The materials used were a cow and chicken manure, rice straw, soybean litter, rice husks, bran, procal, decomposer, molasses, clean water, Biofresh biological agents (
Bacillus subtilis ST21e, B. cereus ST21b and
Serratia sp. SS29a), inorganic fertilizers (Urea, SP36 and KCL), BISI-2 corn seed varieties. This research was conducted in the period of June to November 2019 at South Konawe Regency Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia and in the Integrated Laboratory of Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kendari Halu Oleo University. The field research was arranged in a randomized block design consisting of 3 treatments including B
0 = Inorganic fertilizer (control); B
1 = organic fertilizer formula A + agens hayati Biofresh; B
2 = organic fertilizer formula B + agens hayati Biofresh. Each treatment was repeated 3 times, which in total there were 9 experimental units.
Making organic fertilizer formula A without considering the composition of the ingredients and the making of formula B organic fertilizer is carried out by taking into account the composition of the material which includes; C/N ratio of the total material, levels of N (Nitrogen), P (Phosphate) and K (Potassium), C-Organic and water content and pH. Therefore, the results fulfilled the quality standards of organic fertilizers in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (INS 7763-2018) and the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation (MAR No. 70-2011). The total nutrient content of the standard organic fertilizer was calculated using equation (1) and the total ingredient ratio of C/N by using equation (2), which the authors formulated as follows:

With; x = 1, 2, 3, ....; y = 1, 2, 3 ....
Kn= Total nutritional content of organic matter.
A= Weight of organic matter.
B= Dry weight of organic matter (%).
N= Organic nutrient content.
x= Type of organic material.
y= Organic nutrient type.

With; x = 1, 2, 3, .........
Tb= Total weight of material.
A= Weight of organic matter.
B= Dry weight of organic matter (%).
C= Organic C/N ratio.
x= Type of organic material.
R= Optimal C/N ratio of total organic matter.
The process of making organic fertilizer was carried out using the following procedures: Large organic materials were chopped up to ± 2 cm in size, then all ingredients were mixed and watered evenly with a decomposer solution + molasses + water and stirred until a mixture was formed, with a moisture content of ± 30%. The dough formed was made into mounds as high as ± 20 cm and tightly closed with a tarpaulin for ± 14 days (the dough was maintained at ± 40
oC). The finished organic fertilizer (covered with white fungus, odourless with a normal dough temperature) was dried with the wind until it reached the moisture content of ± 17%. A sampling of organics was carried out at 10 randomly, then mixed evenly (compiled) then packaged and labeled. Organic fertilizer samples were sent to the bogor Agricultural Institute Soil Science and Land Resources Laboratory for analysis.
Soil processing was carried out 2 times, then 9 beds/treatment plots were made according to the study design, with a size of 20 m 50 m. Calcification using procal with a dose of 7 kg/beds (equivalent to 70 kg/ha). Corn planting is done 1 week after the application of organic fertilizer, employing planting holes as deep as ± 5 cm, as much as 1 seed/hole, with a spacing of 25 cm × 80 cm. The application of organic fertilizer (treatments B
1 and B
2) is carried out the day before planting by way of displacement on a row of plant lines at a dose of 500 kg/plots (equivalent to 5 tons/ha).
Application of inorganic fertilizer three times with a dose of 156 kg N/ha + 75 kg P
2 O
5/ha + 110 kg K
(Handrid et al., 2017). Time and dosage for each treatment (B
0 = 100%; B
1 and B
2 = 50%); Application I shortly after planting using urea fertilizer (46% N) = 11.1 kg/plots + SP36 (36% P
5) = 20.8 kg/plots + KCL (60% K
2O) = 18.3 kg/plots. The second application at the age of 30 days after planting (DAP) uses urea fertilizer = 13.9 kg/plots by planting hole around the corn tree. The third application at the age of 50 DAP uses urea fertilizer = 8.9 kg/plots by planting hole around the corn tree.
The sheath blight (
Rhizoctonia solani) disease severity was determined using 10 plants samples. Each treatment was repeated at the age of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after planting (WAP) was calculated using equation (3). After determining the disease severity, the AUDPC (Area Under the Disease Progress Curve) was calculated to determine the overall disease development (
Paraschivu and Cotuna, 2013), by using equation (4). Furthermore, the Disease Pressure Index (DSI) was calculated to determine the effectiveness of a biocontrol agent against pathogens (
Nawangsih and Wardani, 2014), by using equation (5).

I= Attack Intensity (%).
ni= Number of samples with damage scale vi.
vi= Scale damage value for example i.
N= Number of plant samples observed.
Z= Highest damage scale value.
With a scale value: 0 = no attack; 1 = 1
st (lowest) frond damage ≤ 25%; 3 = 1
st, 2
nd, 3
rd frond damage > 25-50%; 5 = 1
st, 2
nd, 3
rd frond damage > 50-75%; 7 = 1
st, 2
nd, 3
rd frond damage > 75-90%; 9 = 1
st, 2
nd, 3
rd frond damage > 90-100%.

Yi + 1 = i + 1 observation data.
Yi = i observation data.
ti + 1 = i + 1 observation time.
ti= i observation time.
n= Total number of observations.

Dic = AUDPC on the control.
Dib = AUDPC at treatment.
Analysis of salicylic acid level and the peroxide enzymes activity were carried out to determine the effect of organic fertilizer plus and the Biofresh biological agents ability as biotic elicitors in stimulating plants against diseases. Adult leaf sampling was taken in the vegetative (4 WAP) and the generative phase (8 WAP). Furthermore, the sample was extracted and analyzed at the Integrated Laboratory, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University Kendari. The salicylic acid level analysis was carried out using the UV-Vis spectrophotometer method
(Warrier et al., 2013). 9 ml of the mixture contained 1 ml of leaf extract (at 1:10 g/v) and 8 ml of Fe Cl
3. 1 g of leaf sample, cut into small pieces was placed into the Erlenmeyer, then 10 ml of 10% ethanol solution was added and shook for 15 mins at a speed of 150 rpm and filtered. The filtrate was placed into the eppendorf and centrifuged for 10 mins at a speed of 12,000 rpm and 25°C, then 1% FeCl
3 solution was added. The absorbance level was measured at a wavelength of 525 nm.
Analysis of peroxidase enzyme activity (AOAC, 2005), was carried out by weighing 90 mg of BSA (Bovin Serum Albumin), then dissolved in 25 ml of distilled water and added with 1% NaOH and aquads, in order to obtain a standard protein solution of 3600 ppm. The standard solution was pipetted at 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 ml respectively into a test tube and diluted with distilled water up to 6 ml. Subsequently, 6 ml of biuret reagent was added to each tubeand left for 30 mins at room temperature. Blanks mixture containing 6 ml of water and 6 ml of biuret reagent were used with 2 g of protein samples were dissolved in 20 ml of distilled water, then centrifuged for 30 mins and cooled for ± 20 mins. 1 ml of the sample filtrate was pipetted and added to Blanks mixture and left for ± 30 mins. The sample protein content was then calculated using equation (6).

PC= Protein content.
a= Weight of protein.
b= Sample weight.
The observations from the harvest yields included, the number of cobs/clumps shortly after harvesting, before and after the corn kernels were peeled off and dried using an oven for ± 15 hours at 70
oC until the water content reaches ± 17%. While other observations included, the seed weight/cob (g), Weight of 1000 seeds (g). The production of ton ha-1 using equation (7) was formulated as follows:
B= Weight of seeds/clumps.
y= Volume/ha (cm
2 ).
n= Volume of spacing (cm
The data collected were analyzed using variance analysis. The results showed significant differences with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 95% and were also used in determining the best treatment from others.