Growth parameters
Application of P and K fertilization increased plant height (cm) and tiller number/ m row length. On pooled basis, multi-cut sorghum has recorded a plant height of 169.3, 179.6, 173.9 and 158.5 cm with 35.0, 40.7, 25.3 and 23.4 tillers/m row length in I, II, III and IVth cut, respectively indicating that plant height and tiller numbers was maximum at second cut and there after number of tillers declined drastically (37.7%) and reached the lowest values in fourth cut. Multi-cut sorghum (SSG 59-3) had a mean leaf : stem ratio (L:S) of 33.3%.
In multi-cut forage sorghum, plant height and tillers are the main growth parameters. After each cut, the regenerative capacity in response to applied nutrients form of effective tillers which plays pivotal role in deciding the fodder yield. Plant height, tiller number/m row length at each cut and mean L:S were markedly improved with successive increase of 6.6 kg P fertilization from 0 to 13.2 kg/ha. However, plant height was comparable at (first cut) of control and 6.6 kg P and tillers/ m row length (third cut) in all P fertilized treatments (6.6-19.8 kg/ha) were at par with each other. Impacts of P fertilization on plant height has shown an ascending impact after each harvest and this is evident from the fact that plant height at I, II, III and IVth cut in P fertilizerd crop was 8.7, 13.3, 17.0 and 19.1 cm higher than control treatment. Tiller number have shown a steady state improvements over cuts in P fertilized plots over control and thus P fertilized plots have 6.3, 7.8, 5.7 and 6.3 higher tillers number/m row than control plot at I, II, III and IVth cut, respectively. Role of phosphorus in cell division and cell enlargement and development of tillers explains the taller plants and more tiller production in sorghum
(Saini et al., 2020).
In case of K, significant improvements in plant height and tillers/ m row lenegth were observed due to 12.5 kg K fertilization over control in first two cuts. In subsequent two cuts, significant improvements in plant height (tiller number in fourth cut) over control were seen with 25.0 kg K application only. In IIIrd cut, no significant changes in tiller numbers over control were obsedrved due to K fertilization. Mean leaf: stem ratio of fodder was markedly improved with 25.0 kg K application over control. All K fertilized treatments (12.5-37.5 kg K) have at par tillers/m row (in all cuts) and L:S values. The imapcts of K fertilization has shown a descending trend on plant height and tiller number. Plant height of K fertilized treatments (12.5-37.5 kg K) was 10.4, 9.2, 8.7 and 8.1 cm higher at I, II, III and IVth cut than control treatment. Tiller number of K fertilized treatments were 4.0, 3.6, 1.3 and 2.5 higher than control plot at I, II, III and IVth cut, respectively. The better growth parameters with K fertilization might be due to increase in chlorophyll content and ormoregulation during cell expansion
(Asgharipour and Heidari, 2011).
Fodder yield
We have pooled the fodder yields data for better understanding and the data revealed that application of P and K fertilizer had a significant impact (Table 1). The range of green and dry fodder yield of ‘SSG 59-3’ was 82.0 to 101.1 t/ha and 14.36 to 20.89 t/ha. Each successive increase of 6.6 kg P fertilizer up to 13.2 kg has significantly increased total GFY and DFY of SSG-59-3. Application of 13.2 kg P have increased the GFY and DFY by 22.8 (18.7) and 43.6% (6.26) compared to without P (81.9 and 14.4 t/ha GFY and DFY) and 6.6 kg P fertilization (90.2 and 17.7 t/ha GFY and DFY). Cut wise data also shows that 6.6 and 13.2 kg/ha P treatments have produced markedly higher GFY and DFY, except GFY of IInd cut due to the quick initial response of the applied fertilizer. Data also showed that the differences in yield gains (DFY and GFY) between P fertilized (6.6 and 13.2 kg P) and control treatment got narrowed down by third and fouth cut due to reduction in number of tillers/m row length. Influence of P fertilizers on fodder yields could be ascribed to increases in soil supply and its uptake by the plants that has increased the bio-chemical activities in plant which enhanced the energy transformations, cell division, consequently increased the plant height, stem diameter and finally green and dry forage yield. These results are in line with the results reported by
Mayub et al., (2002) and
Nadeem et al., (2009).
In case of K, there was a significant increase in total GFY and DFY with each successive increase of 12.5 kg K from 0 to 25.0 kg/ha. There was a 8.9 (14.2), 5.5 (7.0) and 3.2% (3.8) improvement in GFY (DFY) with application of 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5 kg K when compared to their respective preceding levels. Cut wise data shows that 25.0 kg/ha K fertilization was required to bring marked impovements in GFY over control in all four cuts. Further K fertilized treatments (12.5-37.5 kg K) have at par GFY in all cuts except IInd one. In IInd cut, 37.5 kg K has significantly higher GFY than 12.5 kg. In case of DFY, 12.5 kg/ha K was sufficient to bring significant improvements in all cuts. Further gains in DFY over 12.5 kg were seen with 37.5 kg K application in Ist and IIIrd cut. In IInd cut, 25.0 kg K has higher DFY than 12.5 kg. However, in IVth cut, all K fertilized treatments have at par DFY. Marked improvement in fodder yield due to K fertilization could be ascribed to its enhnced availability in soil environment and translocation in plant system which resulted in positive impact on shoot and root growth.
Interaction effect of levels of P and K fertilization revealed that combined application of P and K was promising to either of the fertilizers applications as measured interms of GFY and DFY (Table 2). This is evident from the fact that there was a significant GFY and DFY response to 13.2 P and 12.5 kg K when applied alone. This response to K application got increased to 25.0 kg when combined with 6.6 kg P application and this combination was as good as 13.2 kg P application. Over this combination, significant improvements in GFY and DFY were obtained with application P13.2K37.5 which also has indicated the positive effects of P and K fertilization.
Nutrient use efficiency
Nutrient use effcieciency data (Table 3) shows that Agronomic Efficiency (AE), Physiological Efficiency (PE) and Apparent Nutrient Recovery (ANR) are decreasing with increasing level of P / K dose and thus lowest dose has recoreded the highest AE, PE and ANR values. Mean ANR values >100 (143.7 and 202.0% for P and K fertilizer) indicate huge depletion of P and K nutrients from soil and the depletion was least (11 and 61.9%) with highest level of P and K fertilization (19.8 and 37.5 kg). Thus in absence of P and K fertilization for fodder sorghum in Haryana, there is huge depletion of P and K from soil that over years may pose huge threat to sustainable fodder yields in future.
Net income
Net income followed the trend of fodder yields. There was a significant improvement in net income with each successive increase of P dose from 0-13.2 kg/ha. Potassium fertilization too enhanced net income over control with K12.5 and further increases in net income were obtained with K37.5 fertilization. Interaction effects of P and K fertilization on net income showed additive effects PK fertilization with P13.2K37.5 as promising to either of nutrient application (P13.2 or K37.5) or combined application of P6.6 with 12.5-37.5 kg K. Looking at 3.07 times higher cost of P fertilizers (Rs. 117.51/ kg P) when compared to K (Rs. 38.24/kg K), P13.2K37.5 proves the best combination.