Study area
The water footprint of groundnut varieties cultivated in Tiruchirapalli District of Tamil Nadu, India was estimated in this study. Tiruchirappalli District is a centrally located district in Tamil Nadu State, has an area of 4403.83 km
2. The topography of Tiruchirappalli District is almost plain except for the short range of Pachaimalai hills in the North. Tiruchirapalli district is located between 10
o00'N and 11
o 30'N and 77
o45'E and 78
o50'E and 78 m above mean sea level. Tiruchirappalli district is agriculturally rich due to the availability of fertile lands and presence of perennial rivers. Agriculture is the main occupation of major population in the study area. Agriculture sector provides the major source of income to the population and the major crops are paddy, banana, sugarcane, cotton, groundnut, maize
etc. Oilseeds are also one of the major crops cultivated in the study area. It includes groundnut (6232 ha), gingely (1567 ha), castor (255 ha) and sunflower (85 ha) crops. Fig 1 shows the district area coverage of oilseeds in which groundnut is the major oil seed crop cultivated in the study area. TMV and VRI are the promising varieties of groundnut cultivated. It is sown during the month of June-July (Anippattam) (
Kharif season) and December-January (Margazhipattam) (
Rabi season). TMV 7, VRI 2, VRI Gn 5, VRI Gn 6, TMV Gn 13 are the varieties sown during June-July. TMV 7, CO 3, CO Gn 4, VRI 2, VRI 3, ALR 3, VRI Gn 5, VRI Gn 6, TMV Gn 13 are the varieties sown during December-January. A detailed description of the varieties
via duration (days), average yield of pods under rainfed and irrigated condition (kg/ha), shelling percentage and oil content percentage is given in Table 1 and 2.
Estimation of crop water requirement using CROPWAT 8.0
CROPWAT 8.0 was used to estimate the crop water requirement. Firstly, monthly reference evapotranspiration was estimated by Penman Monteith equation
(Allen et al., 1998) in CROPWAT 8.0 window from the meteorological data collected from the observatory. The equation for estimating the daily grass-reference evapotranspiration is given as follows:

0 = Reference evapotranspiration [mm day
-1], R
n = Net radiation at the crop surface [MJ m
-2 day
-1], G = Soil heat flux density [MJ m
-2 day
-1], T = Mean daily air temperature [°C], u = Wind speed at 2 m height [m s
-1], e
s = Saturation vapour pressure [kPa], e
a = Actual vapour pressure [kPa], e
a= Saturation vapour pressure deficit [kPa], D = Slope of vapour pressure curve [kPa °C
-1], g= Psychrometric constant [kPa °C
The full dataset for 22 years (1995-2017) collected from the meteorological observatory located at Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, Lalgudi Taluk, Trichy were used in estimating reference evapotranspiration.
The effective rainfall (P
eff) was calculated by using Soil Conservation Service method of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA SCS) as it is one of the most widely used methods. The rainfall data for 22 years (1995-2017) was also collected from the meteorological observatory located at Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute, Kumulur, Lalgudi Taluk, Trichy.
The crop evapotranspiration (ET
c) under optimal conditions was estimated which is equal to crop water requirement (CWR). Optimal means disease-free, well-fertilized crops, grown in large fields, under optimum soil water conditions and achieving full production under the given climatic conditions. ET
c was estimated at a ten day time step throughout the total growing season as mentioned by
Michael (1978) as follows:
ETC = ET0 KC ..........(2)
o= Represents the reference evapotranspiration and K
c= Refers to the crop coefficient. The crop coefficient is calculated by two methods as explained below.
FAO56 Tabulated Kc
Crop coefficients are used to estimate the crop water requirement. Generally, the value of crop coefficient is taken from the FAO Crop Evapotranspiration guidelines
(Allen et al., 1998) for different crops at different stages and the crop water requirement is calculated. The value of Kc for groundnut was taken from the tabulated K
c values given in the FAO Crop Evapotranspiration guidelines (Allen
et al., 1998) for different crops at different stages.
Estimation of blue and green water evapotranspiration
Subsequently the green water evapotranspiration (ET
green) was calculated as the minimum of total crop evapotranspiration (ET
c) and effective rainfall (P
eff), with a ten day time step. The total green water evapotranspiration is obtained by summing up ET
green over the growing period
(Hoekstra et al., 2011).
ETgreen = min (ETc, Peff) ..........(3)
The blue water evapotranspiration (ET
blue) is estimated as the difference between the total crop evapotranspiration (ET
c) and the total effective rainfall (P
eff) on a daily basis
(Hoekstra et al., 2011).
ETblue = max (0, ETc-Peff) ..........(4)
When the effective rainfall is greater than the crop total crop evapotranspiration, ET
blue is equal to zero. The total blue water evapotranspiration is obtained by adding ET
blue over the whole growing period
(Hoekstra et al., 2011).
Estimation of crop water footprint
The water footprint of a product is defined as the total volume of fresh water that is used directly or indirectly to produce the product. The estimated crop evapotranspiration in mm is converted to m
3 ha
-1 by applying a factor 10 which is called as crop water use
(Hoekstra et al., 2011).
CWUgreen = 10* ETgreen ..........(5)
CWUblue = 10* ETblue ..........(6)
The green component in the process water footprint of a crop (WF
proc,green, m
3 ton
-1) was calculated as the green component in crop water use (CWU
green, m
3 ha
-1) divided by the crop yield Y (ton ha
-1). The blue component of water footprint (WF
proc,blue, m
3 ton
-1) was also calculated from blue component in crop water use (CWU
green, m
3 ha
-1) in the similar way. The equations used are listed below
(Hoekstra et al., 2011).

The yield under rainfed and irrigated conditions for different varieties is shown in Table 1 and 2, respectively. Thus the crop water footprint for groundnut varieties is estimated by the above methodology.
