Evaluation of the fitted models for upland rice parameters
The R
2, RMSE and the lack-of-fit test was used to evaluate the quality of the fitted model. Based on the regression equations showed that R
2 dan RMSE indicated that all models showed fitted (Table 1). The lack-of-fit tested was not significant in all soybean parameters (Table 1).
Estimated response for upland rice parameters of experimental factors
The MCB and UF applications very significantly influenced NRA (Table 1). The highest NRA by 4.46 μmol NO
2- g
-1 hour
-1 obtained in the treatments of 10 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 300 kg ha
-1 of UF (Table 2). There was no interaction between MCB with UF in the NRA. The MCB and UF showed linear and quadratic patterns (Table 1). The increase of N levels has a significant effect on NH
4+ and NO
3- concentrations in the soil and NRA in the rice (Nascente and Lanna, 2016). The applications of 13.29 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 245.35 tons ha
-1 of UF increased the NRA content by 35.28%, compared to a single UF application by 300 kg ha
-1 (Nurmalasari
et al. 2020).
The treatments of MCB and UF in the soil gave significantly and very significantly influenced TC (Table 1). The applications of 10 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 300 kg ha
-1 of UF showed the highest TC by 0.94 g g leaf
-1 (Table 2). There was no interaction between MCB with UF in TC. The MCB and UF showed a linear patterns (Table 1). The N fertilization of 120 kg ha
-1 combined with biochar of 9 ton ha
-1 significantly increased TC in rice (Lai
et al., 2017).
The applications of MCB and UF significantly and very significantly influenced LPR (Table 1). The LPR showed the highest value by 415.71 μmol CO
2 m
-2 s
-1 in the applications of 10 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 300 kg ha
-1 of UF (Table 2). There was no interaction between MCB with UF in LPR. The UF showed a quadratic pattern, while MCB showed a linear pattern (Table 1). In general, the amendments using biochar on crops significantly increased the photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, water use efficiency and chlorophyll content by 27.1%, 19.6%, 26.9%, 26.8% and 16.1%, respectively (He
et al., 2020). The effect of N supply in rice can increase flag leaf photosynthesis, slow down the aging of flag leaves and prolong photosynthesis times
(Sun et al., 2014).
The MCB and UF treatments very significantly influenced NL (Table 1). The treatments of 15 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 0 kg ha
-1 of UF showed the lowest NL by 3.25 kg ha
-1, while the highest NL by 54.00 kg ha
-1 in the applications of 0 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 300 kg ha
-1 of UF (Table 2). There was an interaction between MCB and UF in NL. The quadratic patterns showed in MCB and UF treatments (Table 1). The addition of biochar to the soil can increase water-holding capacity, thus reducing N loss risk through the leaching process
(Zheng et al., 2013).
The additions of MCB not significantly increased NUE, while UF showed very significantly increased NUE (Table 1). The applications of 15 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 100 kg ha
-1 of UF gave the highest NUE by 2.21 kg grain kg N
fertilizer-1 (Table 2). There was no interaction between MCB and UF in NUE. The MCB showed a linear pattern, whereas UF showed a quadratic pattern (Table 1). Based on the eco-environmental scenario, it showed that the applications of
M. cajuputi waste in the form of biochar and compost by 2.89 and 2.27 tons ha
-1 and ammonium sulfate by 67.85 kg ha
-1 resulted in NUE maize by 6.87 kg kg
-1 grain by Nfertilizer
-1 or increased by 7.23%, compared to the single application of ammonium sulfate fertilizer
(Alam et al., 2020b). The MCB and UF applications significantly and very significantly influenced SY (Table 1). The SY showed the highest value by 5.98 tons ha
-1 in the applications of 10 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 300 kg ha
-1 of UF (Table 2). There was no interaction between MCB and UF in SY. The MCB showed a linear pattern, while UF showed a quadratic pattern (Table 1). A biochar amendment of <30 ton ha
-1 can increase plant productivity by 11%
(Liu et al., 2013). Nitrogen fertilization of 240 kg ha
-1 with a schedule of 30% at basal, 20% at 10 days after transplanting (DAT) and 50% at 36 DAT resulted in average rice productivity of 10.20 tons ha
-1 or an increase of 46.87%, compared to without N fertilizer
(Pan et al., 2012).
Based on economic scenario showed that the optimum values of 11.14 tons ha
-1 of MCB and 281.13 kg ha
-1 of UF produced a maximum NRA, TC, LPR, NL, NUE and SY by 3.91 μmol NO
2- g
-1 h
-1, 0.95 g g leaf
-1, 411.85 μmol CO
2 m
-2 s
-1, 12.36 kg ha
-1, 2.14 kg grain kg N
fertilizer-1 and 14.13 tons ha
-1, respectively (Fig 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f). This recommendation reduced use of UF by 15.75%, while to an increased NRA, TC, LPR, NL, NUE and SY by 17.72%, 12.98%, 10.29%, -63.41%, 47.45% and 44.76%, respectively, in comparison to the single application of UF by 300 kg ha
The research was conducted by
Dong et al., (2015) in 2009 and 2010 provides information that the addition of biochar to soil can increased rice yields by 11.30% and 14.40%.
Coumaravel et al., (2015) informed that the application of biochar combined with NPK fertilizer can increase the sustainability of soil fertility and maize productivity.