The research was carried out using polybags in Experimental Garden of Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Islam Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia, from August to November 2017. The materials used were volcanic ash, marginal soil, cow manure, seeds of hybrid soybean and polybags (30x30 cm). The tools used were machete knife, measuring tape, pan, kitchen knife, hoe, hand sprayer, oven and analytical balance.
The volcanic ash was obtained from Mount Sinabung, Karo Regency, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia (3°11’27.1"N, 98°24’52.1"E), collected from the depth 0-10 cm of soil surface, characterized by soft structure and grey in colour. The marginal soil, ultisols was provided from Experimental Garden of Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, characterized by yellowish colour. This soil (thickness 10 cm) was collected in composite basis, where the top soil was replaced to reach the sub soils. The soils were then dried in room temperature and were sieved using sieve 2 mm. The cow manure (CM) applied were the composted and odorless manure which has been obtained through proper processing. The soybean seeds used in this research was hybrid P32.
Randomized block design factorial was employed in this research, where it had two factors. The first factor was volcanic ash (VA) with 4 different heating treatments: VaO (pure volcanic ash without treatment), VaH (oven-heated volcanic ash at 100°C), VaB (water heated volcanic ash at 100°C) and VaA (acidified volcanic ash using HCl 0.01 N). The second factor was cow manure (CM) with 3 different doses: CM0 (0 g/polybag), CM50 (50 g/polybag), CM75 (75 g/polybag). It had 12 experimental units, replicated 3 times totally 36 experimental units.
VA heating : (i) VA was placed into oven and was heated for 6 hours at 100°C. It was then cooled in a closed room to avoid direct air exposure, (ii) VA with a dose of 2 kg and 1 liter of water was stirred until it becomes sludge, then boiled it for 6 hours at 100°C, then cooled in a closed room. VA acidification: VA acidification was performed by adding 1 liter/2 kg VA of 0.01 N HCl solution. Stirred evenly in a pot (60 x 40 cm), left for 6 hours in a closed room. Two weeks before the soybean seedlings were planted, 10 kg of soil was filled in each polybag and added VaO, VaH, VaB and VaA, respectively 113, 109.5, 108.5, 116 g/polybag and CM 0, 50, 75 g/polybag and stirred evenly.
Sowing of two selected soybean seeds was carried out into planting holes and were then covered with soil and later thinned to one plant/polybag. Cultural practices
viz., watering and plant protection measures were monitored properly.
The variables observed in the soil were soil pH, Total-N, available P, K-, Ca- and exchangeable Mg. The measurements of soil pH (w/s:2.5/1) using pH meter (model WTW 330i/Germany), determination of Total-N (Kjeldahl), available P (Bray) through extraction NH
4 F 0.03 N + HCl 0.025 N (Spectrophotometer-UV.vis), exchangeable K through extraction NH
4OAc pH 7.0 (Flame photometer-Model 410), while Ca and exchangeable Mg with extraction NH
4OAc pH 7.0 (Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer-Model AA 220) were recorded. The variables observed in the plant samples were plant height, number of productive branches, number of pods per plant, pod weight per sample, weight of 100 seeds, root weight and active root nodules per plant. The percentage of active and inactive nodules were examined after harvest by cutting them in half (the active nodules were pink in colour) and were calculated using formula:
The results of data analysis of soil properties and volcanic ash were determined based on categorization of soil chemical properties analysis (Hardjowigeno, 2010). F Test and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with probability level 5% were assessed