Plant height
Establishment method
The height of rice plant was increased progressively as the age of crop advanced (Table 1). Significantly higher plant height was recorded under TPR followed by SRI and WDSR during both the years of study at 30 and 60 DAS/DAT stages. At 90 DAS/DAT, the maximum plant height was found under TPR which is statistically at par with SRI followed by DSR during both the years of study. The highest plant height at harvest was recorded with TPR and SRI for 2018 and 2019, respectively but both were comparable. Greater plant height in TPR was because of less competition for nutrients, between the crop and weed for space and sunlight compared to direct seeded and wet direct seeded method of rice cultivation. In addition, the rice seedlings were transplanted at a specific distance in the transplanting method, which allowed the rice crop to take advantage of maximum solar radiation and more area for better root growth and penetration, resulting in efficient use of uptaken nutrients, whereas in the direct seeded rice and wet-direct seeded rice methods, the appropriate plant to plant distance was not maintained because seeds were either drilled or sown directly. These findings are consistent with those of
Kumhar et al. (2016); Ali et al. (2012) and
Yadav et al. (2009).
Nutrient management practices
The maximum plant height was observed under 150% RDF at all the crop growth stage of rice during 2018 and 2019 (Table 1). The increase in plant height with application of 150% RDF might be due to additional supply of nutrients which might have increased nutrient uptake and better translocation which would have increased the cell division, elongation and photosynthesis. The results confirm the findings of
Manzoor et al. (2006); Mirza et al. (2010) and
Sowmyalatha et al. (2012).
Number of tillers
Establishment method
At 30 DAS/DAT, DSR recorded 12.3 and 6.4% more tillers m-2 during 2018 and 2019, respectively over TPR. At 60 and 90 DAS/DAT stage, DSR gave significantly higher number of tillers m
-2 which was significantly superior over other methods of rice cultivation in year 2018 and 2019 (Table 2). Tillers were much higher in DSR compared to other rice establishment methods at all the phases of crop growth. This might be attributed to the direct seeded method’s slighter plant to plant distance as compared to the transplanted and system of rice intensification methods, which caused higher number of tillers. These findings are consistent with those of
Thakur et al. (2004) and
Rashid et al. (2009). Conversely, in transplanted method root damage due to nursery uprooting and transplanting trauma reduced early growth and vigour in transplanted method
(Ishfaq et al., 2020).
Nutrient management practices
The highest number of tillers m
-2 was noted under 150% RDF as compared to remaining nutrient management practices at 30, 60 and 90 DAS/DAT stages of 2018 and 2019. Higher number of tillers with application of 150% RDF might be due to the fact that the inorganic fertilization has quick, adequate and easy nutrient supplying capacity to the crop which cop up with the demand of crop resulting improved number of tillers and dry matter accumulation. Similar results were reported by
Songyikhangsuthor et al. (2014) and
Joshi et al. (2019).
Interaction effect
The interaction effect of different establishment method and nutrient management practices found to be significant at 60 DAS/DAT stage of rice crop during both the years. DSR with application of 150% RDF gave the highest number of tllers m
-2 during 2018 (Fig 1) and 2019 which is significantly superior over all other treatment combination during 2018 and 2019 except DSR with application of RDF+5 t FYM (Fig 2).
Dry matter accumulation
Establishment method
Data presented in Table 3 showed that dry matter accumulation (DMA) increased with increasing crop age till maturity under various rice growing methods. At 30 DAS/DAT stage, the highest dry matter was recorded under TPR which is superior over all the other rice establishment methods. At 60, 90 DAS/DAT and at harvest stages, DSR gave the highest DMA which was significantly superior over other establishment methods followed by TPR during both the year of study. Higher DMA with DSR as compared to other establishment methods was due to higher number of effective tillers and vigorous vegetative growth. Similar findings have been made by
Gill et al. (2006 a and b) and
Sharma et al. (2016).
Nutrient management practices
Maximum DMA was recorded in RDF+5 t FYM at 30 DAS/DAT. However at 60 and 90 DAS/DAT and at harvest stage, 150% RDF recorded the maximum DMA (Table 3). Application of 150% RDF resulted in a larger amount of dry matter buildup might be due to the fact that inorganic fertilization provides a rapid, adequate and easy nutrient-supply capacity for the crop, which enhances crop dry matter accumulation. Furthermore, a larger nitrogen supply may have aided in the maintenance of a better condition for photosynthetic activity in the leaves. In addition, enough nitrogen delivery aids in cell elongation and multiplication, which increased the growth characteristics of rice plants grown under nutrient management practices of 150% RDF. These findings are similar to those of
Sowmyalatha et al. (2012); Songyikhangsuthor et al. (2014) and
Joshi et al. (2019).
Crop growth rate (g m-2 day-1)
Establishment method
During both the years, DSR had higher crop growth rate (CGR) than other establishement methods at all the observations except 60- 90 DAS/DAT stage during 2019 and 90 DAS/DAT- At harvest stage during 2018 (Table 4). The variable trends in CGR at different observations were due to the variation in accumulated dry matter per day.
Nutrient management practices
Different nutrient management practices had a significant influence on CGR of rice at 30-60 DAS/DAT stage only during both the years of study (Table 4). During both the years of study, greater CGR was seen under 150% RDF over other practices at 30-60 DAS/DAT stage. However, the nutrient management practices had no significant influence on crop growth rate at 60-90 DAS/DAT and 90 DAS/DAT to harvest stage of rice during both the year of study.
Relative growth rate (g g-1 day-1)
Establishment method
Data pertaining to relative growth rate (RGR) of rice at 30-60, 60-90 DAS/DAT and 90 DAS/DAT to harvest varied significantly due to differennt establishment methods during both the year of study (Table-5). The maximum RGR was noted under DSR at all the stages of rice growth which was due to higher dry matter accumulation in this treatment except 30 DAS/DAT.
Ishfaq et al. (2020) also reported that DSR achieved higher relative growth rate than TPR, as observed in our study.
Nutrient management practices
The highest RGR was recorded in 150% RDF over other nutrient management practices but statistically at par with RDF+5 t FYM at all the crop growth stages during both the years (Table 5). The lowest value of relative growth rate was observed under 100% RDF at all the stage of crop growth stages during both the years of study. As dry matter production was the highest with 150% RDF, so RGR was higher with this treament. The results are supported by the findings of
Dissanayke et al. (2014) and
Jeyajothi and Durairaj (2015).