Growth and yield attributing characters
All the growth and yield attributing characters,
viz., plant height, total number and effective number of tillers per plant, ear head length and girth were significantly influenced byintegrated nutrient management. Results revealed that significantly taller plants (202 cm) were found under treatment T
6: 100% RDN through FYM +Biomix which was being at par with T
1, T
7, T
8 and T
9. Likewise, total number of tillers was significantly higher (5.56) under treatment T
8 and it remained atpar with rest of the treatments except T
3 and T
5. Treatment T
1 (RDF) recordedsignificantly higher number of effective tillers per plant (3.0)which remained atpar with T
6, T
7, T
8 and T
9 (Table 1).
Earhead length andgirth of pearl millet were also significantly influenced by INM. Among the different treatments tried, application of 100% RDN through FYM and Vermicompost along with seed treatment with Biomix (T
6 and T
8) recorded highest length of earhead (28.27cm and 30.9 cm) and girth of earhead (30.4 mm and 30.9 mm), respectively over rest of the treatments. Test weight (9.9g, 9.6 g) and protein content (8.0 %) were also recorded highest under T
6 and T
8 treatments (Table 1). Organic manures along with biofertilizers had significant favourable effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties which directly or indirectly influence the plant growth and yield attributing characters by increasing the water holding capacity of soil, increasing organic carbon, enhancing microbial activity in the soil which is resulted into more availability of nutrients by solubilizing or mobilizing the fixed pool of nutrients in the soil. Results were also in close conformity with those found by
Singh et al., (2013), Bagla et al. (2008) and
Choudhary and Gautam (2007).
Grain and stover yield
Crop yield is the complex function of physiological processes and biochemical activities which modify anatomy and morphology of the growing plants. Judicious use of available nutrients is a basic requirement throughout the crop growth period for smooth running of all physiological processes. The results revealed that organic manure along with biomix treatments had significant influence on grain and stover yields of pearl millet. Application of 75% and 100% RDN through FYM and vermicompost along with seed treatment with biomix recorded atpar yield with RDF (3494 kg/ha grain, 8612 kg/ha stover) (Table 2). The economically higher grain (3308 kg/ha) and stover (8373 kg ha
-1) yield was recorded under treatment T
6: 100% RDN through FYM + Biomix which recorded highest net returns (75602 Rs/ha) and B:C ratio (4.14) over rest of the treatments and it remained at par with T
1 and T
7 (Table 3). It might be attributed to the favourable effect of organic manures which play a key role in root development, energy translocation and metabolic processes of plant through which increased translocation of photosynthates towards the sink development might have occurred. The beneficial effect of combined use of organic manures (FYM or vermicompost) and Biomixon seed and straw yields could be attributed to the fact that proper decomposition and mineralization of organic manures due to increased microbial activity resulted into increased supply of available P and N with other essential plant nutrients directly to the plant and also solubility effects on fixed form of P
(Patel et al., (2014). These findings are in close agreement with those reported by
Meena et al., (2011), Golada et al., (2011), Kanzaria et al., (2010) and
Rajput (2008).
Soil properties
EC and pH
Results with respect to EC and pH of the soil after harvest showed that the plant nutrient applied throughorganic manures with and without Biomix did not show any significant effect on EC and pH of the soil in different treatments. Though, numerically higher values compared to RDF was observed in organically treated plots.
Organic carbon
Organic carbon content varied between 0.29 to 0.39 %. Organic carbon content showed significant increase with most of the treatments over RDF (60:30:0 NPK kg/ha) (T
1), T
3 and T
5. Significantly highest organic carbon content (0.39%) was obtained with application of RDN through FYM + Biomix (T
6) followed by 0.38% with T
4, T
8 and 0.36% with T
9 and T
2. Organic carbon content was influenced significantly due to application of organic manures.The relative increase in organic carbon content of the soil due to vermicompost and FYM application, which may be attributed largely by addition of organic matter and higher microbial activity (Fig 1) Similar results were also reported by
Tolanur and Badanur (2003).
Available P and available K
Available P and K also influenced by the application of organic manures with Biomix over RDF through inorganic fertilizer. Significantly highest available P (54 kg/ha) and available K (310kg/ha) was recorded with application of RDN through FYM + Biomix (T6) followed by RDN through vermicompost + Biomix (T
8) which is also recorded 54kg/ha available P and 324kg/ha available Kover T
1 (Fig 2). This might be due to decomposition of organic matter present in manures, released organic acids helped in dissolving the fixed P and K, which increased the available soil phosphorus and potassium resulting in higher post-harvest nutrient status of soil.Further, Biomixapplication increased the microbial activity in the soil and helped in solubilizing and mobilizing the fixed nutrients and made it available to plants.
Tolanur and Badanur (2003) and
Mostafa Mohamed Selim (2020) have also highlighted the importance of manures in enhancing the nutrient status of soil.
DTPA extracted Zn and Fe
Results with respect to available Zn and Fe revealed that significantly higher values of Zn (0.86 ppm, 0.92ppm and 0.82ppm) and Fe (6.92, 5.72 and 6.12) were recorded under treatment T
6, T
7 and T
8 respectively, over rest of the treatments. Continuous application of organic manures particularly FYM and Vermicompost not only supply macronutrients but also meet the requirement of micronutrients besides improving soil health
(Vora et al., 2010).