Properties of soil before sowing
The pre-planting soil analysis showed pH of 5.8, organic carbon (1.9%) and total nitrogen (0.09%). Available P was 8.9 mg/kg, exchangeable K was 1.12 cmol/kg, cation exchange capacity of 12.6 cmol/kg and base saturation of 56% while the textural class was sandy loamy (Table 1).
Growth parameters of maize
Plant height was significantly influenced in both years (Table 2). In the 1
st year, the rates were not different significantly but were statistically higher than the control. In the 2
nd year, plant height increased gradually with the corresponding increase of compost application up to 10 t/ha. Leaf area increased significantly as 10 t/ha of compost application had the highest leaf area. Plant girth was also influenced significantly in both years. In the 1
st year, plots treated with 2.5 t/ha had highest plant girth than 5.0 and 7.5 t/ha whereas, plant girth increased gradually with increase in manure application up to 10 t/ha in the 2
nd year.
Yield parameters of maize at harvest
Dry matter yield in the treated plots were statistically higher (Table 3). In the 1
st year, 10 t/ha had the highest followed by 2.5 t/ha while in 2
nd year, it increased gradually with increase in manure application to 10 t/ha. The treatments also influenced weight of 1000 grains in both years but in the 1
st year, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 t/ha were not significantly different while in the 2
nd year, it gradually increased as rates of application increased. Control plots had the lowest grain yield. Plots with 10 t/ha had the highest in both years.
Properties of soil at harvest
Soil pH was significantly different in both years (Table 4). Organic carbon was not significantly affected in the 1
st year but as the rates of application increased, higher organic carbon was recorded. For instance, 10 t/ha of the compost gave the highest organic matter content. Treatment increment led to higher total nitrogen except in the 1
st year that plots that received 5.0 and 7.0 t/ha had lower nitrogen than those with 2.5 t/ha. Increase in treatment in the 2
nd year led to increase in corresponding total nitrogen. Available P was not significantly different in the 1
st year whereas in the 2
nd year, there was a turning point whereby, increase in the rate of application increased the available P content. Magnesium and potassium followed similar trend with available P for both years. The cation exchange capacity was not significantly influenced in 1
st year of the treatment application of 2.5 t/ha. However, as rate of application increased to 10.0 t/ha in 2
nd year. There was tremendous increase in yield. The same trend was observed with respect to percentage base saturation as plots treated with 10 t/ha in both years had the highest yield.
Soil pH value was within the range recommended for tropical soils for crop production. It was reported that maize has poor tolerance for soil pH less than <5.5 (Mohd
Nizar et al., 2018). Therefore, aluminum and manganese toxicity that reduce root development will not be a problem (
Kamprath, 1970). Organic carbon and total nitrogen were below established critical level (
FMARD, 2012). Available P and K were also below the critical level (
Adeoye and Agboola, 1985). Cation exchange capacity was also below the critical level indicating poor nutrient retaining capacity of the soil (
FMARD, 2012).
Increased soil pH in treated plots indicating the role of applied manure proved that the manure could be used to boost soil buffering capacity
(Olowoake et al., 2018). Most nutrients will be available for maize uptake with the increased soil pH
(MohdNizar et al., 2018). The manure increased soil organic matter that boosts organic carbon availability (a major source of energy for microorganisms) which subsequently leading to higher soil biological diversity
(Rumpel et al., 2015). The breakdown of organic matter releases nutrients into the soil in plants available forms. The soil natural buffer capacity that was lost due to soil degradation was recovered due to increased organic carbon. The magnesium and calcium released from the compost promoted cation exchange capacity which consequently improved soil texture and structure. According to Mohd
Nizar et al., (2018), the magnesium and calcium can also facilitate chlorophyll processes that depend on both elements. The increase in CEC values showed that the soil have greater capacity to retain cations, this will increase the amount of element that will be available to the crop. Many researchers have advocated the use of organic fertilizers because of this desirable property
(Ojobor et al., 2020). In addition, it was established that bat guano with other farm manures in appropriate proportion can be used to overcome nutrient deficiencies in farms.
Manure application of 10 t/ha of compost improved maize height, girth, leaf area and yields, these were strongly reliant on plant nutrient uptake. For example, potassium functions by controlling cell expansion, membrane potential and transport including other catalytic processes. Apart from the major elements, palm mill liquid effluent and bat guano contained micronutrients like iron that controls chlorophyll synthesis
(Osman et al., 2020). The micronutrients encouraged good maize growth. Plots that received 10 t/ha of compost released higher nitrogen which might have enhance the production of more mesophyll cells resulting to thicker leaves structure
(Osman et al., 2020) This could increase the rate of photosynthesis in maize plants treated with higher rates of the manure
(Ubani et al., 2017).