Evaluation of selected parents and their crosses for heat tolerance
Performance of parents and hybrids
Average performance during both the years (2017-18 and 2018-19) revealed that average percent reduction in test weight due to late sowing was recorded to be 8.71% and 4.44% during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively, with minimum reduction in genotype BPR 541-4. Similarly, when seed yield per plant was considered, that mean yield reduction was 16.16% with least reduction in PM 26 (-7.24%) during 2017-18 and during 2018-19 it was observed that mean yield reduction was 30.15% with least reduction in Pusa Bold (5.18%). In the same way, average reduction of 15.60% was seen when oil content was considered and Hybrid mustard PRO AGRO 5222 recorded least reduction (1.92%) in oil content during 2017-18 while during 2018-19 average reduction of 3.69% was seen when oil content was considered and genotype PM 26 recorded least reduction (-4.16%) in oil content. During first year average reduction in harvest index was 43.14% with minimum reduction in Hybrid mustard PRO AGRO 5222 (-64.10 and during next year average reduction in harvest index was 43.14% with minimum reduction in Hybrid mustard PRO AGRO 5222 (-64.10%) when all the genotypes taken for evaluation were considered. Least reduction for AUCTDC and AUCDC was seen in PM 25 (-98.70%) and Sej 2 (-47.704%) respectively, with average reduction of -25.20% and 10.44% for AUCTDC and AUCDC respectively during the first year similarly during second year also least reduction for AUCTDC and AUCDC was seen in PM 25 (-98.70%) and Sej 2 (-47.704%) respectively, with average reduction of -25.20% and 10.44% for AUCTDC and AUCDC respectively. During the first-year average percent reduction in membrane thermostability at vegetative and reproductive stages was noted to be 36.65% and 42.57% respectively with minimum reduction in genotype Urvashi and Sej 2 in the same way during second year also minimum reduction was noted in genotypes Urvashi and Sej 2 with average percent reduction in membrane thermostability of 36.65% and 42.57% at vegetative and reproductive stages respectively.
Among hybrids reduction in harvest index ranged from -131.71% in Vardan × PM 30 to 35.46% in Kranti × PM 25, with mean reduction of -16.91% in the year 2017-18 while during the year 2018-19 it ranged from -104.43% in Vardan × PM 26 to 82.26% in NRCHB 101 × RH 406. In the same way, average reduction of 10.38% and 8.30% was recorded for test weight during 2017-18 and 2018-19. Genotypes which manifested least reduction for test weight are Vardan × PM 26 and Kranti × Sej 2 during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. Average reduction in seed yield per plat was recorded to be 17.51% and 24.76% during 2017-18 and 2018-19. The crosses which recorded least reduction for seed yield per plant were NRCHB 101 × Pusa bold and Kranti × Sej 2 during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. For AUCTDC least reduction among crosses was seen in cross Kranti x Giriraj and Vardan x Sej 2 during 2017-18 and during 2018-19 respectively with average reduction of 12.90% and -10.97% during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. For AUCDC least reduction among crosses was seen in cross NRCHB 101 × Urvashi and Vardan × PM 26 during 2017-18 and during 2018-19 respectively with average reduction of -2.70% and 5.98% during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. For membrane thermostability at vegetative and reproductive stage, least reduction among crosses was seen in cross NRCHB 101 × PM 25 and Kranti × RH 406 during 2017-18 and during 2018-19 respectively with average reduction of 23.69% and 6.05% during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. Similarly, for oil content, least reduction among crosses was seen in cross Vardan × Sej 2 during 2017-18 and 2018-19 with average reduction of 14.55% and 4.66% during 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively.
Identification of heat tolerant parents and hybrids
For identification of parents and hybrids for heat stress tolerance, stress parameters such as heat susceptibility index, heat tolerance efficiency and stress tolerance index were taken into consideration and parents and crosses found to be either moderately tolerant or tolerant to heat stress, during both the years 2017-18 and 2018-19, according the classification mentioned above, were identified as heat tolerant. By perusal of Table 1, for test weight, genotypes such as Giriraj and Pusa Bold were found to be heat tolerant during both the years whereas, genotype BPR 451-4 was found to be heat tolerant during both the years for seed yield per plant. When oil content was considered genotypes such as PM 25, PM 30, RH 406, Urvashi, Giriraj, Pusa bold and Kranti were found to be heat tolerant during both the years. Similarly, genotypes such as RH 406, Giriraj and Vardan were considered to be heat tolerant for harvest index on the basis of two years data. In the same way for AUCTDC genotypes such as RH 406, NRCHB 101, RH 749 and PRO 5222 were found to be heat tolerant and for AUCDC genotypes
viz., PM 30, RH 406, Urvashi, RH 749 and PRO 5222 were observed to be heat tolerant during both the evaluation years. None of the parental genotypes showed tolerance for membrane thermostability at both vegetative and reproductive stages during both the years.
Parental genotypes and hybrids which showed least reduction in test weight, harvest index, seed yield per plant, AUCTDC, AUCDC and membrane thermostability were identified as heat tolerant parents and crosses. Hybrids which were found to be moderately tolerant and tolerant to heat stress according to the three heat stress parameters during the years 2017-18 and 2018-19 were identified as heat stress tolerant hybrids. According to Table 2, 3 and 4 it was observed that crosses NRCHB 101 × PM 25, Kranti × BPR 541-4, Kranti × Sej 2, Vardan × Urvashi and Kranti × Giriraj, Kranti × Pusa Bold were found to be heat tolerant during both the years 2017-18 and 2018-19 for harvest index, whereas crosses
viz., Vardan × PM 25, NRCHB 101 × PM 25, NRCHB 101 × PM 26, Vardan × RH 406, NRCHB 101 × RH 406, Kranti × BPR 541-4, NRCHB 101 × Sej 2, NRCHB 101 × Urvashi, Kranti × Giriraj and Vardan × Pusa Bold manifested tolerance to heat stress for test weight. When seed yield per plant was considered crosses such as Vardan × PM 30, Kranti × RH 406 and Kranti × Urvashi, were noted as heat tolerant hybrids. Among all the 27 hybrids considered crosses like NRCHB 101 × PM 25, Kranti × Sej 2 and NRCHB 101 × Sej 2, were identified as heat tolerant for AUCTDC while crosses such as NRCHB 101 × PM 26, Kranti × PM 30, Vardan × PM 30, NRCHB 101 × PM 30, Vardan × BPR 541-4, NRCHB 101 × Sej 2 and Kranti × Urvashi, were found to be heat stress tolerant for AUCDC. None of the crosses were found to be heat stress tolerant for membrane thermostability when both the years were considered however during 2018-19 crosses such as NRCHB 101 × PM 25, NRCHB 101 × PM 26, Vardan × RH 406 and Kranti × Urvashi, for membrane thermostability at reproductive stage and crosses like Vardan × RH 406, Vardan × BPR 541-4 and Kranti × Urvashi for membrane thermostability at vegetative stage were found to be tolerant according to all the three heat stress parameters. When oil content was taken into consideration crosses such as Vardan × PM 26, Kranti × PM 30, NRCHB 101 × RH 406, Vardan × BPR 541-4, NRCHB 101 × BPR 541-4, Kranti × Sej 2, Kranti × Urvashi and Kranti × Giriraj, manifested tolerance to heat stress.
It was observed that crosses which showed tolerance to heat stress had either one or both the parents manifesting heat tolerance during 2017-18 or 2018-19 or both the years. In addition, genotypes and crosses that were found to have minimum reduction in seed yield manifested tolerance to heat stress in terminal stage (had lowest HSI, Highest HTE and Highest STI). It may be mentioned here that heat tolerance in crop plants is developmentally regulated and is known to be stage specific phenomena, meaning tolerance at one stage of plant development may not be correlated with tolerance at the other developmental stages
(Wahid et al., 2007). Results of the present study showed similarities with the findings of
Sharma et al., (2013) who reported that minimum yield reduction was realized in the genotypes which had the highest HTE and the lowest HSI. In similar studies, most of the findings
(Sio-Se et al., 2006) showed that genotypes with lowest HSI was most tolerant than the highest HSI. In the same way
Sharma et al., (2011, 2012) reported heat susceptible varieties had high values (HSI >1) while resistant varieties had lower values.