The present investigation was carried out through hydroponics and aeroponics for hybrid seed production of tomato (
Solanum lycopersicum L), during 2017-19 at National Seed Project, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore. The experiment consisted of 12 treatments.
Treatment details of the experiment
Parental lines and seed treatment
Two female lines
viz., TAG 1F and TAG 2F with their respective pollen parents (TAG 1M and TAG 2M) were collected from the BASF Nunhems Pvt Ltd and stored at -20°C for further usage. Seeds were subjected to seed treatment and dived into untreated control and treated (thiram @ 2g kg
-1 and chlorpyrifos @ 3g kg
-1 and dried in shade).
Methods of hybrid seed production
Conventional method
The field experimental plot contains 12 blocks with the net plot size of 5.4 × 3.6 m and the gross plot size is 6.4 × 4.5 m. Tomato plants were at a row spacing of 0.9 m and 0.6 m between plants within a row. At the time of transplanting, urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash were applied as the basal dose of nitrogenous, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer as per the recommended package of practices of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (100:100:100 NPK/ha) for open field cultivation. Nitrogen was supplied as urea in three splits such as 50 per cent basal (during transplanting), 25 per cent each at 30 and 60 DAT (Days After Transplanting) respectively. The entire quantity of P and K were applied basally during transplanting.
Hydroponics method
In the drip system, pots were fitted with sponges. Twenty-eight days old seedlings were transplanted into each pot, connected with drip along with the timer for delivering Hoagland’s nutrient solution for 3 hours per day (Morning-45 min, afternoon-90 min and night-45 min).
Aeroponics method
The experiment in aeroponics contains six chambers with the individual timer and motor. Twenty-eight days old seedlings were placed on the foam sheet. Six plants were accommodated per chamber, Hoagland nutrient solution was sprayed to root zone at an interval of 30:360 sec and 30:180 sec on and off-cycle in morning and night respectively (Fig 1).
Seed quality parameters
Test weight (g), seed size were analysed under BIOVIS PSM Seed Image Analyser for average seed length and seed width of 100 seeds for each replication, seed germination (%) (
Anonymous, 2017) seedling vigour index I (
Abdul Baki and Anderson, 1973).
Cost and benefit analysis
Cost of cultivation was calculated based on 1) Variable cost which varies with the level of production like labour cost, land preparation, pollination labour cost, seedling/seeds, fertilizers, nutrient solution, plant protection chemicals, staking materials, pruning and miscellaneous. 2) Fixed cost is the cost that does not vary with the level of production
viz., land revenue, managerial cost, risk premium, amortized establishment cost. Amortization is an accounting technique that reduces cumulative establishment cost at a discount rate over the economic life of the plantation. Net house (15 years), staking iron roads (20 years), sponge for hydroponics (3 years) and others (10 years) with the 4 % discount and annual maintenance cost.
A - Amortized establishment cost.
P - Establishment cost.
i - Discount rate.
t - Economic life.
The number of labours was calculated based on the number of plants and operation involved in the particular method of hybrid seed production. The average salary was 280 Rs Day
-1 except for pollination where skilled labours were employed with an average salary of 300 Rs Day
-1. The cost of fertilizers used for the soilless system was calculated based on the average amount of nutrients consumed.
The benefit was analyzed and gross returns, net returns, returns per rupee of variable cost, returns per rupee of cost of cultivation, incremental cost, incremental benefit and incremental benefit-cost were computed.
Statistical analyses
The experimental data were statistically analysed by adopting Completely Randomized Design with Factorial concept (FCRD) as per Gomez and Gomez adopting “Fisher Analysis of Variance Technique” with the Critical difference values were computed at 5% level wherever F test was significant.