showed minimum difference between PCV and GCV for highly heritable traits suggesting that selection of the genotypes can be done having high trait values. Similar observations were made by
Chakraborty et al., (2014) and
Yadav et al., (2017), suggesting ample opportunities for selection in fodder and seed yield related traits. Genetic advance expressed as percentage of mean was observed high (>50%) for FLA and moderate (25-50%) for TPP and 1000-wt. High genetic advance coupled with high heritability estimates offers optimal conditions for selection. Selecting top 5% of high-yielding genotypes as parents, based on genetic advance as per cent of mean, is anticipated to enhance the average performance of resulting offspring. Our results indicated that traits such as FLA, TPP and 1000-wt exhibited high to moderate genetic advance, suggesting involvement of the additive gene action and potential effectiveness of selection based on phenotypic performance for improvement. This aligns with the findings from
Jaipal and Shekhawat (2016a),
Subbulakshmi et al., (2019) and
Kebede et al., (2023a).
Correlation and path coefficient analysis
Understanding the associations between yield and related traits, discerning their nature and causation, is imperative for identifying superior genotypes and improving selection efficiency. Breeders can choose breeding methods based on these estimates to exploit valuable associations. Correlation studies (Fig 1) revealed that GFY had significant and positive association with DF 50%, LPP, FLA, DMY, DM 75%, BY, SY, PH and CPY illustrating that enhancing these traits through selection would ultimately lead to increased fodder yield and can be used as a marker traits for yield improvement in oat while, this character showed negative and significant correlation with HI. However, SY showed significant and positive correlation with PH, GFY, DMY and BY, HI and 1000-wt while negative with DF 50%, DM 75%, DM % and CPC. The traits with low (DMY) and moderate (CPY, SY and HI) heritability were significantly correlated with different high heritable traits like PH, FLA, DM 75% and DF 50%. Therefore, selecting genotypes with taller height, more days to flowering and maturity along with increased flag leaf area, would indirectly improve the low heritable traits.
Sakhale et al., (2014) observed a positive and significant correlation of green fodder yield with dry matter yield, crude protein yield and leaf area, highlighting the importance of these characters for fodder yield improvement in
In pooled over environments, nine traits showed significant and positive correlation with fresh fodder yield but when direct and indirect contribution of the correlation was estimated at phenotypic level (Table 4), the direct effect were found to be positive and high for DMY (1.064) followed by SY (0.046), CPY (0.035) and LPP (0.026), whereas direct effect of rest of the traits were observed to be negligible. On the other hand, negative direct effects on fodder yield were recorded by DM % (-0.4926) followed by HI (-0.0385) and TPP (-0.0134). Although DM % had the highest negative direct effect on yield, its indirect effect
via DMY (0.5019) followed by CPY (0.0121) and HI (0.0059) were positive. Likewise, indirect effects of HI
via DM%, SY and DF 50% were positive and in case of TPP, it was positive through DMY and LPP. Based on this analysis, DMY, SY, CPY and LPP were found to have direct as well as indirect positive effects along with DM% and DF 50% on GFY, suggesting that direct selection for these traits would be effective.
Krishna et al., (2014) evaluated 50 genotypes of fodder oat and observed that leaf: stem ratio and dry matter had the maximum positive direct effect on green fodder yield. The same results were also documented by
Jaipal and Shekhawat (2016b),
Gogoi et al., (2024) and
Kebede et al., (2023b).
Principal component analysis
The PCA is employed to identify the key traits contributing to the total variation. On the basis of this, out of sixteen principal components, only five components have eigen values ≥1 and explained total of 73.16 per cent of the analysed characters variability, whereas remaining eleven contributed just 26.84 per cent variability. Similar findings were reported by
Chahal and Gosal (2002), emphasizing that initial PCs generally have greater impact on total variation. Traits with eigenvectors above 0.3 made significant contribution towards total variation in specific PC, while those below 0.3 were considered less influencial, as reported by
Kebede et al., (2023). On the basis of factor loadings (Table 5), it was observed that the first principal component (PC1) explained 26.83 per cent of total variance which was contributed mainly by DMY (0.427), CPY (0.399), GFY (0.388) and BY (0.327). PC2 explained 17.08 per cent of total variance contributed by SY, BY and 1000-wt; PC3 explained 12.85 per cent through LPP and TPP; PC4 explained 8.70 per cent mainly through traits like L/S and CPC and PC5 explained 7.71 per cent through PH and CPC. Considering the eigen vectors relative to the first and second components on pooled basis, it can be inferred that characters, that is DMY, CPY, GFY, BY, SY together with 1000-wt are the major sources of diversity among these oat germplasm lines.
To assess the contribution of vectors, a biplot was generated using first two PCs (Fig 2). The length of trait vector from the origin displayed its importance in total variation, with closer vectors playing a lesser role. Traits such as CPY, DMY and GFY had long vector and closer towards X-axis indicating their high contribution towards PC1 compared to SY, which contributed more to PC2. The angle between the trait vectors reflects the relationship between them (<90° for positive, = 90° for zero and >90° for negative correlation). The PCA biplot clustered trait vectors into four groups on the basis of their closeness towards origin, axis and length forming acute angle, hence depicting positive correlation among them and between some of traits of different groups. Major traits, such as seed and fodder yield, showed a positive relation with each other and with other respective traits like BY, DMY, CPY, PH, FLA and TPP, confirming the correlation results. Additionally, genotypes were distributed along both axes with minimum overlap, indicating their distinctiveness. Direct selection of the genotypes plotted closer to the trait vectors can be performed due to their high trait values. Comparable results were documented by
Kujur et al., (2017), Poonia et al., (2021) and
Kebede et al., (2023c).
Diversity analysis
A heatmap based on Euclidean distance and morphological traits grouped the genotypes into 12 clusters (Fig 3). Both indigenous and exotic collections fall under different clusters indicating huge genetic diversity in the population. Similarly,
Kebede et al., (2023c) in their study, observed 4 clusters for 120 oat genotypes, suggesting genotypes of same origin could be grouped into different clusters. The colour variation in the heatmap depicted the lowest trait value (dark red) and maximum trait value (dark green) for the respective traits among different genotypes. Likewise, genotype EC-528865 showed maximum value for biological, seed and green fodder yield while; UPO-130, IG-03-254 and EC-605838 (also for leaves per plant) had highest value for tillers per plant and EC-528895 and JPO-28 for flag leaf area. Therefore, direct selection and hybridization based on the character and genotype association can be done based on this analysis.
The average intra and inter cluster distances are shown in Fig 4. The average inter cluster distance exceeded the intra cluster distance, indicating greater variability between different groups than within them. Intra cluster distance ranged from 54.89 (cluster IX) to 98.77 (cluster VIII). The inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster III and cluster V (560.18) signified extensive genetic diversity among the genotypes from distinct groups. On the other hand, it was minimum between cluster I and cluster II (87.62) indicated close relationship or similarities between the genotypes. Selection of parents from diverse clusters for hybridization programme to improve fresh fodder yield is recommended. Therefore, genotypes with higher inter and intra cluster distances can be used for intervarietal hybridization to exploit heterosis, as suggested by
Singh and Gautam (1987). Cross-breeding genotypes of cluster III with V, V with IV and within cluster VIII (with high intra cluster distance) is expected to yield better genetic recombinants and segregation in their progenies. Similar findings were reported by
Krishna et al., (2014) where fifty oat genotypes were grouped into ten clusters based on euclidean distance.