Physical characters of broccoli head
Perusal of the data (Table 1) indicated that broccoli plant sprayed with 0 ppm melatonin (control) showed the minimum polar as well as equatorial diameter of 7.1 cm and 6.5 cm, respectively. However, there was significant improvement in polar as well as equatorial diameter of broccoli when sprayed with different doses of melatonin and Mel 60 ppm resulted in maximum diameter of 11.6 cm and 10.4 cm, respectively. The polar and equatorial diameter recorded with Mel 80 ppm (10.7 cm and 9.5 cm) was found at par with Mel 60ppm. Mel 40ppm resulted in the second highest head diameter (10.1 cm and 8.1 cm) followed by 9.7 cm and 6.9 cm polar and equatorial diameter in Mel 20 ppm, respectively. Results further indicated that maximum individual head weight and yield (240 g and 1.9 kg/plot) was recorded with Mel 60 ppm which was at par with Mel 80 ppm (233.8 g and 1.8 kh/plot). The next highest head weight and yield (221.5 g and 1.7 kg/plot) was recorded with Mel 40 ppm followed by Mel 20 ppm (208.1 g and 1.6 kg/plot) against the minimum head weight and yield (199.9 g and 1.5 kh/plot) in Mel 0 ppm (control), respectively.
Enhanced head size, weight and yield in Mel treated broccoli may be attributed to improved photosynthesis, plant growth and vigour
(Mansha Gul et al., 2018, 2021) that might have resulted in a better development of source leaves which synthesized and supplied more photosynthates to the sink for the formation of broccoli heads. Similar trend has also been noticed by
Sermenli et al (2011) for main head size in broccoli.
Food reserves and pigmentation
Findings of the study (Table 2) showed that application of Mel 80 ppm resulted in maximum levels of sugar and protein contents (129.0 and 88.0 µg/ml), respectively of broccoli sprouts. Mel 60ppm was established as the second best treatment in terms of sugar and protein content (125.4 and 81.1 µg/ml) followed by 40 ppm (118.2 and 79.5 µg/ml) and 20 ppm (111.3 and 73.8 µg/ml) of Mel compared to minimum sugar and protein contents (105.0 and 68.0) in control. Perusal of the data again pointed out that amount of both chlorophyll and carotenoid present in head of control plants (0.31 and 0.012 mg/gFW) was better when sprayed with different concentrations of melatonin wherein Mel 60 ppm was established as the most superior treatment and produced the highest amount of chlorophyll and carotenoid content (0.79 and 0.028 mg/gFW). Mel 80 ppm was proved as the next superior treatment in producing these compounds (0.64 and 0.021 mg/gFW). Mel 40 ppm and Mel 20 ppm followed the above treatments in order and resulted in chlorophyll and carotenoid content of 0.55 and 0.017 and 0.42 and 0.014 mg/g.FW, respectively.
An elevated level of fruit sugar and protein contents has been reported by
Debnath et al., (2018) in tomato.
Yang et al., (2019) stated that melatonin induced significant accumulations of fructose, glucose and sucrose in apple through the down regulation of
FRK2 expression, a gene encoding fructokinase (FRK).
Increased amount of chlorophyll due to foliar application of Mel may be attributed to its role in delaying Chl breakdown and simultaneously accelerating its
de novo synthesis
(Szafranska et al., 2017). Tal et al., (2011) stated that melatonin can also preserve chlorophyll content in plants by the radical rummaging activity of indoleamine of melatonin. Melatonin-induced increase in carotenoid content has been attributed to the expression of genes related to carotene biosynthesis
(Sun et al., 2020). Results of the present study that increasing chlorophyll contents also showed a similar trend with respect to carotenoid also conforms the findings of earlier research
(Ranmalbhai, 2014).
Antioxidant and membrane characters
Analysis of different antioxidant and membrane characters (phenol, total antioxidant, MDA and MSI) of broccoli sprouts under the influence of foliar spray of Mel (Table 3) indicated that the Mel 60 ppm resulted in highest value of phenol content in broccoli sprouts (178.2 mg/100 g DW) compared to the lowest value (151.9 mg/100 g DW) in control. The highest value of phenol in Mel 60 ppm was followed by Mel 80 ppm (170.1 mg/100 g DW), Mel 40 ppm (160.9 mg/100 g DW) and Mel 20 ppm (160.9 mg/100g DW). Data regarding total antioxidant showed that Mel 80ppm resulted in highest value of antioxidant (365.4 mg GAE 100 g DW). However, the values of antioxidant recorded with Mel 40 ppm (358.2 mg GAE 100g DW) as well with Mel 60 ppm (362.3 mg GAE 100 g DW) were found at par with Mel 80 ppm. These values were significantly followed by Mel 20 ppm (336.8 mg GAE 100 g DW) while as untreated plants showed the minimum antioxidant value (319.7 mg GAE 100 g DW) than all other treatments. Perusal of the data further revealed that the amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) measured in the broccoli sprouts was found minimum (0.12 µ mol MDA/g FW) with Mel 60ppm which was also at par (0.13 µ mol MDA/g FW) with the plants treated with Mel 80 ppm. The minimum MDA value obtained was followed significantly in ascending order by Mel 40 ppm (0.16 µ mol MDA/g FW), Mel 20 ppm (0.18 µ mol MDA/g FW) and maximum (0.21 µ mol MDA/g FW) in control. Measurement of antioxidant potential in terms of membrane stability index (MSI) revealed that Mel 80 ppm exhibited highest MSI (46.22%) which was found at par with MSI value of 45.38% under Mel 60 ppm treated plants. However, these values were significantly followed by Mel 40 ppm (39.56%) and Mel 20 ppm (32.22%) while the least value of MSI (27.16%) was recorded with control.
The application of exogenous melatonin alleviated reactive oxygen species and cell damage induced by means of repairing mitochondria
(Sharif et al., 2018). Melatonin is known to play an important role in the detoxification of reactive oxygen and free radicals and functions as an antioxidant in living organisms. As a broad-spectrum antioxidant, melatonin can directly eliminated ROS and the subsequent products, its derivatives, AFMK (N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxyknuramine) and AMK (N1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine), can also scavenge ROS and further terminate the cascade reaction of lipid peroxidation. Thus, one molecule of melatonin may eventually scavenge ten molecules of radicals at least. Melatonin treatment can markedly decreased the content of ROS and thus alleviate oxidative damages induced by the excessive ROS accumulation
(Huang et al., 2019).