Fourty-nine traits were observed in twenty-seven germplasm to establish distinctiveness among germplasm and these are presented below.
Morphological characterization
Qualitative characters are important for the definition of plants and are mainly influenced by consumer preference, socio economic scenario and natural selection
(Ismaeel et al., 2016). Frequency distribution for 39 qualitative traits is depicted in (Table 2). Most of the morphological characters display variability in different accessions, with the exception of Basal sheath colour, Leaf collar, Leaf collar anthocyanin colouration and Leaf Ligule. A majority of accessions possess green (96.30%) coleoptile colour, purple colour coleoptiles found in (karupu kavuni) 3.70% of plant as a unique genotype because more than 95% of the purple coleoptile colour plant is resistant to insect pest
i.e. brown plant hopper (Bph) (
Bennet 1994) while in wheat purple colour of coleoptile is reportedly related with resistance to bunt. (
Shoeva and Elena, 2015).
The observations for leaf traits were recorded as leaf anthocyanin colouration (88% present), leaf distribution of anthocyanin colouration (81% Uniform), leaf sheath anthocyanin coloration (88% present), leaf auricles (85% Present), leaf anthocyanin coloration of auricles (85% colourless), leaf colour of ligule (96% white), leaf intensity of green colour (40% Medium, 33% light, 26% dark), leaf sheath intensity of anthocyanin coloration (44% medium, 30% weak, 26% strong), leaf pubescence of blade surface (52% medium, 33% strong, 14% weak,) leaf shape of ligule (52% acute, 30% split, 18% truncate), Similar type of work was also reported (
Bisne and Sarawgi, 2008;
Ahmed et al., 2016) and some of the accessions possessed various distributions were found in
(Shrivastava et al., 2015). Culm attitude is an indicator of the growth habit of a particular species. During the current study valuable variation was observed among the accessions for culm angle (
Rawte and Saxena, 2018). Culm attitude (for floating rice) (81% procurement), culm attitude (40% erect, 19% semi erect, 4% spreading)
(Fonseca et al., 2002). Time of heading 50% of plants with panicles were observed and noticed that 52% landraces are medium type, 44% landraces are very late type and 3% (Arupatham kuruvai) landraces were of early and a short duration variety. Flag leaf: attitude of blade (early observation) (48% semi erect, 30% horizontal, 18% erect, 3% drooping), Spikelet: density of pubescence of lemma (55% absent, 18% medium, 14% strong, 7% weak, 3% very strong), Spikelet: colour of stigma (30% light green, 7% yellow and purple)
(Nascimento et al., 2011) Stem: Thickness (59% thick, 29% thin, 11% medium), Panicle: length of main axis (19% medium, 15% very short, 7% long and very long), Flag leaf: attitude of blade (late observation) (19% semi erect, 15% erect, 3% horizontal and deflexed), panicle curvature of main axis (19 semi straight, 15% straight, 7% drooping), spikelet colour of tip of lemma (15% brown and black, 7% yellowish, 4% purple, 3% straw), Lemma and Palea: colour (11% purple and black, 3.40% reddish, gold and brown), Panicle: presence of secondary branching (30% present, 7% absent)
(Ndour et al., 2016), Panicle: secondary branching (22% weak, 7% strong), In the traditional growing areas of Asia, rices of various colors-red, black, brown, yellow and green have been known and grown, but for the present day generation, rice connotes pearly white grain. Colored rices have been preferred in the past for their special features such as medicinal value and exclusive taste. Flavoured, black rices were the favourites of the royals of China, while red rices were preferred by people in many parts of India, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. (
Rood, 2000) Decorticated grain: colour (44% light brown, 30% white, 11% dark brown and light red, 7% variegated brown)
(Rao et al., 2013; Tirkey et al., 2013; Mondal et al., 2014; Manjunatha et al., 2016; Kalyan et al., 2017; Umarani et al., 2017) and similar results has been reported earlier and some morphological characters showed similar type of variations in different accessions such as Lemma: anthocyanin colouration of keel, Lemma: anthocyanin colouration of area below apex, Lemma: anthocyanin colouration of apex.
Agronomic characterization
The quantitative characters also showed wide variation among all varieties (Table 2). Most of the Agronomic characters exhibited variations in various accessions except grain length. A majority of accessions were found to possess Grain: width (92.59% very narrow) and the balance 7.40% narrow genotypes possess kattu yanam and karudan samba. Leaf: length of blade (48% medium, 33% long, 19% short), Leaf: width of Blade (59% narrow, 26% broad, 15% medium), Stem: length (excluding panicle; excluding floating rice) (55% short), Panicle: number per plant (22% few, 19% medium), Grain: weight of 1000 fully developed grains consist of 19% medium, 15% low, 7% high, 7% (Illaapai poo samba (14.59 gram) and Milagu samba (14.84 gram) very low) and 3% (Mapillai Samba (30.41 gram) very high). By compare with the hybrid varieties, hybrid had higher grain weight than inbred varieties but traditional rice varieties have more over high in inbred and hybrid varieties
(Lu et al., 2020).
According to the DUS protocol decorticated rice grain length and width have been grouped into three categories short grains, medium grain and long grain, in decorticated grain width 70% of the accessions possessed medium and others were found various distributions. Decorticated grain: length possessed 52% short, 44% medium, 3% long. Seed shape have been used to differentiate the rice genotypes by various researchers (
Bhattacharya and sowbhagya, 1980) Decorticated grain: shape (63% of the varieties are short slender, 22% long slender and 11% possess Long slender (For Basmati type) Extra-long slender variety (sorna masuri, kattue vallai and kuzhiadichan)
(Komala et al., 2017).